China is a country with a long history of fiber art, colorful traditional fiber art, their national characteristics, geographical features.It should be said that the traditional fiber art is a good foundation of our current fiber arts development. Discusd in this paper is the development status of China's contemporary fiber art in that contemporary art context. To study the development of China's contemporary fiber art, fiber art in the development of our country must understand the long history of the ancient tradition of fiber art.In the contemporary history ’s the development process,the inheritance and development are integrated into the social, cultural, even psychological aspects of human .Therefore it is very important to the history of the development of traditional fiber art. We found fiber products in the ancient Neolithic relics. Many fiber arts disciplines as the history of the development of feudal society, steeped in deep historical connotation of fiber development of the arts in China. But the end of the feudal society must end the imperial nobility demand for fiber art. Fi
ber art products to meet the emperor and nobility died away gradually .Fiber art products grown in the private ctor continue to breed development, and people pay more attention to this rare kind spiritual wealth.
China's modern and contemporary fiber art road twists and turns in the decades of fiber art in the development process. Its creators have been making efforts to contribute to the development of China's fiber art and a lot of good work. As the new century, the growing international cultural exchange, as well as the introduction of ideas of contemporary art, traditional fiber arts impact is inevitable. It faces a n of crisis and will require the artist in the multicultural context of the moment to rethink about how fiber art form itlf department and development. Fiber art in today's development gives us a lot of problems need to think about. The critical moment in the past and now, we must sort out our thinking and objectively understand China's fiber arts development in the past, prent and future, as well as the current problems that we face.
In a Word, adhering to the characteristics of Chine fiber art,referencing foreign outstanding experience, finally to make fiber art with Chine national characteristics
Keywords: Fiber arts, Contemporary art, Traditional fiber art
摘要 ................................................................... I ABSTRACT ............................................................... II 第一章绪论 (1)
1.1引言 (1)
1.2选题背景和意义 (1)
1.3.1现当代艺术史、艺术批评及相关文论 (2)
1.3.2工艺美术类 (3)
1.3.3纤维及纤维艺术类 (3)
第二章传统纤维艺术发展——当代艺术语境下中国纤维艺术发展的基垫 (5)
2.1传统纤维艺术的发展沉淀了自我独特语言 (5)
2.1.1远古纤维的发现 (5)
2.1.2各种传统纤维艺术发展摘述 (10)
第三章20世纪纤维艺术的发展 (15)
3.120世纪国外纤维艺术的发展演变 (15)
3.1.1“纤维艺术”20世纪60年代之前的产生与演变 (15)
3.1.2“纤维艺术”20世纪60年代的转变 (16)
3.1.3明确定义纤维艺术 (17)
3.220世纪中国纤维艺术的发展与嬗变 (17)
3.2.1建国前后中国纤维艺术的状况 (17)
3.2.2改革开放后中国纤维艺术发展 (18)
3.2.3“洛桑走入北京” (20)
第四章纤维材料与当代艺术 (22)
4.1当代艺术吸纳纤维材料 (22)
4.1.1纤维材料注入思想观念性 (24)
4.1.2纤维材料纳入多元媒介 (27)
4.1.3纤维材料的复杂性与表现的思想单纯性 (29)
power ball4.1.4纤维材料自身的物性表达 (30)
4.1.5艺术家借用纤维媒介的当代艺术语言表达 (32)
4.2当代艺术解放了纤维材料 (35)
4.2.1促发了纤维媒材的多样性 (35)
4.2.2纤维媒材自身物性的置换与转变 (35)
4.3纤维艺术丰富了当代文化 (37)
4.3.1纤维材质的艺术语言拓展 (38)
cheaterweatherreport4.3.2纤维材质引发更多创作灵感 (38)
第五章纤维艺术与当代艺术的摩擦 (40)
5.1当代艺术语境下纤维艺术的价值认同 (40)
5.2当代艺术语境下纤维艺术的重新定义 (41)
5.2.1纤维艺术的扩展 (41)
5.2.2纤维艺术的颠覆 (42)
阡陌怎么读第六章中国纤维艺术发展的当前状况 (44)
6.1纤维艺术步履“蹒跚” (44)
6.1.1个人化表达的私密性 (44)
jelena6.1.2传统纤维艺术的沉重 (45)
6.1.3纤维艺术的语言边缘化 (46)
6.1.4纤维艺术“以柔克强” (46)
6.2纤维艺术评判的尴尬性 (47)
总结 (49)
7.1纤维艺术的总结与展望 (49)
7.2纤维艺术的自我实验 (50)
7.2.1个人作品探索 (50)
7.2.2实验的语言探索的完善与展望 (51)
resistance是什么意思参考文献 (52)
国内 (52)
相关文章 (53)
相关期刊及数据库论文. (53)
致谢 (54)