第10课Before and After September 11知识点归纳

更新时间:2023-05-22 18:49:15 阅读: 评论:0

CEB5  L10:Before and After September 11
1. Rip Van Winkle讲了什么故事?作者为什么要在本文中提及?
(1)It is a short story by Washington Irving which tells of a kindhearted farmer Rip Van Winkle who helped a stranger distribute wine on a mountain slope. He drank a little and soon fell asleep. When he woke and went back to the village, it was 20 years later. Everything had changed. The most important change was the War of Independence had been won and the portrait of King George of Britain was replaced by American President George Washington
(2)故事与本文有相似之处,9/11也是一夜之间使世界发生了巨大变化:“The events of 9/11 divided our world into two radically different eras.”
2. “Anthrax panic nds Congress running from its chambers.”一句中,“Congress”代表什么?本句中用到了哪种修辞手法?
(1)“Congress”stands for its members.
3. 解释“The post 9/11 era looms like an unmapped wilderness.”
    How the post 9/11 era will develop(or the prospect of the post 9/11 era) appears unclear and full of uncertainties, like an uncultivated, wild region that has not been explored.
4. 文中“the struggle for the soul”和“the spoil of war”分别是指什么?
(1)the struggle for the soul:the battle for hearts and minds2021中考录取分数线一览表
(2)the spoil of war: some of our most cherished values and liberties taken in the struggle bad on values and beliefs
6. 解释“A battalion of curitycrats and generals who are attempting to colonize the future with their own repressive agenda.”
(1)A group of soldiers working in the office of home curity and the generals who are attempting to dominate/colonize other countries with their plans that will u force to control the way of life of the people.
(2)主体:tho who advocate national curity over civil liberties, tho in the Department of Defen and the generals in the armed forces(包括FBI,Department of Homeland Security, generals and American armed forces)
对内----expand the power of law enforcement agencies at home (Patriot Act)
对外----strike at the "axis of evil" so as to extend American domination abroad
即the co lonization of the future
7. 解释“the men in…
(1)the men in turbans----the Taliban
(2)the men in hiding ----Osama Bin Laden and other leaders of al Qaeda who were said to hide in Afghanistan
8. 9/11产生的psychological impact是什么?(most rious
(1)The shattering of the n of invulnerability
(2)The emergence of national paranoia
lesson    --Pundits wrote that the country had lost its innocence
9. 文中用来形容“近在咫尺的恐惧”的英文典故是?
    Sword of Damoclesif i could
10. 解释“We too are mired near the bottom of Maslow’s pyramid, struggling to regain our lost n of curity.
    This is a further discussion of what are in common. The terrorist attacks put the Americans at the bottom of the pyramid, trying to regain their n of physical safety, the lowest type of safety.
11. 解释“But the now inescapable prence of the flag, suppodly a symbol of American pride and unity, sometimes looks suspiciously like overcompensation for a wounded ego.”具体理解“overcompensation”和“a wounded ego”
(1)The prence of the flag everywhere ems to rve as an exaggerated effort to make up for the harm done to lf-esteem.contrast
(2)overcompensation for a wounded ego:
--overcompensation:describes the action that in order to demonstrate their determination to rally round the government and the spirit of unity, the Americans turned to the buying and displaying of the national flag
--a wounded ego:9/11 greatly hurt American pride and was a blow to American arrogancadmonish
e. This was a blow to the myth of American invulnerability美国大选2016最新消息
12.什么是“a hardening of outlook”?
    People no longer tolerate difference. Their ideas to the world, to themlves and to other peoples and cultures are fixed and not adaptable, thus, the war on terrorism.
--outlook: your general attitude towards life
--harden: ideas or attitudes become fixed and you become more determined than ever that you will not change them. Less sympathetic.
*The result of the national paranoia is the hardening of outlook
---The U.S has refud to change its fixed ideas about the world structure and is becoming unsympathetic.
--Their hardening of outlook takes the form of war against terrorism.
13. 什么是“dystopia”?试举三例。
(1)”dystopia”反乌托邦 means an imaginary community or society where people live an extremely difficult life
(2)imprisonment without trial
public executions
torture to extract confessions
14. 什么是“Frankensteinian creation”?它的影响?
(1)Economic patriotism经济爱国主义
(2)It discourages national introspection反思 at a time when it would be most valuable.
getout15. 解释“History is a gallery of unspeakable crimes.

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