17.2.1999/H.V¨a liaho
Pronunciation of mathematical expressions
The pronunciations of the most common mathematical expressions are given in the list below.In general,the shortest versions are preferred(unless greater precision is necessary).
∃there exists
∀for all
p⇒q p implies q/if p,then q
p⇔q p if and only if q/p is equivalent to q/p and q are equivalent
x∈A x belongs to A/x is an element(or a member)of A
x/∈A x does not belong to A/x is not an element(or a member)of A
A⊂B A is contained in B/A is a subt of B
A⊃B A contains B/B is a subt of A
中国英文怎么写A∩B A cap B/A meet B/A interction B
A∪B A cup B/A join B/A union B
A\B A minus B/the difference between A and B
A×B A cross B/the cartesian product of A and B
3.Real numbers
x+1x plus one
x−1x minus one
x±1x plus or minus one
xy xy/x multiplied by y
(x−y)(x+y)x minus y,x plus y
x over y
=the equals sign
x=5x equals5/x is equal to5
x=5x(is)not equal to5
x ≡y x is equivalent to (or identical with)y x ≡y x is not equivalent to (or identical with)y x >y x is greater than y
x ≥y x is greater than or equal to y x <y x is less than y
x ≤y x is less than or equal to y 0<x <1zero is less than x is less than 1
0≤x ≤1zero is less than or equal to x is less than or equal to 1|x |mod x /modulus x
x 2x squared /x (raid)to the power 2x 3x cubed
x 4x to the fourth /x to the power four x n x to the n th /x to the power n x −n x to the (power)minus n
√x (square)root x /the square root of x 3
face off√x cube root (of)x 4
√x fourth root (of)x n
greet√x n th root (of)x (x +y )2x plus y all squared x y 2x over y all squared n !n factorial ˆx x hat ¯x x bar ˜x x tilde
x i人教三年级英语
xi /x subscript i /x suffix i /x sub i
n i =1
a i
the sum from i equals one to n a i /the sum as i runs from 1to n of the a ilook down
4.Linear algebra x the norm (or modulus)of x −−→OA OA /vector OA
OA OA /the length of the gment OA A T A transpo /the transpo of A A −1
A inver /the inver of A
5.Functions f (x )fx /f of x /the function f of x f :S →T a function f from S to T
x →y x maps to y /x is nt (or mapped)to y
f (x )f prime x /f dash x /the (first)derivative of f with respect to x f (x )f double–prime x /f double–dash x /the cond derivative of f with respect to x
f (x )f triple–prime x /f triple–dash x /the third derivative of f with respect to x
f (4)(x )f four x /the fourth derivative of f with respect to x ∂f ∂x 1the partial (derivative)of f with respect to x 1
∂2f ∂x 21the cond partial (derivative)of f with respect to x 1 ∞
0the integral from zero to infinity
lim x →0the limit as x approaches zero
x →+0the limit as x approaches zero from above lim
x →−0
the limit as x approaches zero from below
log e y log y to the ba e /log to the ba e of y /natural log (of)y ln y
log y to the ba e /log to the ba e of y /natural log (of)y
Individual mathematicians often have their own way of pronouncing mathematical expres-sions and in many cas there is no generally accepted “correct”pronunciation.
Distinctions made in writing are often not made explicit in speech;thus the sounds fx may
be interpreted as any of:fx ,f (x ),f x ,F X ,F X ,−−→
F X .The difference is usually made clear by the context;it is only when confusion may occur,or where he/she wishes to emphasi the point,that the mathematician will u the longer forms:f multiplied by x ,the function f of x ,f subscript x ,line F X ,the length of the gment F X ,vector F X .
Similarly,a mathematician is unlikely to make any distinction in speech (except sometimes a difference in intonation or length of paus)between pairs such as the following:
x +(y +z )and (x +y )+z
ax +b and √ax +b
a n −1and a n −1
The primary reference has been David Hall with Tim Bowyer,Nucleus,English for Science
and Technology,Mathematics,Longman 1980.Glen Anderson and Matti Vuorinen have given good comments and supplements.
Pronunciation of Mathematical Symbols Symbols
+ plus /'plʌs/
- minus /'maɪnəs/
± plus or minus /'plʌs ɔ: 'maɪnəs/
horpowerx multiplied
by /'mʌltɪplaɪd baɪ/
/ over; divided by /'əʊvə/ /dɪ'vaɪdəd/
÷ divided /dɪ'vaɪdəd/
equals /'ɪ:kwəlz/
≈ approximately,
similar /ə'prɒksɪmətlɪ/ /'sɪmɪlə tʊ/
≡equivalent to; identical /ɪk'wɪvələnt tʊ/ /aɪ'dentɪkl tʊ/
≠not equal to /'nɒt 'iːkwəl tʊ/
> greater than /'greɪtə ðən/
< less than /'les ðən/
≥greater than or equal to /'greɪtə ðən ər 'iːkwəl tʊ/
≤less than or equal to /'les ðən ər' iːkwəl tʊ/
⊁ not
than /'nɒt 'greɪtə ðən/
⊀not less than /'nɒt 'les ðən/
pcs≫much greater than /'mʌʧ 'greɪtə ðən/
≪much less than /'mʌʧ 'les ðən/
⊥ perpendicular
to /pɜːpən'dɪkjʊlə tʊ/
∣∣ parallel
to /'pærəlel tʊ/
not equivalent to, not identical
/'nɒt ɪk'wɪvələnt tʊ/ /'nɒt aɪ'dentɪkl
≄≉not similar to /'nɒt 'sɪmɪlə tʊ/
² squared /'skweəd/
³ cubed /'kju:bd/
to the fourth; to the power
/tə ðə 'fɔːθ/ /te ðə 'pɑʊə fɔː/
to the n; to the nth; to the
power n
/tə ðɪ en; tə dɪ enθ; tə ðə pɑʊər en/ √root; square root /ru:t/ /skweə ru:t/
∛ cube
root /kju:b
∜ fourth
root /fɔːθ ruːt/
! factorial /fæk'tɔːrɪəl/
% percent /pə'nt/
∞ infinity /ɪn'fɪnətɪ/
∝varies as; proportional to /'vɛərɪz/ /prə'pɔːʃənəl/
˙ dot /dɒt/
¨ double
dot /dʌbl dɒt/
is to, ratio of /reɪʃɪəʊ/
f(x) fx f; function /ef/ /'fʌŋkʃən/
f'(x) f dash; derivative /dæʃ/ /dɪ'rɪvətɪv/
f''x f double-dash; cond
/'dʌbl dæʃ/ /'kənd dɪ'rɪvətɪv/
f'''(x) f triple-dash; f
treble-dash; third derivative
picnic/'trɪpl dæʃ/ / trebl dæʃ/ /θɜ:d
f(4) f four; fourth derivative /fɔːθ dɪ'rɪvətɪv/
∂partial derivative, delta /paːʃəl dɪ'rɪvətɪv/ /deltə/
∫ integral /'ɪntɪgrəl/
∑ sum /sʌm/
< with respect to /wɪð 'rɪspekt/
log log /lɒg/
x log to the ba 2 of x /lɒg tə ðə beɪs tu: əv eks/
∴ therefore /'ðɛəfɔː/
∵ becau /bɪ'kɒz/
→gives, leads to, approaches /gɪvz/ /li:dz tʊ/ /əprəʊʧəz/
per /pɜ:/lamp什么意思
∈belongs to; a member of; an /bɪ'lɒŋz/ /'membə/ /'elɪmənt/