01. When “H2 control” is specified for a manual metal arc welding project, the electrode would normally be:
(a) Cellulo
(b) Iron oxide
(c) Acid
(d) Basic
02. You would with certainty recognize a hydrogen controlled flux covered electrode from its:
(a) Colour
(b) Length
(c) Trade Name
(d) AWS / BS639 Code Letter
megatron03. When manual metal arc welding is being carried out on an open construction site, which group of welders are the most likely to require continuous monitoring?
(a) Concrete shuttering welding teams
(b) Pipe welding team
(c) Plater welders
moreover是什么意思(d) Plant maintenance welders
04. You notice manual metal arc electrodes, stripped of flux, are being ud as filler wire for TIG welding. You would object becau:
(a) It is too expensive
(b) The wire would be too thick
(c) The weld metal composition may be wrong
(d) The wire is too short
05. When open site working, rious porosity in metal arc welds is brought to your attention. What would you investigate:
知行英语(a) Electrode type
(b) Power plant type
(c) Electrode storage
(d) Day temperature
06. The steel composition in a structural contract is changed form 0.15% carbon, 0.6% mangane to 0.2% carbon, 1.2% mangane. Might this influence the incidence of:
(a) Porosity
(b) Cracking in the weld area
(c) Undercut for fillet welds
(d) Lack of root fusion defects
07. One of the following alloys is non-magnetic. Which?
(a) 4% Chromium Molybdenum
(b) 12% Chromium
(c) Austenitic Stainless Steel
(d) 9% Nickle Steel
08. When TIG welding Austenitic Stainless Steel pipe, Argon gas baking is called for. This is to:
(a) Prevent oxidation
(b) n是什么意思Prevent under bead cracking
(c) Prevent porosity
(d) Control the penetration bead shape
09. Pre-heating a carbon steel manual metal arc welding is carried out to minimize the risk of:
(a) Scattered porosity
(b) Worm hole porosity
(c) Parent metal cracking
(d) particularlyLack of penetration
10. In UK practice, BS499 part 2 specifies that the drawing dimension quoted for a fillet w
eld is the:
(a) Leg length
(b) Actual throat thickness
(c) Weld length
11. For open site manual metal arc welding the following equipment is available. Which would you choo for safe working?
(a) Single operator transformer
(b) Multi operator transformer
(c) AC / DC composite power unit
(d) Diel engine driven motor generator
12. If Submerged arc welding is to be ud to make butt welds, which would you be most
critical of?
(a) The root gap tolerance
(b) The angle of preparation
(c) The root face width
(d) The gas cut finish
13. During CO2 welding, the arc length is most likely to be affected by:
(a) The wire diameter
(b) The current return connection
(c) The gas flow rate
(d) The torch to work angle
14. Preheating for arc welding applies to:
(a) Asmbly welding only
(b) Asmbly and tack welding
在职研究生考试真题(c) Joints over 25mm thick only
(d) Cruciform welds only
15. You e a welder using an oxy-acetylene flame with a long feathered inner cone. What would be the effect of this on a carbon steel?
(a) The weld could be hard and brittle
(b) The weld metal could be too soft
(c) There will be no effect on the weld
(d) The weld will have undercut
16. A welder qualification test is to verify:
(a) Skill of the welder
(b) The quality of the materials
(c) The non-destructive test procedures
(d) The manufacturing method
17. A fabricating procedure calls for fillet welds to be “blended in” by grinding. This is to influence:
(a) H A Z cracking
(b) Fatigue life
(c) Residual stress
(d) Yield strength
18. Bend test specimens have been taken from a 25mm thick carbon steel butt weld. Whi
ch would show lack of inter-run fusion:
(a) 四六级查询Side bend
(b) Root bendtribunal
(c) Face bend
(d) Guided bend
19. Lamellar tearing has occurred in a steel fabrication. Before welding could it have been found by:
(a) X-ray examination
(b) Dye penetrant
(c) Ultrasonic inspection
(d) It would not have been found by any inspection method
20. You are to overe the arc welding of some machined fittings and find they are cadmium plated. Would you:
(a) Permit it to proceed
(b) Permit it to proceed with fume extraction
(c) Stop the operation at once
(d) Advi the welder to drink milk and proceed
21. The unit of Joules would be ud to measure:
(a) Tensile strength
(b) Impact energy
(c) Hardness
(d) Electrical resistance
geography22. Submerged arc welding is a process that generally gives:
(a) Slag free welds
(b) Low penetration
(c) Low dilution
(d) High heat input
23. Which of the following does not require baking or drying:
(a) E 6010
(b) E 7018
(c) Sub are flux with Basicity Index of 2
(d) Sub are flux with Basicity Index of 3