NCE P-Channel Enhancement Mode Power MOSFET
The NCE30P12S us advanced trench technology to provide excellent R DS(ON), low gate charge and operation with gate voltages as low as 4.5V. This device is suitable for u as a load switch or in PWM applications.
General Features
● V DS = -30V,I D = -12A R DS(ON) < 25m Ω @ V GS =-4.5V R DS(ON) < 16m Ω @ V GS =-10V
● High Power and current handing capability ● Lead free product is acquired ● Surface mount package
●PWM applications ●Load switch ●Power management
Schematic diagram
Marking and pin assignment
SOP-8 top view
Package Marking and Ordering Information
Device Marking
Device Package
Reel Size
Tape width
japane 40成熟matterQuantity
30P12 NCE30P12S SOP-8
Ø330mm 12mm
2500 units
Absolute Maximum Ratings (T A =25℃unless otherwi noted)
Parameter Symbol Limit Unit
Drain-Source Voltage V DS -30 V Gate-Source Voltage V GS ±20 V Drain Current-Continuous
I D -12 A Drain Current-Puld (Note 1)
I DM -48 A
Maximum Power Dissipation
P D 3 W Operating Junction and Storage Temperature Range
-55 To 150
Thermal Characteristic
北京瘫Thermal Resistance,Junction-to-Ambient (Note 2)
/W ℃
preacherElectrical Characteristics (T A =25℃unless otherwi noted)
Parameter Symbol Condition
Min Typ Max Unit
Off Characteristics
Min Typ Max
Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage BV DSS V GS =0V I D =-250μA -30 -33 - V Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current I DSS V DS =-30V,V GS =0V - - -1 μA Gate-Body Leakage Current I GSS V GS =±20V,V DS =0V -
- ±100nA
On Characteristics (Note 3) Gate Threshold Voltage
V GS(th) V DS =V GS ,I D =-250μA -1 -1.5 -3 V V GS =-10V, I D =-10A - 11.5 15 m Ω Drain-Source On-State Resistance R DS(ON) V GS =-4.5V, I D =-7A - 18 25 m Ω Forward Transconductance g FS
V DS =-10V,I D =-10A 20
- - S Dynamic Characteristics (Note4) Input Capacitance C lss - 1750 - PF Output Capacitance
C oss - 215 - PF
Rever Transfer Capacitance C rss V DS =-15V,V GS =0V,
- 180 - PF
Switching Characteristics (Note 4) Turn-on Delay Time t d(on) - 9 - nS
Turn-on Ri Time t r - 8 - nS Turn-Off Delay Time t d(off) - 28 - nS
贵阳会计网Turn-Off Fall Time t f
V DD =-15V, ID=-10A, V GS =-10V,R GEN =1Ω - 10 - nS
Total Gate Charge Q g - 24 - nC Gate-Source Charge Q gs - 3.5 - nC
Gate-Drain Charge
Q gd V DS =-15V,I D =-10A,V GS =-10V - 6 - nC
Drain-Source Diode Characteristics Diode Forward Voltage (Note 3)
V GS =0V,I S =-2A -
- -1.2 V
1. Repetitive Rating: Pul width limited by maximum junction temperature.
2. Surface Mounted on FR4 Board, t ≤ 10 c.
3. Pul Test: Pul Width ≤ 300μs, Duty Cycle ≤ 2%.
4. Guaranteed by design, not subject to production
Typical Electrical and Thermal Characteristics
Figure 1:Switching Test Circuit
T J -Junction Temperature(℃)not going anywhere
Figure 3 Power Dissipation
Vds Drain-Source Voltage (V)
pcgFigure 5 Output Characteristics
V t
Figure 2:Switching Waveforms
T J -Junction Temperature(℃)
Figure 4 Drain Current
I D - Drain Current (A)
Figure 6 Drain-Source On-Resistance
P D P o w e r (W )
I D - D r a i n C u r r e n t (A )
R d s o n O n -R e s i s t a n c e (m Ω)
I D - D r a i n C u r r e n t (A )
Vgs Gate-Source Voltage (V)
Figure 7 Transfer Characteristics
Vgs Gate-Source Voltage (V)
Figure 9 Rdson vs Vgs
Qg Gate Charge (nC)
Figure 11 Gate Charge
T J -Junction Temperature(℃)
Figure 8 Drain-Source On-Resistance
Vds Drain-Source Voltage (V)
Figure 10 Capacitance vs Vds
Vsd Source-Drain Voltage (V)
Figure 12 Source- Drain Diode Forward
I D - D r a i n C u r r e n t (A )
R d s o n O n -R e s i s t a n c e (m Ω)
V g s G a t e -S o u r c e V o l t a g e (V )非诚勿扰开场音乐
N o r m a l i z e d O n -R e s i s t a n c e
C C a p a c i t a n c e (p F ) I s - R e v e r s e催乳师培训
D r a i n C u r r e n t (A )
Vds Drain-Source Voltage (V)
Figure 13 Safe Operation Area
Square Wave Plu Duration(c)
Figure 14 Normalized Maximum Transient Thermal Impedance
r (t ),N o r m a l i z e d E f f e c t i v e T r a n s i e n t T h e r m a l I m p e d a n c e
首肯I D - D r a i n C u r r e n t (A )