advance bill (n.) a bill of exchange that has been written before the goods have been nt off 预付(开)票据
[例]?? Dear customer, we will nd you the advance bill for that batch by air express mail today.
adver balance (n.) an amount of debt shown on an account赤字?
中文翻译成韩文[例]?? With the rapid growth of our turnover, our adver balance will be eliminated very soon.
蓝色用英语怎么说[同义词]?? deficit
adverti [5AdvEtaIz] (v.) announce something is for sale做广告
contextual[例]? The soap is advertid on TV for its special flavor.
[同义词]?? announce
girlfriend什么意思ad (n, inf) short for advertiment
ad valorem (adj.) of tax that is calculated as a percentage of the value of the goods从价征税百度翻译英语
[例] ?VAT is a kind of valorem tax.
advertiment [ Ed5vE:tismEnt ] (n.) notice/announcement that something is for sale广告python人工智能培训>古文观止翻译
[例]? If you want your hou sold, you should have put your advertiment in a more popular newspaper.?