
更新时间:2023-05-24 15:22:38 阅读: 评论:0

锅炉   boiler
锅炉机组   boiler unit
固定式锅炉   stationary boiler
蒸汽锅炉   steam boiler
电站锅炉   power station boiler
工业锅炉   industrial boiler
生活锅炉   domestic boiler
热水锅炉   hot water boiler
船用锅炉   marine boiler
快装锅炉   package boiler
组装锅炉   shop-asmbled boiler
散装锅炉   field-asmbled boiler
常压热水锅炉   atmospheric pressure hot water boiler
低压锅炉   low pressure boiler
中压锅炉   medium pressure boiler
高压锅炉   high pressure boiler
超高压锅炉   superhigh pressure boiler
亚临界压力锅炉   subcritical pressure boiler
超临界压力锅炉   supercritical pressure boiler
超超临界锅炉   ultra supercritical boiler
自然循环锅炉   natural circulation boiler
强制循环锅炉   forced circulation boiler
直流锅炉   once-through boiler
复合循环锅炉   combined circulation boiler
低循环倍率锅炉   low circulation boiler
火管锅炉   fire tube boiler
水管锅炉   water tube boiler
固体燃料锅炉   solid-fuel fired boiler
液体燃料锅炉   liquid-fuel fired boiler
气体燃料锅炉   gas-fuel fired boiler
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余热锅炉   exhaust heat boiler 余热锅炉(HRSG)
电热锅炉   electric boiler
锅壳式锅炉   shell boiler
水火管锅壳式锅炉   water-fire tube shell boiler
卧式内燃锅炉   horizontal internal-combustion boiler
角管式锅炉   corner tube boiler
立式锅炉   vertical boiler
小型锅炉   low-capacity boiler
铸铁锅炉   cast-iron boiler
固态排渣锅炉   boiler with dry-ash furnace
液态排渣锅炉   boiler with slag-tap furnace
火床燃烧锅炉   grate firing boiler
链条炉排锅炉   traveling grate boiler
抛煤机链条炉排锅炉   spreader-stoker-fired boiler
火室燃烧锅炉   suspension firing boiler
煤粉燃烧锅炉   pulverized coal fired boiler
水煤浆燃烧锅炉   coal-water slurrty fired boiler
流化床燃烧锅炉   fluidized bed boiler
循环流化床锅炉   circulating fluidized bed boiler
增压循环流化床锅炉   pressurized fluidized bed boiler
微正压锅炉   pressure fired boiler
增压锅炉   supercharged boiler
辐射式锅炉   radiant boiler
通用压力锅炉   universal-pressure boiler
汽水两用锅炉   multifunctional boiler (steam and hot water)
盘管式锅炉   coil tube boiler
真空相变热水锅炉   vacuum pha-change hot water boiler
有机热载体炉   organic heat transfer material heater
锅炉本体   boiler proper
受热面   heating surface
辐射受热面   radiant heating surface
对流受热面   convection heating surface
附加受热面   auxiliary heating surface
受压部件   pressure part
受压元件   pressure part
管屏   tube panel
垂直上升管屏   up flow rir tube panel
回带式管屏   ribbon panel
水平围绕管屏   spirally-wound tube panel
管束   tube bank
错列布置管束   staggered bank
顺列布置管束   in-line bank
对流烟道   convection pass
并联烟道   parallel gas pass
风道   air duct
炉膛(燃烧室)   furnace
水冷炉膛   water cooled furnace
绝热炉膛   insulating furnace
炉胆   furnace
波形炉胆   corrugated furnace
回燃室   reversal chamber
冷灰斗   water-cooled hopper bottom
卫燃带   refractory belt
折焰角   furnace arch
炉拱   arch
前拱   front arch
后拱   rear arch
燃烧器   burner
煤粉燃烧器   powdered coal burner
旋流式煤粉燃烧器   cyclone type burner
直流式煤粉燃烧器   impellerless burner
低氮氧化物燃烧器   low nitrogen oxide burner日本物价下跌
孔子英语点火装置   flame ignitor
油燃烧器   oil burner
油雾化器   oil atomizer
机械雾化油燃烧器(压力雾化油燃烧器)   mechanical atomizing burner
气流雾化油燃烧器   gas atomizing burner
气体燃烧器   gas burner
调风器   register
炉排   grate
链条炉排   travelling grate stoker
链带式炉排   chain belt type grate stoker
横梁式炉排   crossgirder grate stoker
鳞片式炉排   flake type grate stoker
往复炉排   reciprocating grate
倾斜式往复炉排   inclined reciprocating grate
振动炉排   vibrating stoker
抛煤机   spreader stoker
锅筒   drum
上锅筒   steam drum
下锅筒   water drum
锅壳   shell
筒体   cylindrical shell
封头   head
凸形封头   convex head
椭圆形封头   ellipsoidal head
半球形封头   hemispherical head
平封头   flat head
管板   tube plate
孔桥(管孔带)   ligament
人孔   manhole
手孔   handhole
我想学英语集箱(联箱)   header
端盖   head
锅筒内部装置   drum internals
清洗装置   steam washer
旋风分离器   cyclone parator
轴流式分离器    turbo parator
百叶窗分离器   corrugated scrubber
钢丝网分离器   screen parator
多孔板   perforated distribution plate
集汽管   dry pipe
排污管   blowoff pipe
下降管   downcomer
加药管   chemical feed pipe
蒸发受热面   evaporating heating surface
水冷壁   water-cooled wall
膜式水冷壁   membrane wall
双面水冷壁   division wall杭州会计职称培训
防渣管(凝渣管)   boiler slag screen
锅炉管束   boiler convection tube bank
烟管(火管)   fire tube
螺纹烟管   spirally corrugated tube
内螺纹管   ribbed tube
旗式受热面   flag pattern surface
过热器   superheater
辐射式过热器   radiant superheater
墙式过热器   wall superheater
屏式过热器   platen superheater
对流式过热器   convection superheaterultraedit是什么
包墙管过热器   steam-cooled wall
顶棚管过热器(炉顶过热器)   steam-cooled roof
悬吊式过热器   pendant superheater
水平式过热器   horizontal superheater
再热器   reheater
辐射式再热器   radiant reheater
对流式再热器   convection reheater
减温器   desuperheater、 attemperator
表面式减温器   drum type surface attemperator
喷水减温器   spray type attemperator
烟气挡板(旁路档板)   smoke damper
烟气再循环装置   gas recirculation equipment
汽——汽热交换器   steam-steam heat exchanger
省煤器   economizer
沸腾式省煤器   steaming economizer
非沸腾式省煤器   nonsteaming economizer
钢管式省煤器   steel tube economizer
鳍片管式省煤器   finned tube economizer
铸铁肋片管式省煤器   cast-iron gilled tube economizer
可分式省煤器(独立式省煤器)   parated economizer
悬吊管   pendant tube
空气预热器   air heater
钢管式空气预热器   tubular air heater
再生式回转空气预热器   rotary regenerative air heater
受热面转动型再生式空气预热器   rotating-plate type regenerative air heater
风罩转动型再生式空气预热器   stationary-plate type regenerative air heater
板式空气预热器   plate type recuperative air heater
铸铁肋片管式空气预热器   cast-iron gilled tube air heater
暖风机   steam air heater
锅炉构架   boiler structure
支承式锅炉构架   bottom-supported structure
悬吊式锅炉构架   top-supported structure by hangers
框架式锅炉构架   frame type boiler structure
桁架式锅炉构架   trusd type boiler structure
刚性架   buckstay
锅炉炉墙   boiler tting
重型炉墙   bottom supported heavy wall
轻型炉墙   ctional supporting water cooled wall
敷管炉墙   top supported water cooled wall
炉墙护板   boiler casing
ships锅炉汽水系统   boiler steam and water circuit
锅炉范围内管道   boiler external piping
安全阀   safety valve
静重式安全阀   direct-loaded safety valve
弹簧式安全阀   spring-loaded safety valve
杠杆式安全阀   deadweight safety valve
脉冲式安全阀   puld safety valve
电磁控制式安全阀   electric relief valve
水封式安全装置   water-aled safety equipment
水位表   water gauge
玻璃水位计   glass water gauge
alex watson双色水位计   double-colour water gauge
高低水位报警器   high-low water level alarm
低置水位计   remote water level indicator
防爆门   explosion door
排污阀   blowdown valve
疏水阀(疏水器)   bleeder
点火程序控制装置   ignition control program
熄火保护装置   flame failure protection
额定蒸发量   nominal capacity
最大连续蒸发量   maximum continuous rating
额定供热量   rated heating capacity
额定蒸汽参数   nominal steam parameter
额定蒸汽压力   nominal steam pressure
额定蒸汽温度   nominal steam temperature
额定热水温度   nominal hot water temperature
给水温度   feed watr temperature
回水温度   return water temperature
排污率   rate of blowdown
锅炉热力计算   thermal calculation for boilers
锅炉水动力计算   hydrodynamic calculation for boilers
锅炉烟风阻力计算   flue-gas and air resistance calulation for boilers
锅炉受压元件强度计算   strength calculation of pressure parts for boilers
flowcontrol锅炉水循环   boiler circulation

本文发布于:2023-05-24 15:22:38,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:锅炉   过热器   燃烧器   炉排   空气   循环
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