冬至 英文
“Predication analysis” is a new approach for ntential meaning analysis. “Predication” is usually considered an important common category shared by propositions, questions, commands, etc. Predication is to break down the ntence into their smaller constituents: argument (logical participant) and predicate (relation element). The “predicate” is the major or pivotal element governing the argument. We may now distinguish a “two-place predicate” (which governs two arguments, e.g., subject and object), a “one-place predicate” (which governs one argument, i.e., subject) and a “no-place predicate” that has simply no argument (no real subject or object).
1. What is linguistics?
Linguistics is the scientific study of language. It studies not just one language of any one society, but the language of all human beings. Linguists obrve language facts and investigate how language is constructed. Linguistics studies the general validity and principles whereupon all human languages.
2. Descriptive: describe and analyze linguistic facts or language people actually u (modern linguistic)
Prescriptive: lay down rules for “correct and standard” linguistic behavior in using language (traditional grammar)
3. Speech and writing: two major media. Speech is the primary medium of language. Writing is later developed.
Why does modern linguistics regard the spoken form of language as primary, not the written?
First, the spoken form (speech) is prior to the written form and most writing systems are derived from the spoken form of language.
Second, the spoken form plays a greater role than writing in terms of the amount of information conveyed and it rves a wider range of purpos
Finally, the spoken form is the medium through which we acquire our mother tongue.
4. Competence: the ideal ur’s knowledge of the rules of his language.backpackers
Performance: the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication.
Chomsky looks at language from a psychological point of view and to him competence is a property of the mind of each individual.
5. Traditional grammar: prescriptive, written, Latin-bad framework.
Modern linguistics: descriptive, spoken, not necessarily Latin-bad framework.
Linguistics is descriptive while the traditional grammar is prescriptive; modern linguistics regards the spoken language as primary, traditional grammar on the other hand tended to over-emphasize the importance of written word, becau of its permanence; modern linguistics does not force language into a Latin-bad framework.
the iron lady
兽语翻译How is modern linguistics different from traditional grammar?
兔子的英文单词Traditional grammar is prescriptive; it is bad on "high "(religious, literary) written language. It ts grammatical rules and impos the rules on language urs. But Modern linguistics is descriptive; it collects authentic and mainly spoken language data and then it studies and describes the data in an objective and scientific way.
6. Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols ud for human communication.
7. Phonetics is defined as the study of the phonic medium of language; it is concerned with all the sounds that occur in the world’s languages.
Articulatory phonetics, auditory phonetics, acoustic phonetics
8. Morphology refers to the study of the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.
9. Open class words: content words of a language to which we can regularly add new words
Clod class words: grammatical or functional words, such as conjunction, articles, preposition and pronouns
10. Morpheme -- the minimal unit of meaning
Words are compod of morphemes. Words may consist of one morpheme or more morphemes
11. Auxiliary - head movement
Inversion: Move Infl幻觉 英文 to the left of the subject NP.
Inversion (revid): Move Infl to C
12. Deep structure: formed by the XP rule in accordance with the head’s sub-categorization properties; it contains all the units and relationships that are necessary for interpreting the meaning of the ntence.
toefljunior>烘焙咖啡粉>pie是什么意思Surface structure: corresponding to the final syntactic form of the ntence which results from appropriate transformations; it is that of the ntence as it is pronounced or written.