变频器:inverter(日本),console什么意思AC Driver(欧美),Frequency Converter(欧洲)
转矩脉动:torque pulsation
矢量控制:Vector Control
脉宽调制:在线英语发音PWM(pul width modulation)
正弦波脉宽调制:SPWM(sine pul width modulation)
矢量控制:VC(vector control)
直接转矩控制:DTC(direct torque control)
四象限运行:Four quadrant operation
再生(制动hors):Regeneration (braking)
直流制动:DC braking
漏电流:leak current
编码器:encoder ,PLG(pul generator)
时间:2010-03-20 11:32 来源:未知 作者:电气自动化技术网 点击:字体设置: 大 中 小
address|[PLC] The location in memory where data is stored. For data areas, an address consists of
美工设计培训班a two letter data area designation and a number that designate the word and/or bit
location. For the UM area, an address designates the instruction location (UM area); for the
FM area, the block location (FM area), etc.
allocation|[PLC] The process by which the PC assigns certain bits or words in memory for various
functions. This includes pairing I/O bits to I/O points on Units.
Analog Input Unit|[PLC] A Special I/O Unit that converts external analog input signals to digital input signals
for the PC. The analog signals can be voltages or amperages.
Analog I/O Unit|[PLC] A collective term for Analog Input Unit and Analog Output Unit.
Analog Output Unit|[PLC] A Special I/O Unit that converts digital output signals from the PC to analog output
signals for field devices. The analog signals can be voltages or amperages.
Analog Timer Unit|[PLC] A dedicated timer that interfaces through analog signal externally and digital signals
AND|[PLC] A logic operation whereby the result is true if and only if both premis are true. In
ladder diagram programming the premis are usually ON/OFF states of bits or the logical
combination of such states called execution conditions.
BCD|[PLC] Short for binary-coded decimal.
BCD calculation|[PLC] An arithmetic calculation that us numbers expresd in binary-coded decimal.
binary|[PLC] A number system where all numbers are expresd to the ba 2. Although in a
PC all data is ultimately stored in binary form, binary is ud to refer to data that is
may queennumerically equivalent to the binary value. It is not ud to refer to binary coded decimal.
hurt的过去式Each four binary bits is equivalent to one hexadecimal digit.
binary-coded decimal|[PLC] A system ud to reprent numbers so that each four binary bits is numerically
equivalent to one decimal digit.
bit|[PLC] The smallest unit of storage in a PC. The status of a bit is either ON or OFF. Four
bits equal one digit; sixteen bits, one word. Different bits are allocated to special purpos
, such as holding the status input from external devices, while other bits are available for
general u in programming.