E. John Donne
I am now going to look at the poem, “Song”. In the poem John us exaggeration to prove his point. Many poets ud exaggeration at this time. In “Song” John asks “can you find a woman that is both beautiful and faithful”. It is clear from looking at “Song” that John has lost his naïve views of love. His confidence in the power of love has been waned and now he appears more cautious and almost bitter. However, it is not John’s intention to appear bitter or angry to the reader and this is apparent in the vocabulary and tempo of the poem.
proviewIn the first stanza of “Song” it is just one big list of impossible tasks. John says “go and catch a falling star” this is impossible as they are far away and far too fast. He also says “get with child and mandrake root”. A mandrake root that bears an uncanny remblance to a human being, superstition has it that mandrake roots only grow where men lands. He then carries on with the list saying “tell me, where all past years are” and “who cleft devils foot”. He says “teach me to hear mermaids singing”, myth has it that when pirates are at large there would be a group of mermaids sitting on a congregation of rocks in the pacific o
cean singing beautiful songs which would lure the pirates towards the rocks, causing their ships to run aground. There was also a myth that if you heard mermaids singing you would go insane. This line works well with the idea of the poem as John is implying that beautiful women are only out to do one thing, which is to wreck as many men’s lives as they possible can and leave them with nothing. In the next line I feel John incorporates his own feelings into the poem, he writes “or keep off envy’s stinging”. This tells me that his partner has been unfaithful to him and he feels envious or jealous. He doesn’t want to feel the emotions but it is impossible not too if your partner has been unfaithful. John ends the firth stanza on a bitter note “and find – what wind – rves to advance an honest mind”. John is trying to say that in love you don’t get any reward for being faithful.
高考复习方法>杭州新东方英语In the cond ver john us time and scale distance. In this stanza of the poem John is addressing a man to ride over 27years to each end of the world and back until he gets old, expresd by john as he says white haired. And he won’t find a woman that is both beautiful and faithful. This again is a brilliant example of exaggeration on a wider scale, both of the techniques have been ud in the two poems and they both incorporated u
sing each end of the world as the furthest possible limit. But both u it to prove totally different points, one very happy, one very negative and the other very positive.
fighting是什么意思John ends the poem ‘‘song’’ very well in my opinion. He says ‘‘if you can find a women who is both beautiful and faithful then tell me, becau it would be a pilgrimage to get to her’’. I like the fact that john calls his arch for this special kind of women a pilgrimage, as you normally associate pilgrimages as a sacred once in a life time journey in which you get all that you have ever wanted. John then put a mi-colon after this line. This is a very clever idea as it will rai the tension and excitement in the reader. He then follows this up by saying you know what don’t even bother becau, by the time I’ll have got there she would have been unfaithful already. That line gives me the impression that john is fed up with love and he doesn’t even want to try to find faithful women. One of the main reasons I like the poem ‘‘song’’ is becau of the last stanza, normally the poet who is writing a love poem after a break up starts off really upt but gets more happy and cheery as the poem goes on. But not in this one, john starts off bitter and angry and carries it on all throughout the poem.
The poem u the hyperbole technique and also incorporate distance to prove the points. The poem has been wrote as a declaration of what john is felling at that time, in ‘‘song’’ it is a much more somber mood as he has ended his relationship.