ACCA FR Financial Reporting (FR) Interpretation of financial statements (ratio analysis)
今日 宜背公式:)
1. Performance/ Profitability ratio 盈利能力
Gross profit magin=gross profit/sales revenue *100%
Net profit margin=PBIT/ sales revenue *100%
the(PBIT=operating profit=PBT +finance cost)
Net ast turnover净资产周转率=sales revenue/ capital employed
雅思在线课程收费ROCE=PBIT/capital employed *100% =net profit magin* net ast turnover
(Capital employed=equity+NCL=ast-CL)
ROE=PAT/ equity *100%
2. Liquidity& Working capital ratio 短期偿债能力和运营效率
Current ratio=CA/CL
Quick ratio=(CA-inventory)/CL
Inventory turnover period=inventory/cost of sales *365 days
Receivables collection period=TR/credit sales *effort是什么意思365 days
Payables payment period=TP/credit purcha *365 days
Cash conversion cycle=Inventory turnover period+Receivables collection period-Payables payment period
3. Long-term financial stability ratio 长期偿债能力
Debt ratio负债比率=total liabilities/ total asts
Gearing杠杆比率=long term debt/(equity+long term debt)
或 long term debt/ equity
Interest cover利息保障倍数=PBIT/ interest payable (interest expen)
4. Investor ratio
Earning per share (EPS)=earnings/ share number
P/E ratio市盈率=share price/ EPS
Dividend yield股息收益率=dividend per share/ share pricestay是什么意思翻译
verbDIvidend cover股息保障倍数=PAT/ dividends
2014 Jun Q3
(b) Analysis of the comparative financial performance and position of Woodbank for the year ended 31 March 2014
∙ Introduction
--When comparing a company’s current performance and position with the previous year (or years), using trend analysis, it is necessary to take into account the effect of any circumstances which may create an inconsistency in the comparison.(常用句) In the ca of Woodbank, the purcha of Shaw is an example of such an inconsistency.
--2014’s figures include, for a three-month period, the operating results of Shaw, and Woodbank’s statement of financial position includes all of Shaw’s net asts (including goodwill) together with the additional 10% loan notes ud to finance the purcha of Shaw. None of the items were included in the 2013 financial statements.
--The net asts of Shaw when purchad were $50 million, which reprents
one third of Woodbank’s net asts (capital employed) as at 31 March 2014; thus it reprents a major investment for Woodbank and any analysis necessitates careful consideration of its impact.
∙ Profitability
--ROCE is considered by many analysts to be the most important profitability ratio. (常用句)woogA ROCE of 12·0% in 2014, compared to 10·5% in 2013, reprents a creditable 14·3% (12·0 – 10·5)/10·5) improvement in profitability. (比较数据)
--When ROCE is calculated excluding the contributionfrom Shaw, at 13·0%, it shows an even more favourable performance. (常用句)
--Although this comparison (13·0% from 10·5%) is valid, it would em to imply that the purcha of Shaw has had a detrimental effect on Woodbank’s
--However, caution is needed when interpreting this information as ROCE compares the r
eturn to the capital employed. In the ca of Woodbank, the statement of profit or loss only includes three months’ results from Shaw whereas the statement of financial position includes all of Shaw’s net asts; this is a form of inconsistency. It would be fair to speculate that in future years, when a full year’s results from Shaw are reported, the ROCE effect of Shaw will be favourable. (常用套路,先说不利效果,再话锋一转说要是将来考虑整年的数据可能有所不同)
--The cau of the improvement in ROCE is revealed by consideration of the condary profitability ratios: ast turnover and profit margins. (常用思路,拆开ROCE分析)
网上学习韩语--Woodbank’s results, as reported, show that it is the increa in the profit before interest and tax margin (12·0% from 9·1%) which is responsible for the improvement in ROCE, as the ast turnover has actually decread (1·0 times from 1·16 times) and gross profit is exactly the same in both years (at
When the effect of the purcha of Shaw is excluded the position changes; the overall im
provement in ROCE (13·0% from 10·5%) is caud by both an increa in profit margin (at the before interest and tax level, at 10·8% from 9·1%), despite a fall in gross profit (20·0% from 22·0%) and a very slight improvement in ast turnover (1·2 times from 1·16 times).
∙ Liquidity
--The company’s liquidity position, as measured by the current ratio, has fallen considerably in 2014 and is a cau for concern. At 1·67:1 in 2013, it was within the acceptable range (normally between 1·5:1 and 2·0:1); however, the 2014 ratio of 1·08:1 is very low.(比较数据)