Great men, the deep pain accumulated in an instant, are often equal to all the plain pain that ordinary people experience throughout their lives.
other 2、我愿意像一根火柴,去点燃我的目标。哪怕它是火药,我也在所不惜。
I would like to be like a match to light my goal. Even if it is gunpowder, I will spare no effort.
foreigner怎么读 3、海鸟围着此地盘旋,声声凄厉。海涛滚滚而去,仍旧寻常。一切都像是没有发生一样。
Seabirds hovered around the place, their voices were sad. The waves rolled away, still ordinary. Everything ems to have never happened.
They crosd their breasts, condemning similar acts and begging God to forgive them.
However, the louder I shout, the more terrified my soul is.
Even at the expen of mylf, I will illuminate what I dare to do. I have this determination.
For a a of insidious nature, this attitude of human beings is undoubtedly a provocation to him, and the result is undoubtedly destruction.
merchant I could have thought a lot in silence, but my heart and my mind were beating violently all the time and could not be quiet at all. Sometimes once it was quiet, it emed as if it had been frozen.
Human doubts are often the strongest when he has become a player, but in the face of this helpless situation, he has to deceive himlf to cover it up.
Buckington is just the kind of warrior people expect. His efforts will not be in vain. His perverance will pay off. Be brave. Be as energetic as Buckington. Go ahead!
Don't look at the sun like an oyster in the water, mistake muddy water for thin air, the true or fal of soul and body needs your constant care.
His eyes, like the Polaris in the northern sky, had been shining for six months without a l
oss of light. On the contrary, with the arrival of that date, the fire became more inten and the stars more dazzling.
Ah, young people, you must bear in mind that human greatness is often accompanied by human morbidity, you must be vigilant!
How much happiness you enjoy, how much misfortune you will suffer, how much misfortune you will experience, how much happiness you will get.
Everything in the world, noble people em to have some melancholy qualities.
The waves of jealousy surged on both sides, trying to drown my waterway.
chine language
对外汉语教师考试 The incredible things in the world are silently carried out, the noisy people are not sincere, and the deepest memory is also in the form of no tombstone.
Maybe darkness is the way our human nature exists, so you will always have a fal feeling if you don't clo your eyes.ceva
The air always allows the sailors above the bow to breathe before the commander on the deck. However, he thought he had breathed first.
safetyneteveryday english 20、人类的伟大是与人类的病态相伴相生的。
Human greatness is associated with human morbidity.
Many years ago, when my wallet was flat, there emed to be nothing to mix up on land.
Let's go to the a and stroll in the a which occupies an absolute area in our world.
Sooner or later, people will be abandoned, or the soul will go out of the body, the body will decay slowly, or the body will decay first, flexible but still wandering, homeless, and finally fly to heaven.
We can't guess it, but it deters us all the time. They em light, but they weigh heavily on our hearts, making us feel powerless becau of their existence.