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notyet 类似的,你也可以利用这些不同的经验,让自己变得更有竞争力。如果你一直在政府上班,那些盈利公司就会考虑聘用你。例如,在管理高层,上市公司经常会担心,那些私企的高管无法承担来自股民和证劵交易委员会的压力。
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bulldozer 当你在思考下一步该怎么走时,你需要想想你能够从中获得什么人力优势。如果你很有野心,你可以去一新的公司,甚至是一个新的行业,发展你的人脉网。显然,那是一个挺重要的决定。老实说,你也可以通过在同一家公司的不同部门工作,或者领导一个跨部门的项目来到达目的。
A Better Way to Plan Your Career
My students frequently ask me how I planned out my career to become president of Fidelity Investments. I always tell them, "There was no grand plan; I backed into my career one step at a time."
In the years after I graduated from law school, I had no idea that I would ultimately become the president of a financial rvices giant. I held positions as a law professor, a nior official at the Securities and Exchange Commission, and a partner in a law firm.
But during the early steps in my career, I learned a great deal about mylf: I found that I really liked doing deals and managing people, rather than drafting regulations and writing articles. So I accepted a job offer at Fidelity Investments in 1987, when it was still relatively young. I spent the next decade climbing the corporate ladder; in 1997, for a complex t of reasons, I was chon to be president of the company.
What does my history suggest about career planning? That you can't control the trajector
y of your career. There are just too many factors beyond your control that will shape your job options--global economic trends, political elections, and technological changes, just to name a few. So don't commit the hubris of thinking that you can determine your professional glide path.
On the other hand, you can increa your probability of success by approaching your career with the right mind-t--one that recognizes that career planning is a continuous process that has to be actively managed. At each step in your career, you need to ask yourlf: What can I do next that will maximize my options in the future?
Gain Transferable Knowledge
This process begins with the choices you make at school. You want your education to provide you with the necessary skills and experti to succeed in a wide variety of jobs. This means that you need to make smart choice about the cours you will follow. I favor tho that involve extensive writing, rigorous analysis, or quantitative skills.
Once you have finished your formal education, arch for jobs that will allow you to further expand your transferable knowledge — to help you find your next job. Let's say you take a job putting together airplane leas. Within a few years, you could become the world's expert on the subject; however, this narrow experti probably won't help you in any other line of work. By contrast, if you take a job that will expand your computer programming skills, you can greatly boost your options for later steps in your career.
Gaining experience outside your home country is another way to develop transferable knowledge. I lived for almost two years in Africa and have spent considerable time in England, Japan, and China. Through tho experiences, I learned to deal with different economic, cultural, and political environments — which later helped me evaluate or start business units throughout the world.
Similarly, you can make yourlf more attractive to more employers by working in different types of organizations during your career. For-profit companies may be concerned about hiring you if you have spent your entire career in government, for instan
ce. At the top levels of management, publically traded companies often fear that a nior executive at a private company won't be able to adjust to the unique pressures of public shareholders and SEC mandates.