Reliability Test Report
Test No./测试编号: 0110219
Model/电芯型号: 463455—520mAh
Department/部门: 质管部
Date/日期: 2011-02-19
Tester / Date | Inspector/Date | Approved/Date |
高一英语练习册答案2010-02-19 | 吴培钢 2011-02-19 | 方海明 |
| | |
一、外部短路 External short-circuit………………………………………………………3
二、强制放电 新和中学Forced discharge……………………………………………………………4
三、 过充电 Overcharge……………………………………………………………………5
四、穿刺 Puncture…………………………………………………………………………6
五、震动 Vibration…………………………………………………………………………7
六、跌落 Drop………………………………………………………………………………8
七、重物冲击 Impact………………………………………………………………………9
八、挤压 Crush……………………………………………………………………………10
九、温度循环 Temperature cycling………………………………………………………11
十、热冲击 Heating………………………………………………………………………12
十一、投射物实验 Projectile………………………………………………………………13
十二、恒定湿热 Constant humidity………………………………………………………14
1. Standard charge/充电标准:在20±5℃条件下,先以0.8C电流充电至截止电压,再以设计上限充电电压(单体4.20V)恒压充电,截至电流为0.01CA
2. Verification and Identification/鉴定检验:鉴定检验一般在产品设计定型和生产定型时进行,但在产品的主要设计、工艺、元器件及材料有重大改变,且改变之参数影响产品的重要性能,使原有的鉴定结论不再有效时也应进行鉴定检验。
3. Sampling plan/抽样方案:鉴定检验的样品由批量生产的电池中随机抽取。
4. Criterion rule /判定规则:当所有检验项目均满足标准时则判为鉴定检验合格。
5.Weight Loss/重量损失:
Sample weight/ 电池或电池组质量M | Loss/ 允许质量损失值 |
M<1g | 0.5% |
1g<M<5g | 0.2% |
M>5g | 0.1% |
| |
6. Difinition/名词定义:现象列表中的“无异常”仅表示电池表面无明显变化。
Item 测试项目 | Sample No. 测试样品编号 | Result 判定结果 | Remarks 备注 |
External short-circuit /外部短路 | 1#~3# | PASS 通过 | |
Forced discharge/强制放电 | 4#~6# | PASS 通过 | |
Overcharge/过充电 | 7#~9# | PASS 通过 | |
Puncture/穿刺 | 10#~12# | PASS 通过 | |
Vibration/震动 | 13#~15# | PASS 通过 | |
Drop/跌落 386是什么意思 | 16#~18# | PASS 通过 | |
Impact/重物冲击 | 19#~21# | PASS 通过 | |
Crush/挤压测试 | 22#~24# | PASS 通过 | |
Temperature Cycling Test/ 温度循环 | 25#~27# | PASS 通过 | |
Heating/热冲击 | 28#~30#lyrique | PASS 通过 | |
Projectile/投射物实验 | 31#~33# | PASS 通过 | |
Constant humidity/恒定湿热 | 34#~36# | PASS 通过 | |
Conclusion 结论:综合各测试项目结果,判定此型号电芯安全性能合格。 |
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一、External Short Circuit 外部短路
1. The cells are full charge under strict obrvation of the standard charging, and let stand for 1 hour.
2. Put the samples in an oven with 60±2℃.
3. Short each cell with copper wire having maximum resistance load of 50mΩ, monitor and keep 1 hour.
4. Measure temperature of the exterior cell and obrve the samples.
Test requirements 实验要求:Not explode or catch fire. The temperature of the exterior cell or battery casing shall not exceed150°C (302°F)/不起火,不爆炸,电池表面温度<150℃
DATA 实验数据:
| Sample No. 样品序号 | OCV/V开路电压 | Max. Temp /°C 最高温度 | Result 结果判定 |
| 1# | poach4.183 | 63 | PASS |
| 2# | 4.179 | 66 | PASS |
| 3# | 4.185 | 62 | PASS |
Phenomena 现象 | Note 记录 |
C0 无异常 No Change | |
C1 漏液 Leakage | |
C2 冒浓烟, 不给力的奥特曼 Smoked, | |
C3 明火 Flame | |
C4 爆炸 Explosion | |
C5 气鼓 Expansion | |
C6 其它 El | |
| | | | | | |
Photo of the sample photo of the process photo after the test
样品照片 过程照片 实验后照片
二、Forced discharge 强制放电:
1. The cells are full charge under strict obrvation of the standard charging, and let stand for 1 hour.
2. Completely discharge one cell of the samples with 1C current,
3. The completely discharged cell is to be force-discharged by connecting it in ries with the fully charged cells; the sample is to discharge until the battery ca temperature has returned to ambient temperature.
Test requirements 实验要求:Not explode or catch fire/不爆炸、不起火
DATA 实验数据:
| 出国留学的中介Sample No. 样品序号 | OCV/V开路电压 | Max. Temp /°C 最高温度 | Result 结果判定 |
| 4# | 4.183 | 63 | PASS |
| 5# | 4.179 | 66 | PASS |
| 6# | 4.185 | 62 | PASS |
Phenomena 现象 | Note 记录 |
C0 infrastructure中文无异常 No Change | |
C1 漏液 Leakage | |
C2 冒浓烟, Smoked, | |
C3 明火 Flame | |
C4 爆炸 Explosion | |
C5 气鼓 Expansion | |
C6 其它 El | |
| | | | | | |
Photo of the sample photo of the process photo after the test
样品照片 过程照片 实验后照片
三、Overcharge 过充电:
1. Discharge all cells to 3.0V with 1C current.
2. Charge cell (without PTC) with 1C current and 5V voltage, and keep at least 24 hours.
Test requirements 实验要求:Not explode or catch fire. The temperature of the exterior cell or battery casingdopo shall not exceed 150°C (302°F)./不起火,不爆炸,电池表面温度<150℃
DATA 实验数据:
| Sample No. 样品序号 | OCV/V开路电压 | Max. Temp /°C 最高温度 | Result 结果判定 |
| 7# | 4.183 | 63 | PASS |
| 8# | 4.179 | 66 | PASS |
| 9# | 4.185 | 62 | PASS |
Phenomena 现象 | Note 记录 |
C0 无异常 No Change | |
C1 漏液 Leakage | |
C2 冒浓烟, leprosy Smoked, | |
C3 明火 Flame | |
C4 爆炸 Explosion | |
C5 气鼓 Expansion | |
C6 其它 El | |
| | | | | | |
Photo of the sample photo of the process photo of the test
样品照片 过程照片 实验后照片