Exploring the relationships between academic buoyancy, academic lf-concept, and academic performance: a study of mathematics and reading among primary school students 期刊名称: Educational Psychology
作者: Susan Colmar,Gregory Arief D. Liem,Julie Connor,Andrew J. Martin
关键词: Academic buoyancy;academic performance;primary school
摘要:Academic buoyancy is a construct relevant to the schooling lives of没关系英语
students, defining how they overcome or 'bounce back' from everyday academic
adversity. The prent study was correlational in design and examined academic
buoyancy in 191 upper primary-aged students, focusing on its association with
reading and mathematics performance, and the extent to which this relationship is
mediated by academic lf-concept. This rearch work is important as the first to
explore academic buoyancy in upper primary-aged students and across two key
fscanf刻舟求剑的翻译academic domains. The participants completed tests measuring academic buoyancy,
academic lf-concept, and academic performance in mathematics and reading.
Structural equation modelling confirmed a significant relationship between死机英语
academic buoyancy and academic performance via