1. personalsSilly Billy. Silly Billy. Silly Billy loves lily. Why is Silly Billy silly? Why does Silly Billy
love lily? Silly Billy isn’t silly.
2. A mad man says that Amanda has captured a fat panda.
3. Bob took a hot pot, but he overturned the hot pot and the hot water spattered on the floor.great>aminoacid
4. I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought.
5. A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood.
6. A tidy tiger tied a tie tighter to tidy her tiny tail.
随便的英文7. If two witches watched two watches, which witch would watch which watch? Which wristwatch is a Swiss wristwatch?考研英语复习计划>finger
hound dog8. If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing. evaluation
9. She lls a shells on the ashore. The ashells she lls are ashells she is sure.
10. There is a pie in my eye. Will I cry? Will I die? Though I am shy, I will not lie. It might cau a sty, but I deny that I will die or cry from the pie in my eye.