瑟缩>上海华师大二附中Cassie 20130201025
Confucius, the Chine famous philosopher, regarded the word which has been translated as “altruism” as a general rule of conduct throughout life. So, what’s altruism? The word altruism, originally coined by the French philosopher August Comtejust for a moment in French as altruisme, means unlfish concern for others’ happiness and welfare. foxi
top of the worldAltruism is an antonym of egoism, and it is different from kindness, lfishness or respect for the rights of others. The moral code of altruism is that man has no right to exist for his own sake and that rvice to others is the only justification of his existence. The irreducible primary of altruism is lf-sacrifice.
Altruism is not only for human beings but also for animals and plants in the nature. Altruism is done by human beings with the conscious intention of helping others, while altruism is done by animals or plants without conscious intention, which is mainly inherited or out of ins
211大概要多少分万物简史tinct. In philosophy, the happiness of others is more important than that of ourlves.In biology, altruism refers to behavior by an individual that increas the fitness of another individual while decreasing the fitness of the actor.
Altruism is promoted as a very important value by most of the religion in the world, such as Buddhism, Christianity and Islam and so on. Mother Teresa, who helped people in need in India lflessly, is a typical reprentative who promotes altruism. She once said that to love rather than to be loved and to forgive rather than to be forgiven. This is actually where altruism lies---others are the first to be considered rather than ourlves whatever happens.
cookie是什么In short, as a virtue, altruism derves our emphasis. Just as Master Confucius indicates, it can rve as general rule of life.