Differences between American English加油的英文怎么写 and British English
Today American English and British English, both belonging to the same language—English, are the two major varieties or national standards of English in the world, which both have common ground and certain differences in some aspects. This paper will make an analysis and comparison between AmE and BrE in terms of pronunciation, intonation, vocabulary, spelling, grammar and usages, hoping to help us completely and objectively know the differences between American and British English. Now I will compare the two languages in theory and examples.
Differences in pronunciation
1.differences in individual sounds
1.1 in vowels
(1) American and British English pronunciation of one of the biggest differences in their muddy vowel | ∂ |
AmE: American English in er rarely muddy vowel, and sometimes short tones i (ntimental, actuality) and u(wuss), and even dashes of oo(hooker) using muddy vowel(The four examples of pronunciation in English, respectively [i], [i], [u:], [u]).
BrE: English, often muddy vowel sound in the unit through a number of non-repeaters in the short tones a(about) and short tones er(computer)
(2) American and British English pronunciation of the most reprentative of the difference is the different pronunciation of er.毕业典礼演讲稿
(3) the difference pronunciation of a
AmE: The letter a American English is pronounced as |æ| e.g. pass|pæs|
BrE: The letter a British English is pronounced as |a:| e.g. pass|pa:s|
(4) The vowel [əu] (as in home) is a diphthong in British English; in American English it is clor to being a monophthong [o], and it sounds very different.西安新东方英语
(5) /j u: / in British English pronounced as / u:/ after a dental in American English
(6) Diphthongs in British English are replaced by long vowels in American English.
e.g.: / ei/ by / e/ / ∂u/ by /ɔ /
enjoyonelf 1.2 in consonants
(1) the letter 妩媚的英文r: r letters simply reprent all the differences between British and American, everywhere it. When doing consonants, what makes the difference is, when r the first word endings, and the cond word begins with vowels, such as the phra clear animosity
AmE: r tonal language as a word behind the beginning of the vowel of the consonant American pronounce it as: clear-animosity; pronunciation of /r/ behind vowels in American English
BrE: English vowels as the r complete treatment. English will be read as clear | animosity; this pronunciation /r/ do not exist in British English.
(2): Another obvious difference is that d and t. In the part of the unstresd syllables, it pronounced as / t/ in British English but pronounced as / d/ in American English.
e.g.: butter better matter fatter
2.Differences in stress
There is obvious change on stress in British English and American English.
British English tends to stress strongly one syllable, usually the first and hurry over the rest of the word. American English tends to put the stress on the first syllable but also to put a condary stress on the latter syllable and pronounces the remaining syllables more distinctly.
(1)Loan words from French in American English usually put the stress on the last syllable and this is absolutely different from British English.
(2)blossomWords ended up with -ate in American English always put the stress on the first syllable, but it was put on the last syllable in British English.
cake Examples: donate vacate migrate
(3)Most words ended up with -ary, -ery, -ory put the stress on the first syllable, in American English, a condary stress will be put on the penultimate syllable. But in British English the penultimate vowel usually be lightened or omitted.
Differences in vocabulary
定语后置1.in meanings
The differences between British English and American English in meaning can be briefly grouped into the following two types: voices within a very narrow range and they are in the habit of speaking drawlingly.有道翻译在线翻译
(1) Same words with different meanings:
Words AmE BrE
billion a thousand million a million million
cracker cookie firework