This form is for u outside the UK only This form is provided free of charge.For official u only
外籍家教This form must be completed in blue or black ink.
Plea ensure you submit all relevant, original documents as indicated in the ctions. It is better to explain why you do not have a document than to submit a fal document. Your application will be automatically refud and you may be banned from coming to the UK for 10 years if you u a fal document, lie or withhold relevant information. You may also be banned if you have breached immigration laws in the UK.
An applicant aged over 16 can choo to apply either as a Child (Student) or a (General) Student and meet the appropriate criteria.
Plea ensure you also complete the main Personal Details form.
1.1 Given name(s)
1.2 Family name
About You
Parent/Guardian 2 (if applicable)
2.6 Give your parent or guardian’s family name
Give your parent or guardian’s given name
Parent/Guardian 1
2.1 Give your parent or guardian’s given name >>>>>>>>>>>
Give your parent or guardian’s family name
2.4 Give details of your relationship to your guardian
2.3 Give your parent or guardian’s full contact address, including postal code.
Part 2Parent/Guardian details
to be completed only where the applicant is 16 or 17 years old.
2.7 Give your parent or guardian’s full contact address, including postal code.
2.8 Give details of your relationship to your guardian
2.9 Give the full address of where you will be residing in the UK including the postal code. If this is not known and your sponsor is arranging your accommodation give the contact details of the person doing this, and/or the temporary address you will u on arrival.
2.10 You must provide a letter of connt to this application from your parent(s) or legal guardian. Put a cross (X) in the box to confirm you have done so (See the Tier 4 Policy Guidance for
details of what this must contain).
Part 3
Tier 4 Sponsor (Education Provider) contact details
3.1 Give the full name of your Tier 4 Sponsor
3.2 Give your Tier 4 Sponsor’s Licence Number >>>>>>>>>>
3.3 Give the full address of your Tier 4 Sponsor including
postal code
2.12 Provide full details of up to two adults who will accompany you Full name Full name
Telephone No.Telephone No.
Nationality Nationality
Passport No Passport No
thyExact relationship to you Exact relationship to you
Address including postal code Address including postal code
2.11 Will you be travelling to the UK alone?
Put a cross in the relevant box
Yes -
Go to Part 3
No - Complete Question 2.12
Cour details
stabiloPart 5Attributes You should refer to the Immigration Rules and the Tier 4 Policy Guidance.
You require 30 points from this part, or your application will be refud.
5.1 Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) Select to confirm you are claiming points for having a valid Confirmation >>> of Acceptance for Studies,
Put a cross (x) in the box
5.6 Are you coming to the UK to study an English language qualification at the correct level, as stated in guidance or to study
Put a cross (X) in the relevant box.
English Language cour
ATAS certificate
5.7 Have you been assd by means of an academic/professional reference? If so you must provide evidence of each of the references listed in the Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies.
Put a cross (X) in the relevant box to indicate what you have provided.
The original reference
Go to Part 6
Not Applicable
A copy of the reference together with an original letter from your
sponsor confirming it is a true copy. Go to Part 6
5.8 Are you required to obtain permission from the Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS)? (See the Tier 4 Policy Guidance for the circumstances when this is required) Put a cross (X) in the relevant box.
No -
Go to Question 5.8
No - Go to Part 6
Yes - Go to Question 5.7
Yes - Go to Question 5.9
5.5 Have you been assd by your sponsor by other means, for example by progress on a continuing cour of study, as
part of a study abroad programme, by your sponsor’s internal test, a portfolio of artwork, or other means (state which)? (Plea do not submit this) Put a cross (X) in the relevant box.
No - Go to Question 5.6
Yes - Say how you have been assd in the space below
then Go to Question 5.6
flatmate>hussar5.4 You must nd all of the original certificate(s) of qualification and/or original transcripts of results that are >>>>>>>
listed in the CAS. You must get this information from your Tier 4 sponsor.Put a cross (X) in the box to confirm you have done so
5.3 Confirm which of the following options applies. Put a cross (x) in the relevant box
Studying - Go to Question 5.4
Undertaking a foundation cour as a Postgraduate Doctor
or Dentist - Go to Question 5.11
Undertaking a post as a Sabbatical Officer
Go to Question 5.10
5.9 Put a cross (X) in the box to confirm you have provided the original of your Academic Technology Approval
Scheme (ATAS) clearance certificate. Then Go to Part 6
5.2 What is your Confirmation of Acceptance >>>>>>>
for Studies Number?
4.1 Give the title of your cour of study
4.4 Give the full address of your primary site of study, including
postal code. See the Tier 4 Policy Guidance for an explanation of
primary site of study.
4.3 Give the start and end dates for your cour of study >>>
4.2 Give the academic level of the cour or qualification
awarded when the cour is finished. For example the National
Qualification Framework level; or for English language cour the
CEFR level should be B2.
Maintenance (Funds) You must have a minimum level of funds to cover your cour fees and support
yourlf. You should refer to the Immigration Rules and the Tier 4 Policy Guidance. You need 10 points from this part, or your application will be refud.
6.1 How much are the fees for your cour of study? The figure should be the same as in the CAS w
hich will be ud as the specified evidence for this. If you will be studying at a Residential Independent
School this will include cour fees and boarding or lodging fees.
6.2 Have any of your cour fees been paid? Put a cross (X) in the relevant box.
Yes - Paid to Overas Higher Education Institution (Zero fee on CAS) - Go to Question 6.3No -
Go to Question 6.4
Yes - Paid to UK Education Provider. Enter the amount in the
box below then -
Go to Question 6.3
Shown in the CAS
An official, original receipt
Put a cross (X) in the relevant box to show what document has been provided as evidence of payment.
Initial application –
Go to Question 6.6
Further period of study following a cour of less than six months (No reduced maintenance level) –
Go to Question 6.6Further period of study following a cour completed more than four months ago (No reduced maintenance level)
Go to Question 6.6
Further period of study following a cour of six months or more within your last period of leave and completed less than four months ago; or to complete an existing cour of study where you have studied at least six months of the cour and been studying within the last four months; or if you are applying to continue in Tier 4 as a sabbatical officer or as a Postgraduate Doctor or Dentist where you completed a cour that was at least six months duration within your last period of leave and this leave finished within the last four months. Go to Question 6.9
6.5 Put a cross (X) in the relevant box to confirm whether you are making an initial application or an extension application.
6.6 Initial application
Put a cross (X) in the relevant box to confirm your primary site of study. See the Tier 4 Policy Guidance for an explanation of the Inner
London Boroughs and how to asss your primary site of study.
Inside the Inner London Boroughs
Go to Question 6.7
Outside the Inner London Boroughs Go to Question 6.8
6.7 You must have £800 per month to cover >>>>>>>>>>>>> maintenance in the UK (up to a maximum of 9 months).
See the Tier 4 Policy Guidance for a full explanation of maintenance charges. Calculate the amount
you will require and enter this in the space provided. Go to Question 6.12
6.8 You must have £600 per month to cover maintenance in the UK (up to a maximum of 9 months).
See the Tier 4 Policy Guidance for a full explanation of maintenance charges. Calculate the amount you will require and enter this in the space provided.
Go to Question 6.12
6.4 Put a cross (X) in the box to confirm you have sufficient funds to cover all cour fees due for payment. >>>>>>>>>>>5.11 If you intend to be a Postgraduate Doctor or Dentist we will u the CAS from your sponsor provided in >>>>>>>>> Question 5.1. You must also provide an original letter from the relevant Postgraduate Dean. Put a cross (X) in the box to
confirm you have done so.
5.12 You must nd us all of the original certificate(s) and/or original transcripts of results of your United Kingdom >>>> qualification in Medicine or Dentistry that are listed in the CAS.
Put a cross (X) in the box to confirm you have done so.
fullversionPostgraduate Doctor or Dentist
• If you are beginning a new cour give the fees for the first year of the cour, or for the entire cour, if it less than one year’s duration.• If you are a applying for a further period of leave to continue an existing cour, give the cour fees that you still need to pay to the end of the current academic year, if you are part way through the year; or for the next academic year if you will continue on your cour at the start of the next academic year. If you have no cour fees to pay pu
t £0.00 in the box.
• If this will be part of a study abroad programme give any fees you will be required to pay to the UK education provider for the first year of your cour, or for the entire cour, if it is less than one year’s duration. • If you have no fees to pay the UK education provider put £0.00 in the box.
Sabbatical Officer
5.10 Put a cross (X) in the box to confirm you will be a Sabbatical Officer. Then Go to Part 6 We will u the Confirmation >> of Acceptance for Studies from your
sponsor, provided in Question 5.1, as evidence.
6.17 Do you have any fees and maintenance still due for payment? Put a cross (X) in the relevant box.
6.18 Do you have money in your own name?
Put a cross (X) in the relevant box.
Yes -
Complete the boxes below
Yes -
Go to question 6.20
Have money in own and parent / legal guardians bank
account. -
Go to question 6.19
No - No money due, no evidence needed
Go to Part 7No - Go to question 6.19
Cour fees >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Maintenance >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Total
Birth Certificate naming Student and Parent(s)
Certificate of adoption naming the student and the adoptive parent(s)
Court document naming the student and the legal guardian(s)
6.19 Put a cross (X) to confirm that you have provided a letter from your parent or legal guardian. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Put a cross (X) to confirm that you have provided one of the following pieces of evidence of the relationship.
Shown in the CAS
An original letter to confirm the financial sponsorship from
an official financial sponsor or Government sponsor.An official, original receipt
You are receiving official financial sponsorship from your Tier 4 licend sponsor (e.g. a scholarship or bursary), and details
of the financial sponsorship are included in the CAS.6.13 Put a cross (X) in the relevant box to show what document has been provided as evidence of payment.
6.15 Put a cross (X) in the relevant box to confirm what evidence of financial sponsorship you have provided.
6.10 You must have £800 per month to cover >>>>>>>>>>>>> maintenance in the UK (up to a maximum of 2 months).
towardsSee the Tier 4 Policy Guidance for a full explanation of maintenance charges. Calculate the amount you will require and enter this in the space provided. Go to Question 6.12
6.14 Showing funds
Do you receive support from a financial sponsor that meets the UK Border Agency definition of a financial sponsor? (See Tier 4 Policy Guidance for definitions) Put a cross (X) in the relevant box
6.11 You must have £600 per month to cover maintenance in the UK (up to a maximum of 2 months).
See the Tier 4 Policy Guidance for a full explanation of maintenance charges. Calculate the amount you will require and enter this in the space provided.
Go to Question 6.12
Yes -
Go to Question 6.15
No - Go to Question 6.17
6.12 Have any of your accommodation fees been paid to your sponsor?
Put a cross (X) in the relevant box.
Yes - Paid to Overas Higher Education Institution
Go to Question 6.13
Yes - Paid to UK Education Provider. Enter the amount in the box below then -
Go to Question 6.13
6.16 Complete the box(es) to indicate how much the official financial sponsor or Government sponsor is paying towards your expens.
For Cour fees
For Maintenance No -
Go to Question 6.14
6.9 Extension application (following a cour of six months or more and completed less than four months ago)
Put a cross (X) in the relevant box to confirm your primary site of study. See the Tier 4 Policy Guidan
ce for an explanation of the Inner
London Boroughs and how to asss your primary site of study.
Inside the Inner London Boroughs
Go to Question 6.10
Outside the Inner London Boroughs Go to Question 6.11