0 Scope
This document is to be ud for structural steelwork of JEBSENS 30,000 TDW SELF-UNLOADING BULK CARRIER project.
本要求适用于JEBSENS 30,000 TDW 自卸式散货船 项目钢结构工程。
All welding shall be carried out in such a quence as to avoid excessive residual stress and minimize distortion分贝的意思.
1 General
通则gossip girl 第四季
1.1 Normally, the welding quence for plate butts shall be as showed in Fig. 6. And the e
nds of welds first finished shall be free of any unacceptable defect. But when a seam is to pass an unwelded or finished “dead end” butt, welding shall be stopped at 200-300mm from the unwelded butt “dead end”. After the recordtypecompletion of the butt, proceed with the am welding (e Fig.1).
Fig. 1 Welding quence for crosd welds 图1交叉焊缝的焊接顺序 |
1.2 The beveled side of single “V” joints and the larger beveled side of double “V” joints shall be welded first unless otherwi noted.
sm全称1.3 For block welding, internal structure can not be welded to the shell before the completion of shell welding.
1.4 Backstep or wandering ptactice is recommended for long weld bysupr SMAW or FCAW-G( e Fig. 2 and Fig. 3).
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Fig. 2 Backstep practice 图2分段退焊工艺 | Fig. 3 Wandering kind怎么读practice 图3跳焊工艺 |
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cdns1.5 Penetrations through the shell (a chests, etc.) shall be welded to the shell only after shell welding in the area has been completed.
1.6 Interction of longitudinals and transver stiffeners should be welded 2013六级作文first before they are welded to the plate( e Fig. 4 ). However, it is also considered acceptable welding longitudinal longitudinals to the plating prior to fitting and / or welding of transver stiffeners.
Fig. 4 Welding quence for plate butt welds
1.7 Welding, should be started from the midship and progress to side, forward, and aft. And so do each single block.
1.8 Reinforce collars for stiffener cut-open shall be welded to the stiffenercretary的音标 first, and then lapped to the member which has the cut-open(e Fig. 5).
Fig. 5 Welding quence for reinforce collars
2 Typical welding quences
2.1 Plate butt welds
Fig. 6 Welding quence for plate butt welds
2.2 Flat structure
2.2.1 Deck
First weld the vertical fillets( Fig. 4 (a) ), then weld the flat fillets( Fig. 4 (b) ).
先焊立角焊缝(图7(a)),再焊平角焊缝 (图7(b))。
Fig. 7 Welding quence for deck flat structure