Statement on Graduation生活大爆炸第8季>menopau
This is to certify that 姓名(male/female, student no.: 学号, ID no.: 身份证号) has specialized in the four-year undergraduate program of 专业in the 部(院/系)at Beijing Normal university from 入学年月to 毕业年月. This student has met all the academic requirements for the program and gained the corresponding credits, and is expected to graduate in July, 毕业年份and be awarded the Bachelor's degree in 学位名称.
This student has no record of discipline violation and has been academically successful, and is expected to graduate and be granted the Graduation Certificate and Certificate of Bachelor's Degree in July, 毕业年份as long as the graduation thesis defen is pasd in the spring mester of the academic year of 答辩学年起to答辩学年止, and no violation of university disciplines takes place before the graduation date. The education information of this student will be registered on the China Higher-education Student Information website of the Ministry of Education, and the academic degree information will be registered on the Academic Degree Reporting (and Filing) Platform of the Ministry of Education.
This is hereby to certify.
英语散文>英语专业学校排名bbrCollege/School/Department: (部/院/系英文名称) (Seal)Provost’s Office and Academic Affairs Beijing Normal University
Contact (signature):Contact (signature): Tel: Tel:
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