一、填空:1、The most important rivers in Scotland are Clyde and Forth.
2.In 1965,big oil fields were discovered under the North Sea.
3. The English people are the descendants of Anglo-Saxons, while the Scots, welsh and Irish are the descendants of the Celts.
4.The major languages spoken in Britain are English, Gaelic and Welsh.
5.The Church of England is the established church of the English nation.
6.Protestant churches not belonging to the Church of England are called Free Churches, including such cts as Baptists, the United Reformed Church, Methodists and Quakers.
勾住的意思7. 英语转换汉语The Roman Catholic Church was much percuted in England for a long time after the Reformation.
8.Most of the British social customs are bad on the Christian tradition.
9.During World WarⅡ,Britain was forced to borrow large amounts of money from the United States and Canada.
10.Under Margaret Thatcher, public Expenditure was reduced, foreign exchange controls lifted ,rules governing banks Looned and worker strikes restricted.
11.The Conrvative Party carried out an extensive programme of Privatization throughout the 1980s
12.The negative aspect of Thatcher’s reform was a rapid increa in taxation.
13.Britain’s traditional customers in trade were the commonwealth countries and its former colonies. Now Britain trades mainly with the common Market, the US and Canada.
14.the British government is established on the basis of constitutional monarchy.
15.Britain has no written constitution and many of the rules that govern the system are customs or conventions and ordinary laws.
16.Theoretically, the Queen has all the power, but in reality, she must act on the advice of the ministers斑斓什么意思.
17.Parliament consists of the monarch/sovereign, the Hou of commons and the Hou of Lords.
18.The President of the Hou of Lords is the Lord chancellor and the presiding officer of the Hou of Commons is “Mr. speaker” .
19.Parliament背景调查怎么做’s main functions are debate, making laws and supervising the government and financing.
20.The Prime Minister controls not only the cabinet but also the Parliament。
21.The two main political in Britain are both bourgeois in nature .The Conrvative Party openly helps the monopolists to get super-profits ,while the Labour Party practices social democracy or bourgeois reformism.好听英文歌
22.the Conrvative Party Tory party, while the liberal Party developed out of the 高考数学试卷全国卷whig Party.
23.For the election purpo, Britain is divided into 651 constituencies, each of which elects one member of the Hou of Commons.
24.In Britain the law as a whole consists partly of Customs or conventions and partly of irelandCommon laws.
25. The three divisions of the High Court of Justice are the Chancery Division, the Family ftthDivision and the Quee’s Bench Division.
26. In Britain the highest civil court of appeal is the Hou of Lords.
27.The Romans under Claudius conquered Britain in A.D.43.留学利弊
28.In early Saxon England the main class of people were nobles, freemen and slaves ,By the 10th century q,a new aristocracy ,the thegn , had appeared.
29.Feudalism was established in England after Norman Conquest.
30.The Great Charter aimed at restricting the power of the King.
31.Simon called the “All Estates Parliament” in 1265.
32.King Edward I summoned the “All Estates Parliament” in the year of 1295,which is known in history as “the model Parliament”.
33.The Hundred Years’ War was a war against France for the French crown and for the industrial city of Flanders.
34. Wars of the Ros were wars fought between Lancastrians and Yorkists .The old feudal nobility was greatly weakened as a result of the Wars.
35.The Commoners drew up the Grand Remonstrance in 1641.
36.In the First Givil War, the king’s men were called Cavaliers and the supporters of Parliament were called Roundheads.
37.The restoration of CharlesⅡtook place in the year of 1660.
38. The Industrial Revolution was a revolution in both the method of production and the relations of production. It began in the textile industry in the 1760s and lasted until 1840s.
39.The enclosures in the 18th century resulted in the appearance of capitalist farms, labor dramarerve and an expansion of national market.