Ø 中国的发展不会妨碍任何人。
l obstruct: deliberately prevent (sb/sth) from making progress; put
difficulties in the way of (sb/sth)
l interfere (with sb): distract or hinder sb
l hinder: prevent the progress of (sb/sth), or obstruct/delay
p China’s dev e lopment hinders no one.
elopment hinders no one. p China’s development pos no hindrance to anyone.
p China’s development is no hindrance to anyone. p China’s development does not hinder anyone.
Ø 像中国这样的大国,她的发展有可能会引发一些矛盾和摩擦。
For a country as large as China, its development will possibly trigger some contradictions and frictions.
As timid as hare
Like a drowned rat
l 加快
Ø 世界经济的重组加快步伐。
The restructuring of the world economy is speeding up .
Ø 为此,中国将鼓励创新,加快商业化、工业化和国家化的进程。
For this purpo, China will encourage innovation to accelerate the
process of commercialization, industrialization and internationalization.
Ø 中国还将努力解决国民经济中的主要问题,加快我们科技事业的发展。
China will also make great efforts to solve the major problems in
the national economy, and
enhance the development of science and technology of our country.
如何送礼l 积极
Ø 加快科技成果转化,积极培养各级各类人才。
We should accelerate the transaction of science and technological
advances into productive forces, and make vigorous efforts to train people
in various fields at different levels of experti.
Ø 改善投资环境,积极引进境外资金。 We should improve the investment environment, and do all we can to
attract foreign funds.
l 意识/认识
Ø 我最后终于认识到这件事为何非做不可。
I came to realize
in the end why it must be done.
Ø 看起来她还没有意识到有多危险。
aware of the danger.
It ems that she is still not
Ø 他们意识到上司不赞成。
They were conscious that the boss disapproved
Ø 我意识到我没把收音机关掉。
It dawned on me that I had not turned off the radio.
l 有时候,汉语出现一连串表示“措施”意义的并列动宾结构,最后以一个目的状语结束。此时可使用变序法,把汉语句子里的最后一个表示目
Ø 我们应该互相尊重,树立信心,避免对抗,增加对话,以建立两国间长久的战略伙伴关系。
In order to establish long-term strategic partnership between the
two countries, we should respect each other, build up confidence, avoid confrontation and increa dialogue.
Ø 我们必须加强企业管理,提高生产效率,改善劳动条件,增强竞争意识,为中国加入世贸组织最好准备。
新华翻译社In order to get ourlves prepared for China’s entry into WTO, we
must strengthen our business management, rai efficiency in production,
improve working conditions, and enhance our n of competition.
l 有时候,汉语在出现多极谓语的时候,可以考虑把第一个谓语作为分词短语先译出来,其他谓语跟随逻辑主语出现在后面。
Ø 中俄两国应深化战略合作,促进经济贸易,加强文化交流。
Furthering strategic cooperation, China and Russia should promote
bilateral economy and trade, strengthen cultural communication.
illustratel 同位语或前置修饰语较长时,翻译时通常后移;当其修饰作用的同位语较短时,英译时不一定后移,可以放在前面。
Chine president and Ø 中共中央总书记、国家主席胡锦涛→Hu Jintao, C hine
General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China
Ø 奥斯卡获奖影片《美国丽人》→American Beauty, an Oscar Award winner
Ø 胡锦涛主席→President Hu Jintao
Ø 微软公司董事长比尔·盖茨→Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates
l 当我们要强调特指意义时,起修饰作用的同位语英译时也前置。
Ø 意大利著名旅游家马可·波罗→the famous Italian traveler Marco Polo
Ø 美国伟大的民权运动领袖小马丁·路德·金→the great American civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr.
6“断” “背” “删”原则
Ø 东方明珠广播电视塔位于黄浦江畔、浦东陆家嘴嘴尖上,塔高468米,三面环水,与外滩的万国建筑博览群隔江相望,是亚洲第一、世界第三
The Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower stands on the Huangpu
River and at the point of Lujiazui.(地理位置)(地理位置)Surrounded by waters on Surrounded by waters on three sides and facing a row of buildings of variegated Western
architectures in the Bund across the river, the 468-meter-high tower ranks韩语字母
first in Asia and third in the world.(排名)(排名)
p 用单词来译词组和句子
Ø 我上这个班是为了提高英语水平。 I attend this class to improve my
English . Ø 坦率地说,你错了。
Frankly , you are mistaken.
Ø 我们希望吃晚饭的时候赶到。
breaking bad
Hopefully ,
we’ll be there by d innertime. p 用词组来译句子
Ø 只要看一眼这封信,你就会明白你上当了。
A glance at this letter will convince you that you have been taken
Ø 他看书看得太久,眼睛都红了。
His eyes were red from excessive reading . Ø 如果天公作美,周末我们就去郊游。
Weather permitting , we’ll go for an outing this weeken d.
Ø 他有才能,人品好,办事勤奋,显然会步步高升。
By aptitude, personality and work he is obviously slated to go up.
p 用同位语来译句子 Ø 上海有一千六百多万人口,是世界上最大的城市之一。
Shanghai, a city with a population of over 16 million , is one of
the largest cities in the world.
Ø 许教授那时候还是个学生,就已经为报纸杂志写诗写小说了。
Professor Xu, at that time a student , wrote poems and stories for
newspapers and magazines.
p 用无动词分词来译句子
Ø 他是一流记者,有广博的知识。
A first-rate journalist , he has a wide range of knowledge.
Ø 他饿极了,一会儿工夫就吃下去两大碗饭。
Hungry as a wolf , he ate up two big bowls of rice in an instant. Ø 更重要的是,我们不应该让这件事发生。
Even more important , we should not let it happen.
Ø 亚太地区各国应结合自身特点,采取适当的宏观政策措施,促进本地区的
经济发展,促进全球经济的复苏。经济发展,促进全球经济的复苏。 l 亚太地区各国应(通过)结合自身特点,采取适当的宏观政策措施的(方
p Countries in the region should promote regional growth as well as
global economic recovery by opting for appropriate macro-economic
policies and measures suited to their own conditions.
Ø 为此,中国将鼓励创新,加快商业化、工业化和国家化的进程。为此,中国将鼓励创新,加快商业化、工业化和国家化的进程。
l 为此,中国将鼓励创新,(以此来)加快商业化、工业化和国家化的进程。 p For this purpo, China will encourage innovation to accelerate the
process of commercialization, industrialization and
Ø 中国提出了建设和谐世界的理念,也将为达到这个目标努力奋斗。中国提出了建设和谐世界的理念,也将为达到这个目标努力奋斗。 l (既然)中国提出了建设和谐世界的理念,(中国)也将为达到这个目标
p As/Since China has put forward the concept of building a harmonious
world, it will also strive hard to attain this goal.乱世佳人
p In putting forward the concept of building a harmonious world, China
will also strive to attain this goal.
9减少of 原则
Ø 中国的富强和发展不会对任何国家构成威胁。中国的富强和发展不会对任何国家构成威胁。
A strong, prosperous and developed China will po no threat to any countries. Ø 我们之间关系的发展,使我们不仅成为亲密的朋友,而且成为兄弟。我们之间关系的发展,使我们不仅成为亲密的朋友,而且成为兄弟。
Our relations have so grown that bind us not only as clo friends but also as brothers.
Ø They provide a means by which wealthy people and corporations can in effect decide how their tax payments will be spent.