
更新时间:2023-05-21 07:26:40 阅读: 评论:0

A: Area, Ampere; Acre; Alcove; Compresd Air Line AB: Anchor Bolt; Asbestos Board
ABV: Above
AC: Air Conditioning, Alternating Current, Acoustical ACC: Access
ACF: Architectural Concrete Finish
ACFL: Access Floor
ACI: American Concrete Institute
ACL: Across the Line
ACOUST: Acoustical
ACPL: Acoustical Plaster
ACR: Acrylic
ACST: Acoustic
ACT: Acoustical Tile; Actual
AD: Access Door, Area Drain
ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992 ADAAG: Americans with Disabilities Act Architectural Guidelines ADD: Addendum; Addition
ADDL: Additional
ADH: Adhesive
ADJ: Adjust, Adjustable, Adjacent
AF: Above the Floor
AFF: Above Finished Floor
AGA: American Gas Association
AGG: Aggregate
AGGR: Aggregate
AIA: American Institute of Architects, American Insurance Association
AIC: Amperes Interrupting Circuit
AIEE: American Institute of Electrical Engineers AISC: American Institute of Steel Construction AL: Aluminum ALM: Alarm
ALT: Alternate, Alteration; Altitude
ALUM: Aluminum
ALS: Acrylic Latex Sealant
AMB: Ambient
AMP: Ampere, Ampacity
英语答题卡模板AN: Anode
ANCH: Anchor, Anchorage
ANN: Annunciator
ANOD: Anodized
ANT: Antenna
AP: Access Panel
APPD: Approved
APPROX: Approximate
APRVD: Approved
APT: Apartment
APX: Approximate
AR: Acid Resisting
ARCH: Architect, Architectural
ARS: Asbestos Roof Shingles
AS: Acoustic Sealant
ASB: Asbestos
ASC: Above Suspended Ceiling
ASCE: American Society of Civil Engineers ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASPH: Asphalt ASSEM: Asmble
ASSOC: Association; Associate
ASSY: Asmbly
ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials AT: Acoustical Tile; Asphalt Tile
ATC: Acoustical Tile Ceiling
ATTEN: Attenuation
ATM: Automatic Teller Machine; Atmospheric AUTH: Authorized
AUTO: Automatic
AVG: Average
AW: Acid Waste
AWG: American Wire Gauge
AWM: Automatic Washing Machine AWS: American Welding Society
AWWA: American Water Works Association AX: Axis
B: Boiler, Bathroom, Bidet高一英语课文翻译
B TO B: Back to Back
B & S: Bell and Spigot, Brown & Sharp
B/: Bottom (of)
BBD: Bulletin Board
BA: Bulb Angle
BAL: Balance, Ballast
BAF: Baffle
BB: Buffalo Box, Ball Bearing,, Bulletin Board BBL: Barrel
BC: Broom Clot
让子弹飞 台词BD: Board, Blow Down (pipe)
BDL: Bundle
BDY: Boundary
BDRM: Bedroom
BEL: Below
BET: Between
BETW: Between
BEV: Bevel
BF: Board Foot, Back Face, Bottom Face, Both Faces, Boiler Feed BG: Bag (e.g., of cement)peach是什么意思
BHP: Brake Horpower
BHD: Bulkhead
BIT: Bituminous
BJF: Bituminous Joint Filler
BKR: Breaker
BL: Ba Line, Building Line, Block
BLDG: Building
BLK: Block
BLO: Blower
BLR: Boiler
BLT: Borrowed Lite, Bullet Tips (Hinges)
BLT-IN: Built-In
BM: Beam, Bench Mark
BMT: Butyl Mastic Tape Sealant
BN: Bullno
BO: Blow Off
BOT: Bottom
BP: Ba Plate, Blueprint, Bypass
BPL: Bearing Plate
BR: Bedroom, Brick, Brass, Boiler Room Branch BRDG: Bridge, Bridging BRG: Bearing
BRK: Brick提供劳务
BRKR: Breaker
BRKT: Bracket
BRS: Butyl Rubber Sealant, Brass
壁毯BRZ: Bronze
BS: Both Sides, Backt, Bluestone
BSMT: Bament
BT: Bathtub, Bolt
BTR: Better
BTU: British Thermal Units
BTUH: British Thermal Units per Hour
BUR: Built-up Roof
BUZ: Buzzer
BV: Butterfly Valve
BVL: Bevelled
BW: Both Ways
BWV: Back Water Valve
BYP: By Pass
C: Cours, Curb, Channel, Degrees Celsius, Clock Outlet, Calcimine
C/C: Center to Center
C TO C: Center to Center
CA: Compresd Air
CAB: Cabinet
CAD: Cadmium, Computer-Aided Drafting CAIS: Caissonlumama
CAP: Capacity
CAR: Carpetwubin
CARP: Carpenter
CB: Catch Basin, Concrete Block, Cast Brass, Coal Bin
CBL: Concrete Block
CBX: Cast Box Strike
CC: Cubic Centimeter
CCT: Circuit
CCW: Counter Clockwi CCTV: Clod Circuit TV
CD: Cold Drawn, Cadmium CDS: Cold Drawn Steel
CEL: Cellar
CEM: Cement
CEM AB: Cement Asbestos Board Cem P: Cement Water Paint CER: Ceramic
CF: Cubic Feet
CFL: Counterflashing
CFM: Cubic Feet per Minute
CFS: Cubic Feet per Second
CFT: Cubic Foot
CG: Corner Guard
CH: Coat Hook
CHB: Chalk Board
CHR: Chilled Water Return CHAM: Chamfer
CHAN: Channel
CHBD: Chalkboard
CHS: Chilled Water Supply
C.I.: Cast Iron
CI: Cast Iron
CIN BL: Cinder Block
CIP: Cast Iron Pipe, Cast-in-Place CIR: Circle, Circular, Circuit
CIRC: Circumference
CISP: Cast Iron Soil/wer Pipe CITG: Clear Insulating Tempered Glass CJ: Control Joint CJF: Cork Joint Filler努力学习演讲稿
CK: Caulking
CKT: Circuit
CL: Centerline, Clearance, Closing, Closure, Class, Clot
CLG: Ceiling

本文发布于:2023-05-21 07:26:40,感谢您对本站的认可!



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