Jus gentium 万民法
Law of nations万国法
Public International law国际公法
万圣节英语怎么说Hugo Grotius胡果·格劳秀斯
Universal// general// special international law
Features of international law 国际法的特征
Natures of international law 国际法的性质International comity 国际礼让
codification of international law国际法的编纂International Law Commission(the ILC)(联合国)国际法委员会
Effects of IL 国际法的效力
x masThe basis of international law 国际法的效力根据
Naturalists 自然法学派
Positivists 实在法学派
Gratians 格老秀斯派(Compromi school“折中”学派)social solidarity school社会连带法学派
theory of power politics权力政治说
theory of policy-oriented政策定向说
Congress of Westphalia 威斯特伐利亚公会
sources of international law国际法的渊源International custom国际习惯
material element“物质因素”
psychological element“心理因素”
general practice通例
opinio juris“法律确信”
resolutions of international organizations国际组织的决议General principles of law一般法律原则
judicial decisions 司法判例
The teachings//writings of publicists 公法学家学说
Contractual treaty 契约性条约
Law-making treaty 造法性条约
Application of IL 国际法的适用
The relationship between international and domestic// municipal law国际法与国内法的关系
Monism 一元论Dualism 二元论
transformation转化(把国际法规则内容制定为国内法规则)国际法的基本原则Fundamental principles of international law
jus cogens强行法,亦称强制规律peremptory norm
Principle of sovereign equality主权平等原则
principle of non-intervention不干内政原则
internal affairs内政
matters within domestic jurisdiction国内管辖之事件"Humanitarian" intervention “人道主义”干涉Principle of lf-determination民族自决原则
The subjects of international law国际法主体International personality国际人格者
Permanent population固定的居民
Defined territory 确定的领土
Government 政府
Unitary state 单一国
Composite states//union of states复合国//国家的联合Dependent country 附属国
Federation 联邦
Confederation 联邦
Permanent neutralized state永久中立国British Commonwealth of Nations英联邦French Community法兰西共同体
Vassal state 附庸国
Suzerain state 宗主国
Protected//protecting state FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF STATES
Right of independence 独立权
Right of equality 平等权
Right of lf-defen 自卫权
Right of lf-prervation自保权
Right of jurisdiction 管辖权
Territorial jurisdiction /jurisdiction bad on residence领域管辖/属地管辖
Personal jurisdiction/jurisdiction bad on citizenship 属人管辖/国籍管辖
Protective jurisdiction 保护性管辖
Universal jurisdiction 普遍管辖
State immunity 国家豁免权
par in parem non habet imperium拉丁语,“平等者之间无管辖权”
The doctrine of absolute immunity绝对豁免原则
espyThe doctrine of relative or restrictive immunity 相对豁免原则RECOGNITION AND SUCCESSION
recognition of states and governments国家和政府的承认States succession 国家继承
territorial change 领土变更
Unconstitutional regime change不合宪法的政权更迭
Constitutive theory 构成说
Declaratory theory 宣告说助理造价工程师
De jure recognition 法律上承认
De facto recognition 事实上承认
Effective control 有效统治
Principle of effectiveness 有效统治原则
doctrine of non- recognition不承认主义,如,史汀生主义(the Stimson doctrine )
Estrada doctrine 艾斯特拉达主义——墨西哥的实践Recognition of national liberation movement
Insurgent body 叛乱团体Belligerent body 交战团体Personal treaty 人身条约
dispositive//non-personal treaties非人身条约
The clean s/plate rule 白板规则
State property 国家财产State debt 国家债务Localized state debt 地方化债务
malicious debt“恶债”
State archives 国家档案
国际法律责任responsibility in international law Internationally wrongful acts 国际不法行为i
nternational crimes国际罪行
subjective responsibility主观责任说
objective responsibility客观责任说
affinityImputability//attributability可归责性或可归因性limitations of sovereignty限制主权
liability for acts of international damage 国际损害行为的责任
activities not prohibited by international law 国际法不加禁止行为
state territory 国家领土
Territory 领土
territorial sovereignty 领土主权
the acquisition and change of territory领土的取得与变更Occupation先占
Terra nullius无主地
Effective occupation有效占领
Self-determination of peoples民族自决
condominium 共管lea租借
Sphere of influence势力范围
International rvitude国际地役
Boundary and frontier 边界与边境
Antarctic Treaty System “南极条约体系”
The ctor principle 扇形原则
The law of the a 海洋法
The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea 《联合国海洋法公约》
Territorial a领海
Normal baline正常基线,亦称“低潮线”the low water line Straight baline 直线基线
法航447空难Innocent passage无害通过
Contiguous Zone 毗连区
Exclusive economic zone 专属经济区(EEZ )Continental shelf 大陆架