Maple Leaf International School
High School Entrance Exam
Part I:Vocabulary(20’)
A.Choo the words that have the same meanings as the bolded ones.(1 mark each)
1.The clothes are made of cotton,you’ll feel comfortable when it touches your
A.a kind of color
B.a kind of brand
C.a kind of food
D.a kind of material
2.Don’t worry,the food is so plentiful here that the poor can get through the winter safely.
3.The saddle which is provided by my hor coach is really uful to protect my body.
A.a tool
B.a person animal
D.a book
4.I think you should grab the chance,it will bring you the treasure and reputation.
A.give up
5.I like to look at the luminous stars at night,they make me trust the existence of other creatures.
6.Besides the violin,he plays the piano and the flute.
A.a skill instrument
米勒时刻 instruction
D.a game
7.We need a room with moderate size,don’t be too large or too small.
8.The schoolmaster will convene all teachers to the playground together to tell
them the important thing. together
B.break up
C.give up
D.break through
你好吗英文翻译9.Our chef has already worked here in our restaurant for eight years,his specialty dish is the goo liver.It’s delicious!
A.the waiter
B.the cook
C.the manager
D.the cleaner
10.Jerry looks inconsonant today,only he wears a coat in summer.
B.Write the proper English meanings for the underlined words.(1mark each)
For example:A megacity is a very large city.
megacity:_________________a large city______________________
1.If someone is insidious,he or she can cau harm gradually and cretly.
2.Anatomy is the scientific study of the body and how its parts are arranged.
3.Most of girls want themlves to be fabulous,not awful.
4.If you fail,we have to abort and abandon the mission.
5.Aiden is a sophisticated young boy,he has good knowledge of culture.
6.Most of us was calm when we were doing the prentation,however,Eric was
_____________________________________________________________ 7.A tournament means a competition involving many competitors in a single
sport or game.
8.He is a marksman,that is to say,he can shoot a gun very accurately.
9.Jennifer congratulated Jack on his marvelous(extraordinarily good)discovery.
10.Jack was a maniac or lunatic when he was driving yesterday.
Part II:Reading Comprehension(25’)
Non-fiction Reading_____/15
School Uniforms?Think Again!
At Tuesday’s meeting of the school committee,Superintendent Rusll made his position clear.He wants the children in our city’s public schools to wear school uniforms.“Uniforms make life easier for families,”he said.Parents do not have to decide what kind of clothes to buy for school.And,it’s easier to get ready for school each day.“Uniforms help children feel better about themlves,”he added. Children from families in need wear the same clothes as children from rich families. Uniforms make it easier for children of different backgrounds to make friends.
His suggestion sparked a lively debate.Two committee members,Stan Oakley and Mae Stokes,said they thought it was a good idea.Mr.Oakley suggested that the schools would look much neater.Children’s behavior might even improve.
Others were not so sure.“Is there a problem now?”asked Gary Washington.“I wasn’t aware that this was an issue.”
Indeed,what is the issue?What problem is our superintendent trying to solve? Would children really feel better about themlves if they had to wear clothes that someone el picked out?Americans like to express themlves through their clothes.Uniforms can crush creativity.Paying for uniforms might be hard for some families.They would have to pay for the uniform no matter what it costs. Then they would need to buy other clothes for their children to wear outside of school.
Mr.Rusll has asked the school committee to vote for his plan.Clearly,this city is not ready to make a decision yet.We need more information.The school committee should interview students,parents,and teachers in towns that have
school uniforms.They should do rearch to find out the cost of uniforms.Then they should hold public meetings to discuss their findings.It would be foolish to rush into a vote on this question.
A.Matching.Match each vocabulary word with the correct definition.4’
1.uniform a)A discussion about a subject on which
people have different views.
2.debate b)Show what you think or feel.
children wear in school
produce new ideas.
B.Multiple-Choice Questions4’
1.Which ntence from the lection is right?
A.Uniforms are ugly and expensive all over the world.
B.Americans don’t like to express themlves through their clothes.
C.Stan Oakley and Mae Stokes thought it was a bad idea.
D.It would be foolish to rush into a vote on this question.
2.Why does Superintendent Rusll think school uniforms are a
good idea?
A.Uniforms make life easier for families,and help children feel better about themlves.
B.All of the committee members believe children really feel better about themlves if they had to wear clothes.
C.All the American students wear uniforms at school.
D.Public meetings are not necessary about uniform issue.
cocoaC.Extended Respon
1.What is the writer’s opinion of school uniforms?How can you tell?2’
______________________________________________________________ 2.What action does the writer recommend or suggest?2’
______________________________________________________________ 3.What is your own opinion on school uniforms?Give reasons
for your opinion.3’
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______________________________________________________________ Fiction Reading
Baby Sister
Mark frowned.His sister was getting a lot of prents for her first birthday.She had cake.She had a lot of attention,too.Grandma and Grandpa were here for the party.His Aunt and Uncle were here.Even some of his cousins and some family friends were here.They were all gathered around the baby taking pictures.
What about him?He ud his fork to play with his piece of birthday cake.He finished his cake and sat there.No one was looking at him.No one cared what he was doing.Fine!He thought.If no one cares,then I can do what I want.He got up and poked a balloon with his fork.POP!
“Mark,stop that.”Mother said quickly.
英文对联POP!He did it again.
“MARK!”Mother shouted.
Grandpa looked at him.A look crosd his face,and Grandpa came over to take him by the shoulder and lead him to the kitchen.“Sit down.”He ordered,pointing to a chair beside the kitchen table.
Mark sat down and crosd his arms.He expected to get yelled at.Instead, Grandpa sat down next to him.