防爆感应式接点压力表YXG Explosion-proof Inductive Electric Contact Pressure Gauge
防爆感应式接点压力表 Electric inductive contact pressure gauge YXG 系列防爆感应式接点压力表的接点形式为感应式接近开关,由于是非接触式接点,所以对供电系统不产生任何损耗,该仪表无电火花,使用寿命长,对测量精度影响小,不仅适用于某些有爆炸危险的场所,也特别适合设备频繁开关的场合使用。具有对工艺流程中的流体介质的压力参数进行检测、自动控制、自动报警等功能。 YXG 系列防爆感应式接点压力表是按GB3836.1《爆炸性气体环境用电气设备通用要求》和GB3836.4《爆炸性气体环境用电气设备本质安全型“i ”》标准设计制造,并经国家相关部门进行防爆检验合格。 YXG 系列防爆感应式接点压力表应与P+F 公司生产的安全栅配套使用,可构成本质安全防爆系统。此系统适用于1区和2区具有爆炸性气体的区域。 The switch of YXG ries explosion-proof inductive pressure gauge is inductive ap-proach form, becau of non-contact-type, it have not any spoilage to the power supply system. Without electric spark, long using life, little impact on the measurement accuracy, it is not only applicable to certain dangerous places, but also suitable for frequent turn on/off occasions. It has the testing function, automatic control, and automatic warning to the liquid medium . YXG ries explosion-proof inductive pressure gauge is bad on GB3836.1< the request of the electric equipment ud in explosive gas environment > "and GB3836.4< safe explosive gas e
nvironment electrical equipment intrinsically safety-type" I " >, and qualified the relevant departments for the national explosion test. YXG ries explosion-proof inductive pressure gauge should match with safety bar P+F to be a system of intrinsically safe explosion-proof. This system is applied to 1 area and 2 area with explosive gas. YXG 系列防爆感应式接点压力表的测量系统由弹簧管、机械传动机构、示值部件、感应式接点装置组成。弹簧管在被测压力作用下,产生弹性变形引起管端位移,其位移通过机械传动机构(连杆和机芯)进行放大,传递给示值部件,指针在刻度盘上指示出相应的压力值的同时,带动控制片的位置发生变化,当仪表指针与上限或下限设定指针重合时,控制片影响敏感元件的电磁场变化,使感应开关电气状态发生改变。 可在设备达到设定压力时输出断(通)态信号,与外部设备用适当的电路连接后便能发出所需的报警信号或开、停机等控制压力的动作,将系统压力控制在所需范围内。 The measure system of YXG ries explosion-proof inductive contacts pressure gauge.Is compod by the bourdon tube, mechanical transmission system, value-show components,inductive contact device. The deformation of bourdon tube under the measuring pressure caus pipes -displacement, and the displacement is enlarged by mechanical transmission organizations (connecting rod and movement), which is transferd to value-show components. Then the value of the pressure is indicated and the position of control patch is changed. When the up and down limits t become to be coinciding, the control patch affects the electromagnetic field changes to transform the state of electrical switches. With the output of tur
n on/off signal, to nd the alarm or start/stop machine after connecting outer equipment, control system pressure within required range.简 介Brief introduction 工作原理Operating principles长沙英语家教
防爆感应式接点压力表 Electric inductive contact pressure gauge 主要技术指标
防爆感应式接点压力表 Electric inductive contact pressure gauge 仪表外形尺寸 DIMENSION (一)YXG 弹簧管型 YXG Bourdon tube type (二)YPXG 膜片型
YPXG Diaphragm type
防爆感应式接点压力表 Electric inductive contact pressure gauge
法语教程安全栅的选择 Safe bar option
swallowed安全栅的技术参数 Safe bar Specifications天津计算机培训
Control method and wiring diagram of electric inductive approach switch.
批针在零位时Code of contacts识别编号数量开关示意图
love mail>fabricating双上限831.22
Notice: 1. When ordering, plea specify the name or No. of contacts referring to the table.
2. Turn on and cut function details: The table shows the turn on and cut situations as pointer moves deasil, and the
function is opposite while the pointer moves widdershins.
防爆感应式接点压力表 Electric inductive contact pressure gauge 两个接点压力表Two contact pressure gauge 仪表与安全栅接线示意(供电源220V ) Scheme (power supply 220V)◆用于驱动带二个接点的仪表Dirve with two contacts pressure gauge ◆带二个单刀双掷接点的继电器输出Output of relay with two single-pole double-throw contacts.◆ 输入信号I :1接+,3接-Input signal I: 1 connect +, 3 connect -◆ 输入信号II :4接+,6
接-Input signal II: 4 connect +, 6 connect -◆ 供电电源(220V ):
14,15Power supply (220V ):14,15◆ 信号输出I :7,8,9接继电器Oupput signal I : 7, 8, 9 rel
ae ◆ 信号输出II :10,11,12接继电器Oupput signal II : 10, 11, 12 relae ◆ LED :电路状态显示(绿色) Circuit state (green) 线路破损状态(红色) Broken circuit state (red) 继电器状态输出(黄色) Relay outputstate (yellow)一个接点压力表Oen contact pressure gauge ◆ 输入信号:1接+,3接-Input signal: 1 connect +, 3 connect -◆ 供电电源(220V ):14,15Power supply :14,15◆ 信号输出:7,8,9接继电器Oupput signal: 7, 8, 9 relae ◆ 用于驱动带一个接点的仪表Drive one contact pessure gauge ◆ 带一个单刀双掷接点的 继电器输出Output of relay with one single-pole double-throw contact.◆ LED :电路状态显示(绿色) Circuit state (green) 线路破损状态(红色) Broken circuit state (red) 继电器状态输出(黄色) Relay outputstate (yellow)仪表与安全栅接线示意(供电源24V )pressure gauge safe bar Inductive approad switch (Exib II CT6)safety zone hazardons areas safe bar pressure gauge safe bar safety zone hazardons areas safe bar