Definition of the Religious Reformation
宗教改革开始于欧洲16世纪基督教自上而下的宗教改革运动, 该运动奠定了carry your bag怎么读新教基础。同时也瓦解了由天主教会所主导的政教体系,为后来西方国家从基督教统治下的封建社会过渡到多元化的现代社会奠定基础。
The religious reformation began in sixteenth Century in Europe, which established the foundations of Protestantism . At the same time, The air中文religious reformation led to the collap of the political system of the Catholic church. It lays the foundation for the transition from the feudal [ˈfju:dl] society under the Christian rule to the modern society.
Background of the Religious Reformation
一. 政治上,欧洲民族主义观念兴起,要求建立统一的民族国家,打破天主教的控制。
In politics,, the concept of European nationalism ri and it requires the establishment of a unified national state in order to break the control of Catholic.
二. 经济上,资产阶级成长起来,要求打破天主教神学的精神束缚,为资本主义发展扫除障碍。
In the economy, the bourgeoisie [ˌbʊəʒwɑ:ˈzi:] grew up and they demanded to break the spiritual [ˈspɪrɪtʃuəl] shackles [ˈʃæklz] of Catholic theology in order to remove obstacles for the development of capitalism.
三. 文化上,文艺复兴倡导个人自由、平等、欲望、人性至上,提倡竞争进取和科学求知,为人们挑战天主教会提供了理论和思想依据。
In culture, the Renaissance advocates individual freedom, equality, desire, humanism, advocating competition and scientific knowledge, providing theoretical and ideological basis for people to challenge the Catholic Church.
四. 社会上,当时整个欧洲黑死病蔓延,在黑死病的冲击下,中世纪基督教会的社会调控功
On the social side, Bubonic [bju:'bɒnɪk] plague [pleɪg] spread in whole Europe. Under the impact of Bubonic plague, the medieval [ˌmediˈi:vl] Christian Church lack for Social regulation function, which accelerated [æk'ləreɪtɪd] the decline of Christianity .
The Religious Reform小学英语五年级下册ation began in Germany. Germany is known as the “Pope's cows”. In 1517, the Pope Leo X sold the post of Archbishop Mainz to Arbitt in Brandenburg. In order to help Albert to pay the debt, and rai fund to build Rome St. Peter's Hall, Leo X nd Tetzel to Germany to ll indulgences. In October 31st,网站制作课程 Luther posted the 95 Thes. After the failure of large-scale peasant uprising in Germany from 1524 to 1525, Luther lost faith in the peopleprovince是什么意思. Germany's Religious Reformation was gradually ud by princes. Germany is divided into two major groups, the nintegratedorth and northeast belong to武大谴责樱花雨 unconditionalLutheranism, the south and southwest belong to the Catholic Church.
The Religious Reformation broke out in Germany and spread to Western European countries. Centralized monarchy with powerful feudal forces, such as England and Nordic countries, reform thoroughly from top level to the bottom level. The King became the head of the church replacing the Pope and weakening the position of the Vatican and then established an independent national church. France established a centralized monarchy system. But it still insists on Catholic faith against the religious reform. The Netherlands was affected by religious reform, of which the number of northern provinces t up the Republic of the Netherlands, becoming Europe's first bourgeois republic.
The Protestant failed to make progress in the major Catholic countries ( Spain and Italy)mun, due to the impact of the Ant-reformation.
In 1648, the signing of the "Treaty of Westphalia" marks the end of an era of religion
One of the important achievements of religious reform is to implement religious tolerance or religious freedom.
Protestant emphasis on universal education , which promote the development of national culture and education in Western European countries.
Martin Luther
The founder of the Protestant (Lutheranism) .
Main works:《95 thesis》(《关于赎罪劵效能的辩论》)
第三十六条指出﹕“真诚悔过的基督徒,就是不购买赎罪券,也能够获得全面免除罪罚的权利 。 ”
Article 36 states: "A sincere repentant Christian is the right to a full exemption from punishment if he does not purcha indulgences."