1. Which of the followingforms means red
A. leuk/o
B. erythr/o
C. lymph/o
D. phag/o
2. Instrument for recording the electric wave in the heart isknown as _________.
A. Electroencephalograph
B. Electrocardiogram
makeadecisionD. Electrocardiograph
3. Sthethalgia means ______.
A. pain in the chest
B. pain in the stomach
C. pain in the bone
D. pain in the lung
4. Which of the following means "bad"
A. an-
B. mal-
C. dys-
D. Both B and C
5. Which of the following means "within or in"
A. en-
B. intra-
C. endo-
D. All of the above
1. Which of the following means "blood vesls"
A. angi/o
B. anti-
C. vasucl/o
D. Both A and C
2. The process of x-ray recording of breast is called __________karry
A. mammograph
B. Mammary
C. Mammography
D. mammoplasty
3. Barometer is ________.
A. many meters.
B. pressure of meter
C. instrument for measuring pressure
D. instrument for measuring temperature.
4. The inflammation of lungs is known as ____________.
A. nephritis
B. lungitis
C. Pneumonia
D. bronchitis
5. Bilateral means pertaining to ___________
A. two meanings
B. two heads
C. a muscle having two heads
D. two sides
1. A ______ is something added to between a root and a suffix or another root.
A. ba form
B. combining form
C. combining vowel
D. prefix
2. Another combining form for mamm/o is ______.
A. breast
B. mast/o oD. both a and b
3. An instrument for cutting something is expresdin ________.
A. -scope
B. -graph D. -meter
4. The inflammation of lung is known as ____________.
A. pneumonia
B. pulmonitis
C. pneumonitis
D. all of the above
5. Which of the following probably means the hardening of arteries
A. multiple sclerosis
B. cystosclerosis
C. arteriosclerosis
D. venosclerosis
1. Nephritis means inflammation of _______.
A. no
B. kidney
C. intestines
D. prostate
2. Which of the following suffixmeans pain
飞哥与小佛2A. -ache
B. -algia
C. -dynia
D. all of the above
3. Which of the following suffix means dia or disorder
A. -osis
B. -ism
C. -pathy
D. all of the above
4. Pulmonary dyspnea may result from restrictive or obstructive defects. People with dyspnea are usually comfortable at rest but have trouble when they are active. Which part of the body does this condition affect
A. lungs
B. heart
C. legs
D. arms
5. Surgical removal is ___________.
A. -plasty
B. -plasm
C. -ectomy
D. -stomy
6. Which of the following prefixes means beside
A. pan-
B. trans-
toudouC. sub-
D. para-
7. Chondr/o means_____.
A. bone
B. fracture
拍照翻译C. chondroitin
D. cartilage
8. _______ means eye.
A. Ocul/o
B. Ot/o
C. ophthalm/o