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Confidential. All rights rerved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without the prior written permission of the Volkswagen Group, EZTN, Standard Department.
Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the responsible procurement department.
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T h e E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n i s b e l i e v e d t o b e a c c u r a t e . I n c a s e o f d i s c r e p a n c i e s t h e G e r m a n v e r s i o n s h a l l g o v e r n .
Q U E L L E : N O L I S (N o r m v o r A n w e n d u n g a u f A k t u a l i t ät p r üf e n !)
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PV 1602: 2000-11
2 Requirements
The approved component drawing rves as the basis for evaluation of the brazed joint. For am types and characteristics of brazed joints, e VW 01143.
The requirements defined below must be met for all brazing ams. If other instructions are given in the drawing, the take precedence.
2.1 Evaluation
The quality of a lar beam brazed joint is evaluated by means of a non-destructive test (visual test per Section 2.3.2 – Table 1) and destructive tests (microction test per Section – Table 2). The joint strength must be documented by means of mechanical/technological tests (Section 2.4.3).
For characteristics of brazed joints that are not included in this standard, an evaluation must be made per DIN 32515 according to the general engineering rules.
2.2 Ensuring
The joint/am quality is generally ensured by means of a specified process window of the produc-ti
on system. The system process capability is determined by the am quality on the finished com-ponent or from defined substitute specimens. The quality of the brazing am must be documented by appropriate visual or metallographic tests per Table 1 or Table 2. The production inspection with deductions as to the strength of the brazed joint is generally performed using a mechani-cal/technological test (e.g., bending specimen, chil test, tensile test).
Specific requirements (measuring methods, test equipment), limitations, rules on exceptions and test frequencies must be specified in a production test specification.
2.3 Non-Destructive
2.3.1 Visual Testing (Evaluation of the External Findings)
The visual test is a reliable method of evaluating the external quality of lar brazing ams. The brazing ams are inspected with the naked eye or suitable visual aids (e.g., illuminated hand magnifier).
2.3.2 Evaluation by Visual Testing
The external appearance, length, position, and number of brazing ams must comply with the drawing.
swiftcode是什么意思The characteristics of the external findings are evaluated according to Table 1 and/or the maximum deviation sample. The evaluation applies to all am types defined in the standard VW 01143. Exceptions or changes that deviate from Table 1 must be coordinated with the engineering and quality assurance departments.
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PV 1602: 2000-11
Table 1: Evaluating the characteristics of external findings (visual test)
Characteristic des-ignation
Limit values
Expod pores
独立宣言英文Conditionally permissible so long as the component function and appearance are not impaired. Rework 1) possible.
The location, number and size must be defined in a test speci-fication.
2Solder overflow
Conditionally permissible so long as the function of the
component and appearance are not impaired. Rework 1) possi-ble.
A test specification must define what is permissible.
Generation of the braz-ing am surface The brazing joint must be filled throughout with solder.Rework 1) possible.
A test specification must define what is permissible.
Surface cracks (length-wi or crosswi cracks)Material parations in the brazing am
Conditionally permissible so long as the component function and appearance are not impaired.Rework 1) possible.
A test specification must define what is permissible.5
Surface cracks (length-wi or crosswi cracks)
Material parations in the ba material
Not permissible,
Rework 1) not permissible.
Burning through the metal
Not permissible,
Rework 1) not permissible.7
Seam edge not covered,insufficient fillet
Not permissible,Rework 1) required.
Symbol for fillet weld shown on the flanged joint
Conditionally permissible so long as the function of the component and appearance are not impaired, rework 1) possi-ble.
A test specification must define what is permissible.9Undercuts
Not permissible , rework required.
A test specification must define what is permissible.10Open start or end cra-ters
Not permissible , rework required.
A test specification must define what is permissible.
Excess filler metal, weld
concavity h O , root-side suckback h U
h O , h U depend on the am type.A test specification must define what is permissible.1
) Rework (for reworking solutions e Section 3)
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PV 1602: 2000-11
2.4 Destructive
It is only possible to evaluate the interior findings of a lar beam brazing am by means of a metallographic microction. The quality of the brazing am must be evaluated per Table 2.
The quasi-static joint strength can only be documented by means of a mechanical/technological test.
2.4.1 Sampling, Preparation of Microction
asmblyThe specimen is cut at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the am. The cut surfaces must be prepared so that the connection point in the ba material is visible.
A component-specific cutting plan must be created by the responsible production and quality as-surance department. Samples for microction examination and mechanical/technological tests must be taken according to this cutting plan. Sample Cutting Plan
Example of lar brazed trunk lid.
Sampling is performed according to the cutting plan (Figure 1:).
(For example, the tensile specimens for the trunk lid are preferably taken at positions 1, 3, 5 and 7 and the metallographic ctions at positions 2, 4 and 6. Removal points 2 and 6 must be 10mm from the licen plate inlet).
See production test specifications for number of specimens.
A Lar brazed trunk lid
Figure 1: Sample trunk lid cutting plan
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PV 1602: 2000-11
2.4.2 Microction Examinations (Evaluation of the Internal Findings)
新概念英语第三册mp3下载2.4.2.1 Testing Frequency for Microction Tests
The test frequency depends on the process reliability and is agreed upon between the operator, the planner and the specific quality assurance department. In any ca, testing should occur at regular intervals. For the minimum testing frequency, e production test specifications.
After a change in system parameters or long-term production interruption, the am quality must be evaluated by means of transver metallographic microctions from the brazing am area. Evaluation of the Microction Test
The characteristics of the internal findings are evaluated according to Table 2. The evaluation ap-plies to all am types defined in the standard VW 01143.
Exceptions or changes that deviate from Table 2 must be coordinated with the engineering and quality assurance departments.
Table 2: Evaluation of the characteristics of the internal findings
(See VW 011 43 for illustrations)
No.Characteristics Limit values
1Lack of fusion or filling flaw Not permissible,
NA required
闪灯2Cracks Not permissible,
Check the manufacturing process! Rework not
3Partial melting of the ba material f ≤ 0.5 · t 1.2
(t 1.2 = sheet thickness of the partially melted material) 4Solid inclusions Conditionally permissible so long as the component
function is not impaired.
5Joint gap width s
(after brazing)
(e also Figure 2)Fillet am on lap joint0.1 mm ≤ s ≤ 2 t min
and s < 2.0 mm Fillet am on flanged joint s ≤ 0.2 mm Square butt am on offt lap joint s ≤ 0.2 mm Square butt am on butt joint s ≤ 3 mm
6Width of wetting z z1≥ t1, z2≥ t2
欢迎光临本店7Weld edge angle αWeld edges on the transition to the ba material
should run out tangentially as far as possible