我是Resident Alien 还是Non-Resident Alien?
毫无疑问,RA福利多多!两者的区别:第一,RA享受各种税务减免(standarditemized deduction)比NR多。第二,RA可以和spouquotas联合报税,并且享受所有dependent的exemption。
Non-Resident Alien的税表使用:
1. 1040NREZ/1040NR
2. 8233前$5000免联邦税表格(tax treaty)
来源于一项84年赵紫阳签订的中美协定,在美留学的student和trainee可享受5000美金收入的免税政策。如果你每年年初有提交8233表,你会在年初的头几个paystub上发现tax deduction部分为零。说明你的头5000美金的工资没有收取联邦税。这个表示在每财政年度年初填写的,填好后需要交个自己的雇主,由雇主提交给IRS。比如2014年2月我打算报2013的税,突然发现忘了申请taxtreaty,这时候就无法再填写8233了,因为8233必须在2012年初提交。
3. 8843证明自己的non-resident身份的表格。
Resident Alien指在美国五年以上的F(包括CPT/OPT)签证或H类型签证,填写表格有:
1. 1040联邦税退税表格
2. 8233 F需要填写,羡慕英文H划蝽科类型签证不需要填写,也不能减免前5000税费
3. 8833如果年初已经填写8233并享受了taxtreaty待遇,就不需要再填写8833.否则,需要附上8833。填写方法见附录1.
我是否享受了tax treaty?
最直接的方法是对比W2上联邦税收入(第一栏)和州税收入(第16栏),如果前者少了5000左右,恭喜你!因为你提前填过8233减税表格,说明你的头5000美金的工资没有被扣取联邦税。在填1040的grossincome就按照W2的第一栏填写即可。vitamin d
1. 如果你是NR,需要将W2第一栏减去5000最为你的grossincome填入1040NR,并在第六栏填写5000,及J(1)栏填写Article20(c).
2. 如果你是ResidentAlien,需要在1040的21栏填写“Seeattached 8833”和“-5000”。这样最后的adjustedgross income可以减去这5000刀的免税部分。并补充etn8833表格,具体填法见附录1.
第一部分填写自己的基本信息,第二部分第12栏a填写US/ChinaArticle 20(C)
Department of theTreasury
Internal RevenueService
OMB Philadelphia, PA19255-0725
$5000的中美tax treaty能减state tax吗?
各州的规定不同据小编搜集的信息,以下州的州税不能用US treatyyeah是什么意思减免:
1)Alabama,2) Arkansas, 3) California, 4) Connecticut, 5) Hawaii, 6) Kansas, 7) Kentucky,8) Maryland, 9) Mississippi, 10) Montana, 11) New Jery, 12) North Dakota, an
d13) Pennsylvania.
我从F1转成OPT 或F1转成H1B签证了怎么报税?
F1转H1的那年大部分情况下是仍然作为non-residentalien报税,除非你在F1状态5年以上已经成为resident alien或者你在转换身份那年和US resident或resident alien结婚并共同报税。
H1和asiqF1结婚夫妻可以一起算resident alien用1040联合报税,F1还可以减免前5000的联邦税。
如果有dependent 只有resident alien报1040表格的时候才可以用dependent减免税费
Opt/cpt 期间被扣了social curity和medical tax怎么办?
Opt/cpt 期间仍属于F1学生签证身份,不需要支付这两项税费,但是有时候有的美国公司给留学生报税不多,不熟悉业务所以把这两项税费扣掉了,所以到退税的时候可以填写843表格申请退还。
需要的材料有,你的雇主提供的statement说明雇主是否已退回多扣的税费,金额为多少,如果你的雇主拒绝为你提供这样的statement,你需要自己提供一份statement,解释你多交的税费为多少,你为什么不用交medicare and social curity tax(因为F1学生免交social curity and medicare tax)要求退回这些税费以及解释你为什么不能拿到雇主statement,另外还需要提供W2表格的复印件以及F1VISA复印件.
I am a non-resident alien student on an F-1 visa. Section 3121(b)(19)of the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations there under state that a non-resident alien student on an F-1 visa is not liable for paying Social Security and Medicare taxes on his wages for as long as he is a non-resident alien under the residency rules stated in Section 7701(b) of the Internal Revenue Code. Under Section 7701(b), a foreign student on an F-1 visa becomes a resident alien after five calendar years in the U.S. state that for calendar year XXXX I was a nonresident alien student and not liable for the Social Security and Medicare tax. I have asked my employer for a refund of the taxes and been refud.
申请低收入劳力所得补助(earned-income tax credit)?
外交人员、持F1学生签证及J1交换学者签证,都不包括在居民外国人(resident alien),也就是不须申报所得税表。但若外国学生在校内打工,工资被预扣税(tax-withhold),可
附录1. 8833表格填写方法:
1. 个人信息正常填写。
2. 在own怎么读“Thetaxpayer is disclosing a treaty-bad return position as required by ction6114”选项上打钩。
3. USresident打钩
4. 第一栏,P.R.China, article20( c ), paragraph 2, 04-30-84 protocol
5. 第二栏,IRC61;871( b )
6. 第三,四栏空
7. 第五栏,No
8. 第六栏,填写statement,范例如下:
1. I am a citizen of P.R.China, andentered the US in Feb. 2009 as a student on F-1 visa. I maintained the F-1status since then. I am prent in the US for the purpo of pursuing Ph.D atUniversity of Maryland, College Park. I am not a US citizen and have not beenlawfully accorded the privilege of residing permanently in US as animmigrant. I have become a residentalien for tax purpos starting 2014 under the substantial prence test of IRC7701(b), becau my stay in the US exceeds five years.
2. Article 20(c) of the USA-Chinaincome tax treaty allows an annual $5000 exemption of student wages from grossincome for personal rvices.
3. Paragraph(2) of the 04-30-1984protocol of the USA-China income tax treaty contains the "savingclau" of the treaty, which normally acts to nullify the tax treaty'sbenefits once a resident of China has become a resident of US. However,paragraph (2) of the protocol also specifies exceptions to the saving clau,among which is article 20 on student and trainees. This means that, even thoughI have become a resident alien under the substantial prence test of IRC7701(b), I may still claim the benefits of article 20 of the USA-China incometax treaty.
4. I have elected to do this, andclaim an exclusion from gross income for 2013 of $5000 in student wages asallowed by article 20(c) of the USA-China income tax treaty.