
更新时间:2023-05-21 07:21:39 阅读: 评论:0

CFB 锅炉中英文名词对照表
2 @ 50% Capacity 2台50%出力
Access Doors 人孔
Access/Obrvation Doors 人孔门/观察门
Actuated Control Valves 电动控制阀
Actuated Gate Valve 电动闸阀
Actuated Intermittent Blowdown 电动定期排污阀
Air Distribution Grid and Plenum 布风板和风箱
Air Flow Elements 风流量元件
Air Piping, Manual Dampers 空气管,膨胀节和手动挡板
Air Piping/Flexiable Ho/hangers/Dampers 空气管道/金属软管/吊架/挡板Air Preheat Steam Coils 蒸汽盘管暖风器
Airheater Hoppers 空气预热器灰斗
Airheater Outlet to Precipitator 从空气预热器出口到除尘器Airheater Supports 空预器支架
Airheater to Boiler 空气预热器到锅炉
Anchor 销钉
Anchor Bolts/Nuts 地脚螺栓/螺母
Architectural and Civil 建筑和土建
Arrow Head Type 箭头型喷嘴
Ash Conveying to Disposal 底灰输送去处理
Ash Storage Silo 底灰储仓
Attemperator Regulating Isolation Valves 减温器隔离阀
Attemperator Regulating, Valves 减温器调节阀
Auxiliary Steam Shutoff Valves 辅助蒸汽阀
Bare Tube 光管
Ba Plates 底板
Bearing Metal TC's 轴承金属温度热电偶
Bearing Metal TC's 轴承金属热电偶
Bed Thermocouples 床温热电偶
Blowdown System 排污系统
Blowdown Tanks 排污扩容器
Blowdown/Blowoff Valves 排污和放水阀
Blower with motors 鼓风机
Blowers/Motors 风机/马达
Boiler Area 锅炉区域
Boiler Code Pipe Hanger & Supports 锅炉范围内管道支吊架
Boiler Control & Logic 锅炉控制逻辑
Boiler Guide Steel & Seismic Stops 锅炉导向和地震限位装置
Boiler Guide Steel / Bumpers 锅炉钢架侧导向梁/限位装置Boiler Hou Roof Steel 炉顶钢梁
Boiler Lay-Up Protection Piping 锅炉停用保护用管道
Boiler Penthou Hanger 锅炉炉顶大包吊架敬礼英文
Boiler Roof & Downspouts 炉顶棚和下水管
BOP Controls BOP 控制
Buckstays 锅炉刚性梁
Building Enclosure / Siding 厂房
Burner to Plenum Hot Expansion Joints 风道燃烧器到炉底风箱膨胀节Burner Valve Train 燃烧器阀组
Caged Ladder 带护罩梯子
Chain Operated 链轮操作
Chemical Feed 化学加药
Chemical Feed Shutoff & Check Valve 化学加药阀、止回阀
Chemical Feed System 化学加药系统
Combustion Air Flow Elements 燃烧空气流量计
Combustion Controls 燃烧控制
Concrete Floor Slabs 混凝土地面和层面
Conduit & Cable Trays 导管和电缆托架
Conduit/Cable Tray Support Steel 导管/电缆托支撑钢构架Constant Speed 恒速
Continuous and Intermittent 连排和定排
Control Hardware / PLC 控制硬件/ PLC
Control Logic 控制逻辑
Control Room Consoles 控制室控制台
Control Room/Panels 控制室/面板
Control Valves for Continuous Blowdown 连排调节阀
Control Wiring/Cables 控制线/电缆
Convection Pass Enclosure 尾部对流包墙
Conveying System 输送系统
Cooling Water 冷却水
Critical Piping 重要管线
Cyclone Downspout & Loop Seals 旋风下料管和回料密封
Cyclone Vortex Finder 旋风分离器中心筒
Damper Actuators 挡板执行器
Downcomers 下降管
Downspouts, Chutes 下料管, 斜管
Drain and Vent Valves 疏水和放气阀
Drains, Blowdown and Vents 排放、排污和放空
Drum Pressure Gage 汽包压力表
Duct Burners 风道燃烧器
Dynamic Balancing Tests 动平衡测试
Dynamic Balancing Tests 动平衡测试
Eco re-circulation valves and Superheat reflushing line 省煤器再循环阀和过热器反冲洗阀Economizer Acoustic Baffles 省煤器防振隔板
Economizer Coils 省煤器蛇型管组件
Economizer to Airheater Casing 省煤器到空气预热器护板
Electric Motor Drives 电动驱动器
Electric Motor Drives 电动机
Electric Motor Drives 电动机
Electric Motor Starters (Integral) 电动启动器(整体)
Electrical Motors 电动机
Electrostatic Precipitator电除尘器
Elevator Framing 电梯构架
Elevator-Personnel & Freight 客货两用电梯
Erosion Shields 防磨板
ERV (PRV) Valve 电动泄放阀
Expansion Joints 冷渣器热膨胀节
Expansion Joints (include feeder discharge expansion 密封空气和送风管、膨胀节(包括给Fan Inlet Ducts 风机入口风道
Fan/Motors 再循环风机/马达
Fans to Airheater 风机至空气预热器
Feed Gate & Check Valves 给水关断阀和逆止阀
Feed Point Isolation Gates 进料点隔离闸阀
Feedwater 给水
Feedwater Regulating Valves 给水调节阀
Feedwater Treatment 给水处理系统
Field Touch-up Painting 现场补刷漆
Field Transmitters/Switches 现场变送器/开关
Finish Painting 面漆
Fire Water System 消防水系统
Flame Scanners 火焰监测器
Flue and Duct Supports 烟风道支吊架
Flue and support 烟道及支撑
Fluidization Nozzles 流化喷嘴
Foundations 地基
Foundations and Concrete Work 混凝土地基工作
Fuel Conveyors to Silos 燃料输送器到储仓
Fuel Feeder Controls 燃料给料控制
Fuel Handling/Reclaiming/Conveying 燃料处理/堆取/运输
Fuel Receiving/Unloading 燃料接卸
Fuel Safety System 燃料安全系统
Fuel Sizing 燃料破碎
Furnace Transfer Pipes 炉膛床料输送管
Gas recirculation system 烟气再循环系统
Gravimetric Belt Feeders W/Cleanouts 称重式皮带给料机包括清扫装置Grounding Systems 接地系统
Grouting 灌浆层
Handrail/Toeplate 栏杆/档脚板
Hangers/Lugs 支吊架和吊耳
Headers 集箱
Heat Tracing 伴热管
Hopper Level Detectors 灰斗料位探测器
Hot Expansion Joints 热膨胀节
ID Fan to Breeching 引风机到烟囱通道
In Bed Lances 床上油枪
Induced Draft (ID) fan including 引风机
In-duct Burners 管道燃烧器
In-Duct Start-up Burners 风道启动器燃烧
Inlet Screen 进口筛网
Inlet Silencers 进口消音器
Inlet Vanes & Pneu. Actuator 进口导叶和气动执行器
Inlet Vanes & Pneu. Actuator 进口叶片和气动执行器
Instrument & Control Wires 仪表和控制线
Instrument Air 仪用风
Instrument Air System 仪表风系统
Instrument Wiring/Cables 仪表线/电缆
Instrumentation 仪表
Instrumentation 仪表
Insulation 保温make的用法
Interconnecting Platforms Between Boilers and to 锅炉和电梯之间连接平台Interconnecting Wiring 互连线
Knife Gate Shutoff Valves 刀型闸板切断阀
Lagging 锅炉本体保温外壳
Lighting/HVAC 照明/HVAC
Limestone Controls 石灰石控制
Local Panel 就地控制盘
Loopal Fluidization Air 回料密封流化风
Low Voltage Power Wiring 低电压动力线
Main and Branch Piping 主管道和支管
Main Steam 主蒸汽
Main Steam Gate Valve 主蒸汽闸阀
Maintenance Hoists 维修用单轨吊秘密用英语怎么说
Material Test/Analysis 石灰石粉化验/分析
Mechanical Atomization 机械雾化
Metal Thermocouples 金属温度热电偶
Misc. Seal Air Piping & Manual Dampers and Expansion 杂项、密封空气管& 手动挡板和膨Misc. Supports for Lighting, Cabinets, Panels, etc. 灯,柜,面板等各种支撑
Monorails / Beams 单轨吊轨道/横梁
Motor Control Center/Switchgear 电机控制中心/开关
Motor RTD's 电机热电阻
考研英语在线学习Motor RTD's 电机热电阻
Natural Circulation Design 自然循环方式
Nitrogen Blanket Isolation Valve 带盲板的充氮隔离阀
Nitrogen/Inerting Piping 氮气/惰性气管
O2 Analyzers O2分析仪
Outdoor Storage 露天堆场
Outlet Dampers 出口挡板
Outlet Dampers 出口挡板
Penthou Framing 炉顶大包钢构架
Pick-up From Hoppers 从灰斗收集
Piping - Valve Train to Burners 到燃烧器管线-阀组
Piping from blowers to furnace injection points 鼓风机到炉膛管道
Piping Hangers 管道吊架
Piping Support Steel 管道支架
Plant Communication/Paging System 现场通讯/调度系统
Plant/Service Air 厂用风
Platform/Stair Supports 平台/楼梯支架
Platforms 平台
Power Wiring/Cables 动力线/电缆
Precipitator Supports 电除尘器支架
Precipitator to ID Fan 除尘器到引风机
Prepared Fuel Silos 待用燃料仓
Prepared Limestone Storage Silo 待用石灰石仓
Pressure Parts 压力部件
Pressure Reducing Station 减压站
Pressure Taps 取压管
clearer>rial numberPrimary & Secondary Air Ducts Expansion Joints 一,二次风道膨胀节
Primary Air (PA) & Secondary Air (SA) 一次和二次风机
Prime Painting 底漆
Process Thermocouples 过程热电偶
Raw Limestone Handling/Conveying 原料石灰石的处理/输送Raw Limestone Receiving/Storage 原料石灰石的接收/贮存Raw Limestone Sizing/Drying 石灰石粉制备和烘干Refractory 耐磨耐火材料
日语翻译考试Remote Level Indicator 远程液位指示
Return Legs 回料腿
Ring Oiled Bearings/Water Cooled 油环或水冷却轴承
Ring Oiled Bearings/Water Cooled 油环或水冷却轴承
Rirs Pipes 上升管
rnace to Cyclone Inlet Expansion Joints 炉膛到旋风分离器入口膨胀节Rotary Control Feeders/Motors 旋转控制给料阀/电机Rotary Flow Control Valves/Motors 旋转流量控制阀/电机Safety Interlocks 安全联锁
Safety Valve Exhaust 安全阀排放
Safety Valve Silencers 安全阀消音器
Safety Valves 安全阀
Sample Piping to Coolers 取样管到冷却器
Seal Air 密封空气
deductSeparator Outlet Hood 分离器出口罩
Separator to Outlet Hood Expansion Joints 分离器出口罩膨胀节Service Air System 厂用风系统
Shaft Couplings w/Guard 联轴节和防护罩
Shaft Couplings w/Guard 联轴节和防护罩
Signals to / from DCS 信号去/来自DCS
Silo Bay 料仓间
Silo Discharge Gates 料仓下料闸阀
Silo Outlet Isolation Valve 石灰石仓出口隔离阀
Silo Unloading 灰仓卸料
Site Grading and Preparation 现场场地准备工作
Skid Mounted 阀件支架
Sole Plates 底板
Sole Plates 底板
Sootblower Controls 吹灰器控制
Sootblower Steam Shutoff Valve 吹灰蒸汽阀
SOx Analyzer SOx分析仪
Spray Attemperators 喷水减温器
Spraywater 减温水

本文发布于:2023-05-21 07:21:39,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:锅炉   空气   系统   石灰石   管道   电动
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