1. 欢迎登机 - Welcome aboard
2. 请确认座位 - Plea confirm your at
3. 找到您的座位 - Find your at
4. 把行李放在行李架上 - Put your luggage in the overhead bin
ndd 5. 系好安全带 - Fasten your atbelt
6. 请将座椅放直 - Plea put your at in the upright positionaccord是什么意思
7. 关闭电子设备 - Turn off electronic devices
8. 准备起飞 - Prepare for takeoff婊子英文
名词 9. 飞机正在起飞 - The plane is taking off
10. 现在可以使用电子设备 - Electronic devices may now be ud
11. 能否给我一杯水?- Could I have a glass of water, plea?凯文杜兰特英文>the girl is mine
12. 我需要一份餐食 - I would like a meal, plea
13. 我需要一个毯子 - I would like a blanket, plea
14. 现在可以使用洗手间了 - The lavatories are now available
15. 飞机正在降落 - The plane is landinghayden panettiere
16. 请不要离开座位 - Plea remain ated
aggressive翻译 17. 解开安全带 - Unfasten your atbelt
18. 谢谢您的搭乘 - Thank you for flying with us
19. 愿您下次再乘坐我们的航班 - We hope to e you again soon。