Common Errors 资料库A damage当作动词或名词的用法I. 基本文法说明damage 损害、损失当动词的时候通常为被动语法人/事物be damaged 表示主词的某部位或某部分被损伤了。而当名词的时候特别注意damage 为不可数名词所以不用加-s 或者冠词。另外「造成损失、伤害」用do/cau damage。 2. 错误发生情况及修正A. 误用damage 来指人受伤例Alan was very lucky and was only slightly damaged in the car accident. X Alan was very lucky and was only slightly hurt in the car accident. O 艾伦很幸运只在这次车祸意外中受了点轻伤。damage 指的是事物的部份或人的部位受到损害损伤如果是要泛指人在意外中所受的伤害通常会使用
hurt/injured/wounded 这类的动词来表达。例The engine was riously damaged. 引擎损伤严重。例 A lot of people were killed and others were injured in the 921 earthquake. 很多人在这次九二一地震中伤亡。B. 误把damage 当作可数名词使用例The typhoon caud a lot of damages. X The typhoon caud a lot of damage. O 这
好一点的英语培训次的台风造成了很大的损害。记得damage 当名词用的时候为不可数名词既不能加–s 也不能加冠词。C. 为damage搭配错误的动词例The floods made a lot of damage. X The flood caud a lot of damage. O 这场洪水造成了很大的伤害。例Most of the damage has been produced by the rats. X Most of the damage has been done by the rats. O 大部分的损害都是老鼠造成的。「造成损失、伤害」的适当动词搭配为do/cau damage 而非make 或produce。D. 「对造成伤害」的特定介系词例The earthquake caamphibious
micromediaud rious damage of the surrounding buildings. X The earthquake caud rious damage to the surrounding buildings. O 这场地震对周遭的建筑物都造成了严重的损伤。例The damage that staying up late can do in our health is beyond imagination. X The damage that staying up late can do to our health is beyond imagination. O 熬夜对我们健康所造成的伤害是超乎想像的。记得「对造成伤害」用的是cau/do damage to sth。Common Errors 资料库 A dead 和died 不同的「死法」I. 基本文法说明dead 死的是形容词用来描述一种状态。而died则是die 死亡、去世的过去式/过去分词。2. 错误发生情况及修正A. 误把dead 死的用成「死亡去世」的意思例My mother is dead when I was still a baby. X My mother died when I was still a baby. O 我母亲在我还是小婴儿的时候就去世了。这边亲人去世死亡已经是个既成的事实而非状态所以应该用died 而非dead。以下是两个正确的范例
pcs例I can’t tell if this cat is dead or alive. 我无法分辨这只猫是死的还是活的。例Fay Johnson died from a heart attack. 费强森死於心脏病发。B. 「死人」的正确说法例The purpo of this gathering is to honor the dead people. X The purpo of this gathering is to honor the dead. O 这个聚会的目的是要纪念那些死去的人。当你要表达「死者」或「死去的人」记得不要用字面的the dead people 而是要说成the dead。degree 当「学位」的用法I. 错误发生情况及修正A. 「学士学位」、「硕士学位」的正确说法例I have a Master degree in English literature. X I have a master’s degree in English literature. O 我有英文文学硕士的学位。记得无论是学士还是硕士学位英文都要在bachelor master后面加上‘s正原版
确的形式为 a master’s degree 硕士学位/a bachel or’s degree 学士学位。 B. 「在某领域的学位」的特定介系词例Maggie is studying for a degree of computer science. X Maggie is studying for a degree in computer science. O 玛姬在攻读电脑科学的学位。a degree in 特定的领域科目a degree in law 或者a特定的领域科目degree a law degree 都是正确的说法。C. 「攻读」「取
留学机构中介得」学位的特定动词Common Errors 资料库 A 例May has come to France to obtain a Master’s degree in art. X May has come to France to do a master’s degree in art. O 梅去法国攻读艺术硕士的学位。do/take/get a degree去「攻读、取得」某种学位--注意不要随便使用其他动词。despite 和in spite of 的用法I. 基本文法说明despite 或是in spite of 虽然都有「尽管、虽然」的转折意思但因为它们的词性为介系词而非although 一般的连接词所以不能用来连接两个句子。2. 错误发生情况及修正 A. 把despite/in spite of 当成连接词来用例Despite I enjoyed my stay in the UK I was still glad to come home. X Although I enjoyed my stay in the UK I was still glad to come home. O 虽然在中文的翻译上despite / in spite of 和although 的意思接近但是因
快速阅读记忆为词性不同注意在连接句子的时候要用although。 B. 误把despite 也加上of 例Despite of the cold weather she still wears short sleeves. X Despite the cold weather she still wears short sleeves. O In spite of the cold weather she still wears short sleeves. O 尽管天气冷她还是穿短袖。记得despite 是不用加上of 的只有in spite of 这个介系词片语。 C. although 之后又加上另一个不必要的连接词but 例
Although Maria was tired but she still went on working. X Although Maria was tired she still went on working. O Maria was tired but she still went on working. O although 虽然和but 但是都是连接词而英文连接两个句子只需要一个连接词意义便会成立所以当在前面使用although 的时候后面的句子就不用加but。反之当后面使用but 的时候前面的句子自然也不用再出现although。Common Errors 资料库 A