pray是什么意思>陶文Should Students Fall in Love?cheap什么意思怎么读
There are some who approve of students falling in love. If the students are truly in love, there is no better time to fall in love and even to marry. Falling in love will do nothing but benefit them. There are the true romantics, who say that for true love, there is no wrong time.
containersOn the other side are tho who point out that the first few years of falling in love are full of adjustments. For students who fall in love while still in college, love would affect their academic study more or less. Falling in love would just be a distraction for a time when students need to focus on their studies. Students are also very immature at this time , most of them having just left their parents用英文打电话’ homes.barbarian
新年快乐的英语In my opinion, we college students are indeed too immature for falling in love. Most of us are overwhelmed by the studies and pressures of academic life; how in the world could we bear the duties and pressures of falling in love at the same time? I believe we should take one step at a time: education first , love cond.