5`UTR, 3`UTR | Cosmid | Leading strand of DNA | puld-field gel electrophoresis, PFGE |
Activator | Cotranslational translocation | Long terminal repeat, LTR | Regulator gene |
让生命充满爱演讲Agaro | Deletion | Meiosis | Relea factor, RF | 英语元音和辅音
Alkaline phosphata, AP | Deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA | Message RNA, mRNA | Renaturation |
Allele | Direct repeat | Minus strand DNA | Repetition frequency |
Allosteric regulation | DNA liga | Mismatch | Replication eye |
Aminoacyl-tRNA syntheta | DNA polymera | Mitochondrial DNA, mtDNA | Replication fork |
active desktop Amplification | Domain of protein | Mitosis | Replicon |
Antibody | EF-G | Molecular biology | Repressor |
Anticodon | Elongation | Monocistronic mRNA | Restriction endonuclea |
Antigen | Elongation factor, EF | Negative regulation | Retrosposon, retrotransposon |
Antin (template) strand of DNA | Endonuclea | Nick translation | Retrovirus |
Antin gene | Enhancer | Nonautonomous controlling element | Rever transcripta |
Attenuator | Euchromatin | Nonhistone | Rever transcription |
Autogenous control | Exon | Nonreplicative transposition | Ribonucleoprotein |
Autonomous controlling element | Exonuclea | Nonn mutation | Ribosomal RNA, rRNA |
Backcross | Expression quence tag, EST | Northern hybridization | Ribosome |
Back mutation | Expression vector | Nucleic acid | Semiconrvative replication |
Bacterial artificial chromosome, BAC | Facultative heterochromatin | Nucleic Acid Gel Electrophoresis | Semidiscontinuous replication |
Basal level | Genetic code | Nucleoid | Signal quence |
Ba mispairing | Genome | Nucleosome | Small nuclear RNA, snRNA |
Ba pair, bp | Gratuitous inducer | Okazaki fragment | Southern hybridization |
Biochip | Heat shock respon element, HSE | Oncogene | 英语教学案例范文Splice site |
Blunt end | Helica | Operator | Startpoint |
C-value paradox | Hemimethylated DNA | Open reading frame, ORF | Synonym codon |
Central dogma | Heterochromatin | Operon | T4 polynucleotide kina |
Centromere | Heterogeneous nuclear RNA, hnRNA | Origin | Telomera |
Chaperone | Heteromultimer | Packing ratio | Telomere |
Chloroplast DNA, ctDNA | Histone | Phage/bacteriophage | Terminal transfera |
Chromatin | Holoenzyme | plasmid | Termination |
Chromosome | Homomultimer | Plus strand DNA | Terminator |
Cis-acting site | Houkeeping (constitutive) gene i promi | Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, matthewPAGE | Trans-acting factor |
Cistron / Gene | Hybrid dysgeneis | Polyadenylation | Transcription |
Cloning vector | Hybridization | Polycistronic mRNA | Transfer RNA, tRNA |
Coding (n) strand | In situ hybridization | Polymorphism | Transgene |
freestyle是什么意思Coding region | Incomplete dominance | Post-translational translocation | Translation |
Codominant allele | Inducer | Primer | Transposa |
Codon | Initiation | Prion | Transposition |
Cohesive end | Initiation factor, IF | Processing of RNA | Transposon, transposable element |
Composite transposon | Inrtion | Programmed cell death, PCD | Upstream |
Connsus quence | Insulator | Promoter | Variegation of phenotype |
Constitutive heterochromatin | Intron | Protein | Western hybridization |
Controlling element | Inverted terminal repeats | 中山大学自主招生简章Protein kina | Wobble hypothesis |
Core DNA | Isoschizomer | Protein translocation | Yeast artificial chromosome, YAC |
Core enzyme | Lagging strand of DNA | Pudogene | Zinic finger |
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