1. china commits herlf to her long-term state policy of opening to the outside world and introducing foreign investment.
2. we hope to explore overas markets, and develop processing industries and hard-cash earning exports.
3. we will accelerate the restructuring of the economic system centering on the reform of enterpris.
4. 根据建设社会主义市场经济体制的要求,我们对财税、金融、外汇、外贸、投资、价格和流通体制进行了重大的改革。in accordance with the requirement for establishing a socialist
market economy, we carried out important reforms in fiscal taxation, finance. foreign currency, foreign trade, investment, pricing and the circulation system.
5. 我们要进一步理顺改革、发展和稳定三者之间的关系,坚决抑制通货膨胀,切实加强农业。we should correctly handle the relations between and among reform, development and stability, resolutely curb inflation and take concrete steps to strengthen agriculture.
6. [我们要继续全方位的对外开放,把重点放到提高成效上来。] 努力保持外贸的稳定增长,改善出口商品的结构,提高出口商品的质量和档次。大力促进机械电子产品和成套设备的出口,鼓励工技贸相结合,提高服务质量,拓展海外市场。 [we should continue to open to the outside world in all directions and focus on achieving better results. ] we should work to maintain steady growth in foreign trade, improve the composition of export goods, rai their quality and grades. we should vigorously promote export of mechanical and electrical products and complete ts of equipment, encourage the integration of industrial, technological and trade efforts, improve rvices and expand overas markets.
get over it
7. no country today is more synonymous with economic growth, capital gains, and vast opportunities to make money than china. 当今世界还没有哪一个国家像中国那样代表着经济增长、资本收益,以及俯拾即是的赚钱良机。
8. today there are more than 50 dedicated china funds managing some $3 billion for institutional and individual investors in the west. 时至今日,已有50多家热诚尽职的中国公债基金管理公司,为西方机构和个人投资者经营着约30亿美元的资金。
大专自考9. within the past few months veral big asia infrastructure funds have been launched in new york and elwhere, aimed at financing roads, bridges, and power plants in china as well as in other developing countries. 在近几个月里,几家亚洲大型基础设施公债已在纽约和其他地方上市,这些资金将用于建设中国以及其他发展中国家的道路、桥梁和发电厂。
10. one study concludes that china has 60 million people who have per capita incomes of $1,000 a year or more, the level at which consumerism begins to blossom. 某项研究的结果表明,中国有6000万人的年收入已达到1000美元或1000美元以上,这个收入水平是消
11. 自1978年后期开始实行改革开放以后,至今所出现的许多历史性的变化已引起了国外的极大的关注。16年来,中国的国民生产总值以平均9%的年增长率递增,而且这种高增长率有望延续到本世纪末。the many historical changes which have taken place in china since the initiation of reform and opening in late 1978 have attracted great attention abroad. in the past 16 years, china's gnp incread at an average rate of 9 percent, and the rate is expected to remain high throughout the years at the turn of century.
12. 当前,中国正在进行大规模的经济建设,这为包括美国在内的世界各国提供了无数经济合作的机会。at prent, china is engaged in a large-scale economic construction, which will provide countries throughout the world, including thee united states, with numerous opportunities for economic cooperation.
13. 在过去的十年里,对中国电子工业投资的重点对象是消费品。investment in china's electronic industry over the past decade focud on consumer goods.
14. beijing unveiled an industrial policy last week that aims to consolidate china's 120 manufacturers into eight signification players and to make "affordable family dans" by the year 2000. 上周北京向外界公开了一项工业政策,计划把中国120个厂家加以强化组合,联合成八大汽车制造企业,到2000年,生产出买的起的轿车。
消耗英文15. " there's no major japane company that doesn't want to get into this market now", says a toyota official at the auto show, who asked to remain unnamed. 一名不愿透露姓名的丰田汽车公司的官员在一次汽车展销会上说,现在没有哪一家日本大公司不想挤进这个市场。
npr news16. [" this is going to be the only market in the world that compares in size to the market in the u.s… people are kicking themlves for not getting here sooner. but it's not too late." ] [这是世界上唯一一个可以在规模上与美国相媲美的市场。人们都为自己未能抢先一部占领这个市场而严厉自责,但现在进入这个市场,为时还不算太晚。]
1. china's low taxation, low wages, large consumer market, and stable political and social environment have attracted more and more overas investors.
2. we are eking possibilities of forming a joint venture with your company for manufacturing the dishwashers of the latest design.
3. we expect to hold a minimum of 50% of the equity in this joint venture, with a term of 20 years.
4. the technology provided to the joint venture must be truly advanced, integrated, reliable, and of cour appropriate to china's urgent needs.