fasoli微生物燃料电池(Microbial fuel cell, MFC)在废水资源化方面具有公认的潜力,但是具有只能利用和转化易生物降解有机底物的局限。光催化燃料电池(Photo fuel cell, PFC)可利用底物范围广泛,但是产电能力与MFC相比很低。针对以上科学问题,论文以光催化-生物降解直接耦合理论为基础,提出MFC和PFC组合构建光催化-微生物降解直接耦合的燃料电池(PMFC)。
首先,制备了对对氯苯酚(4-CP)具有良好光降解能力的Ag-TiO2可见光响应催化剂。在水热温度为130℃,水热时间为5 h的优化条件下,Ag-TiO2在5 h 对4-CP的去除率可达到~90%。对Ag-TiO2进行表征,发现其具有明显的可见光吸收能力,TiO2晶体形态以锐钛矿为主。
其次,成功构建了光催化-生物降解直接耦合阳极。采用酒精分散法将Ag-TiO2纳米材料均匀负载于多孔泡沫碳上制备光电极,电镜观察表明泡沫碳多孔孔道被完好地保存。基于电解液类别与浓度选择研究,确定电解液为50 mmol/L硫酸钠,Ag-TiO2光电极在5 h对4-CP的降解效果可达到57%。
随后以负载Ag-TiO2的电极启动燃料电池,在无光照条件下培养阳极呼吸菌,经7天后得到稳定的输出电压,表明PMFC阳极微生物培养成功。系统探讨了PMFC对4-CP的降解效率和产电性能,并与MFC和PFC进行了直接对比。PMFC在4-CP的降解效率方面具有显著优势,8 h对4-CP的去除率达到50%,比PFC提高~10%,比MFC提高~40%。PMFC的最大功率密度为910 mW/m2,可达到PFC和MFC之和的
1.1倍。阻抗分析表明其PMFC阳极的内阻小,这与半导体材料负载和较好的阳极呼吸菌活性有关。循环伏安曲线分析表明,PMFC 氧化还原电流峰值为MFC的2倍左右,出峰位置在-0.217 V vs. SHE,表明细胞色素C对电子的传递起到了关键作用。研究发现,15 mg/L的4-CP能够对阳极微生物的稳定性产生明显的抑制作用。MFC的微生物产电能力逐渐下降,然而,PMFC中由于Ag-TiO2的光催化作用降低了氯酚的抑制性,产电能力能够维持。多重荧光染色、扫描电镜和透射电镜分析进一步表明PMFC阳极的微生物活性显著高于MFC阳极,且细胞形态保持良好,而MFC阳极细胞甚至出现细胞
The Microbial fuel cell (MFC) is regarded as the promising technology to regenerate energy from wastewater. However, the various substrates that have been explored in MFC are commonly biodegradable organics. The Photo fuel cell (PFC) can convert various organics to uful energy, from pure compunds to complex organic matters. But the ability of power generation is lower than MFC. To overcome the shortings, we put forward an intimately coupled photocatalytic and microbial fuel cell (PMFC), bad on the intimate coupling of photocatalysis and biodegradation.
First, we prepared the visible-light-responsive photocatalycast Ag-TiO2, with efficient photo degradation ability on parachlorophenol (4-CP).At the optimical preparation conditons, the hydrothermal temperature and hydrothermal time were 130℃and 5 h, respectively, the achieved photocatalyst reached 90% removal rate of 4-CP at 5 h. The photocatalyst characterization results demonstrated that the Ag-TiO2were existed in anata pattern and showed strong visible-light-responsive.
Then the intimately coupled of photocatalyst-biodegradation anode was prepared. The carbon foam was coated nano Ag-TiO2photocatalysts by alcohol dispersion method, and the Scanning electron microscope (SEM) showed that the porous structure was maintained. By considering the photocatalysis efficiency in different kinds and concentrations of electrolytes, the 50 mmol/L Na2SO4
was chood as the optimical electrolytes, with 57% removal rate at 5 h.
The Ag-TiO2 coated carbon foam was ud as anode to start up fuel cells. After ven days cultivation of the anode-respiring bacteria (ARB) without illumation, the fuel cell could generate stable and repeatable peaks in voltage, which meant the PMFC has been started-up successfully. The removal efficiency of 4-CP and electricity generation were rearched systematically, by comparision with PFC and MFC directly. The PMFC had the best performance on 4-CP degradation. PMFC reached 50% of 4-CP degradation efficiency at 8 h, was 10% and 40% greater than that of PFC and MFC,
华东政法大学自考办respectively. The maximum power density of PMFC (910 mW/m2) was 1.1 times than the sum of PFC and MFC. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) showed less impedance, which was led by the miconductor coated and greate microbial activity. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) analysis showed the oxidation-reduction current peaks of PMFC was twice than MFC, the mid-poingt potential of this redox pairs was estimated to be -0.217 V vs. SHE, which in good accordance with that of c-type cytochromes. The results showed that the 15 mg/L 4-CP had an obvious adver effect on the stability of microbes on anode. The ability of power generation of microbes on MFC anode decread during experiments, however, microbes of PMFC anode kept stable peak voltage (0.57 V)
in less inhibitive situation caud by the 4-CP degradation by Ag-TiO2. Confocal Lar Scanning Microscopy (CLSM)、SEM and Transmission Electron Microscope analysis demonstrated the microbes of PMFC anode were able to maintain higher microbial activity than MFC anode. Morever, PMFC anode could keep favourable cell morphology, while MFC anode appeared cytoplasm dissolution. By the high-throught quencing, we ananlysis the change of biological community structure, the Alpha diversity results showed that PMFC had higher diversity of microbial community than MFC anode.
The intimately coupled of photocatalys-biodegradation fuel cell was constructed successfully. According to 4-CP degradation efficiency and capacity of power output, the PMFC was proved tobe able to enhance 4-CP removal rate and power generation. The results demonstrate that PMFC may be a novel and promising process for realization of efficient power generation from bio-inhibitory and refractory organics.
Fuel cell; Photocatalysis; Biodegradation; Electricity generation; Chlophenol
摘要........................................................................................................................ I Abstract ................................................................................................................ I II 第一章绪论. (1)
词汇分类1.1 微生物燃料电池研究现状 (1)
partiality1.1.1 微生物燃料电池构型 (1)
1.1.2 电子传递机制 (2)grandis
1.1.3 微生物燃料电池底物种类 (3)
1.2 光催化燃料电池研究现状 (4)
1.2.1 光催化燃料电池构型 (5)
1.2.2光催化燃料电池阳极 (5)
刘在石新节目1.2.3电子传递机制 (5)
1.2.4 光催化燃料电池降解污染物特性 (6)
1.3 光催化-生物直接耦合技术 (6)
1.3.1 光催化-生物直接耦合概念 (6)
电脑平面设计培训班1.3.2 光催化-生物直接耦合发展 (6)粗人
1.4 课题的提出与思路 (7)
1.5 研究目的与研究内容 (9)
1.5.1 研究目的 (9)
1.5.2 研究内容 (10)
第二章实验材料与测试方法 (12)
2.1 光催化-微生物燃料电池直接耦合阳极制备 (12)
2.1.1可见光响应光催化剂(Ag-TiO2)的制备 (12)
2.1.2 Ag-TiO2光催化剂表征 (12)
2.1.3 Ag-TiO2负载 (13)
2.3 产电性能与产电机制分析 (14)
2.3.1 极化曲线和功率密度曲线 (14)