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Professional English for Traditional Chine Medicine
Chine medicine is to study the relationship between human and nature. It is a natural science
breathewhich has a long history and rich contents, including basic theory, diagnostics, medicine, clinical
medicine, acupuncture, massage, and health rehabilitation. The theoretical system is bad on
syndrome differentiation, concept of holism and constant dynamic. Nowadays, the significance of
TCM has become more obvious.
Channel Meridia经络
The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic
The Classic of Difficult Issues 《内经》
Treati on Cold Damage and Miscellaneous Dias 《伤寒杂病论》
Shen Nong’s Classic of the Materia Medica 《神农本草经》
The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic: The Spiritual Pivot 黄帝内经灵枢
The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic: Basic Questions 黄帝内经素问
Esntials from the Golden Cabinet 金匮要略
Yin-yang and Five-element Theory(阴阳五行)
Conception of Yin-yang Theory
Yin-yang theory holds that the natural world is made up of material, and the material world is generated, developed and constantly changed under the interaction between yin and yang.
yin yang
cold heat
downside upside
night day
dark bright
water fire
movement stillness
Interaction between Yin and Yang
1.Opposition of Yin and Yang 阴阳对立制约
2.Mutual Rooting of Yin and Yang 阴阳互根互用
3.Waxing and Waning of Yin and Yang 阴阳消长
yin waning with yang waxing 阴消阳长yang waning with yin waxing 阳消阴长4.Yin-yang Conversion 阴阳转化
Excess of yin or yang 阴阳偏盛
Excess of yang——excess-heat syndrome
Excess of yin ——excess-cole syndrome
Excess of yang Excess of yin
yang pathogen yin pathogen
excess-heat syndrome excess-cold syndrome
high fever cold
dysphoria whitish complexion
red complexion local cold and pain
rapid pul clear and cold cretion or excretion
consume yin-fluid damage yang
excess of yang damages yin excess of yin damages yang
Deficiency of yin or yang 阴阳偏衰
Deficiency of yang——syndrome of deficiency-cold
Deficiency of yin——deficiency-heat syndrome
Deficiency of yin Deficiency of yin
driving and warming actions moistening and nourishing actions
insufficiency of Yang shortage of yin
cold heat
deficiency-cold deficiency-heat
syndrome of deficiency-cold syndrome of deficiency-heat
”reducing excess”.
”treating heat with cold”.
”treating cold with heat”.
”supplementing deficiency”.
阴阳学说yin-yang theory 治疗原则therapeutic principle
阳中之阴yin within yang 阴、阳实excess of yin or yang
阴阳对立opposition of yin and yang 阴、阳虚deficiency of yin or yang
阴阳交感interaction of yin and yang 虚寒证syndrome of deficiency-cold
阴阳互根mutual rooting of yin and yang 泻实reducing excess
阴阳消长waning and waxing of yin and yang 补虚supplementing deficiency
阴阳转化yin-yang conversion 四性four properties
阴阳平衡yin-yang balance 五味five flavors
阴阳调和yin-yang harmony 四种运动形式four acting tendencies
Conception of Five-element Theory
Five-element theory holds that all things in the natural world can be derived from
wood,fire,earth,metal and water and maintain a harmonious balance through the activities of
constant inter-generation and inter-restriction among them.
Characteristics of the five elements
The characteristics of wood: growth,smoothness and regulation(生长、升发、条达、舒畅).木曰曲直。
The characteristics of fire: heat and ascent pertain to fire.(温热、上升)火曰炎上
The characteristics of earth: growth and change ,bearing and accepting pertain to earth.(生化、承载、受纳)土爰稼穑
The characteristics of metal: descent and astringency pertain to metal.(沉降、肃杀、收敛)
The characteristics of water: descending,moistening,coldness and chill and storing pertain to
你最珍贵英文Interaction among five elements
1.Inter-generation among the five elements 五行相生
Inter-generation explains the meaning of mutual production and assistance. The law of
inter-generation among the five elements is:wood generates fire,fire generates earth,earth
generates metal,metal generates water,water generates wood.
2.Inter--restriction among the five elements 五行相克
Inter--restriction contains the meanings of mutual restriction,conquering and suppression. The law
of inter-restriction among the five elements is :wood restricts earth,,earth restricts water;water
restricts fire .fire restricts metal,metal restricts wood.
visceral manifestation(五脏)
Zang-organs: heart,liver,spleen,lung,kidney
Fu-organs: gall bladder, stomach, small intestine, bladder, large intestine, sanjiao Extraordinary fu-organs:brain, marrow, bone, vesl, uterus, gall bladder
Heart governing blood
Heart controlling the mind
The heart corresponds to the vesls
The heart manifests on the face
圣诞节的祝福The heart opens at the tongue
Lung dominating qi
Dominating respiration, dominating qi through the body
Lung regulating the waterways
The lung corresponds to the skin and manifests on the body hair
The lung opens at the no
Spleen governing the transportation and transformation
Spleen containing blood
The spleen corresponds to the muscles and the limbs
The spleen manifests on the lips
The spleen opens at the mouth
Liver governing free flow of qi
Liver storing blood
The liver corresponds to the tendons
The liver manifests on the nails
The liver opens at the eyes
Kidney storing esnce to govern growth, development and reproduction
Kidney governing water
Kidney governing reception of qi
The kidney governs the bones
The kidney manifests on the hair
The kidney opens at the ears, the external genitals and the anusenclave
6、gallbladder makes decisions
7、stomach governing reception
Stomach governing decomposition
Stomach qi governing descending
8、small intestine receiving the chime
Small intestine parating the clear from the turbid
9、Sanjiao: upper jiao, middle jiao, lower jiao
Basic knowledge of Chine Medical Medica(中药) 道地药材:genuine regional materia media
中药性能:property and action of Chine medicinal
副作用:side effect 毒性:toxicity
四气(四性):four properties 五味:five flavors
升:ascending 降:descending 浮:floating 沉:sinking
归经:meridian/channel tropism ['trop?z?m]
炮制:processing 炒:stir-frying 炙:stir-frying with liquid adjuvant ['?d??v?nt] 煅:calcining 煮:decocting 蒸:steaming
(1) Removing or reducing the toxicity and side effects of some medicinals to ensure medicinals
(2) Promoting the therapeutic effects to improve the clinical efficacy.
(3) Modifying the properties and actions of medicinals so as to make them suitable for therapeutic
(4) Changing certain shape and character of medicinals to facilitate decocting and taking medicinal,
making preparation and storing medicinal.
(5) Taking away the impurity, non-pharmaceutical parts to make the medicinals clean and pure.
(6) Correcting the unpleasant odor or tastes, thus making the medicinals convenient for patients to
配伍:combination(compatibility )配伍禁忌:prohibited combination
相须:mutual reinforcement 相使:mutual assistance
相畏:mutual restraint 相杀:mutual suppression
相恶:mutual inhibition 相反:mutual antagonism  [?n't?ɡ?n?z?m]
水煎:decocted with water 先煎:to be decocted first
后下:to be decocted later 包煎:wrap-boiling
另煎:decocted parately 单煎:decocted alone
酒煎:decocted with wine
冲服:take infud 顿服:administered at draught
烊化:melting 代茶饮:taking as tea
噙化:melting in mouth
火候:control of time and temperature 临睡服:administrated before sleep
平旦服:administrated before breakfast 文火(慢火):mild fire (slow fire)
武火(急火):strong fire 剂量:do(dosage)
解表药:exterior-releasing medicinal
清热药:heat-clearing medicinal
泻下药:purgative [`p?:ɡ?t?v] medicinal
祛风湿药:wind-damp-dispelling medicinal
化湿药:damp-resolving medicinal
利水渗湿药:damp-draining diuretic [da??r?t?k]
温里药:warming interior medicinal
理气药:Qi-regulating medicinal
消食药:digestant medicinal
止血药:hemostatic medicinal
活血化瘀药:blood-activating and stasis-resolving medicinal
化痰药:phlegm-resolving medicinal
止咳平喘药:antitussive and antiasthmatic medicinal [?nti`t?s?v] [?nti`?z`m?t?k] 安神药:tranquilizing medicinal
平肝熄风药:liver-pacifying wind-extinguishing medicinal [`p?s?fa?]
开窍药:resuscitative [r?`s?s?t?`t?ve] medicinal
补虚药:tonifying medicinal
收涩药:astringent [?`str?nd??nt] medicinala level
涌吐药:emetic [?`m?t?k] medicinal
外用药及其他:externally applied and other medicinals
CMM(中药学) is a subject focusing on the knowledge of the basic theories of the CMM and its
sources, production areas, collection, processing, properties, efficacies, and clinical applications.
Property and action of CMM:The four natures ;The five flavors ; The four directions; Meridian
Tropism; Toxicity
1.Four natures:cold;cool;warm;heat
2.Five flavors:sour;bitter; sweet; pungent;salty
3.Four direction theory
Ascending: moving toward the upper
Descending: moving toward the lower
Floating: dispersing and moving outward
Sinking: absorbing and consolidating, relaxing the bowels and promoting diuresis
4.Meridian tropism
Single application (单方)
Mutual reinforcement(相须)
Mutual assistance(相使)
Mutual restraint(相畏)
高管培训Mutual suppression(相杀)
Mutual inhibition(相恶)
Mutual antagonism(相反)
Basic knowledge of Chine Medical formulas
Chine medical formulas is a subject dealing with the therapeutic methods and the theories of compatibility of formulas as well as the clinical application.    A formula is compod of different Chine medicinals and suitable dos in their rational combination.
方剂学:Chine medical formulas
理:principle 法:method
英语翻译软件下载方:formula 药:medicinal
汗:diaphoresis [da??f?'ri:s?s] 吐:emesis ['em?s?s]
下:purgation 和:harmonizing
温:warming 清:clearing
补:tonifying 消:dispersion
君药:sovereign medicinal 臣药:minister medicinal
佐药:assistant medicinal 使药:guide medicinal
方剂加减:modification of a formula 剂型:preparation form
汤剂:decoction 散剂:powder

本文发布于:2023-05-23 22:20:59,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:阴阳   黄帝内经   中药   下行   对立   生化
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