乖戾一、弱读 Weak Forms(重点掌握:schwa音/ə/ )
1. a piece of cake
a, of : /ə/ --schwa音 (ud in many gramma words, like articles and prepositions)
eg: I like a cup of tea in the morning.
Could you give me a packet of biscuits?
Can you give it to me?
I had an apple for lunch today.
2. and (basic conjunction, frequently unstresd)
strong: /ænd/ weak: /ən/ or /n/
Fish and chips fish ‘n’ chips
eg: I’m going to go and get the shopping.
Apples and oranges are my favourite fruits.
I’ve been thinking and thinking, but I can’t decide.
We went for a coffee and something to eat.
3. was: /wɒz/; unstresd /wəz/
were: /wɜː/; unstresd /wə/
eg: I was there when it happened.
He was feeling much better last night.
We were having a good time until it rained.
We were delighted with the results.
4. have to (modal form 情态动词 “have圣诞节习俗”)
strong: / hæv tuː / ; weak: /hæf tə/
eg: They have to be there by ten.
We have to find another flat.
You have to tell me the gossip.
I always have to take the train.
●have ( auxiliary助动词 “have”)
辅音+ have:have 的发音省略/h/,元音变schwa音弱读为/əv/
I’d have stayed home. → I’d’ve stayed home.
eg: Your parcel should have been delivered yesterday.
I would have done it differently.
We might have made a mistake.
The police have arrived.
●在句中,辅音结尾+“h” 开头的代词, “h”不发音 (代词: he, him, his, her)
eg:He looks like he’s had an accident.
I really like his cooking.
We think he’s left the country.
They let him leave early.
They offered her a promotion.
5. can (modal auxiliary 情态助动词)
strong: /kæn/ weak: /kən/ (also written as /kn/)
eg: Can you help me bring in the shopping, plea?
I can swim further than I can run.
You can succeed if you work hard.
How far can you throw a tennis ball?
6. been
strong: /biːn/ weak: /bɪn/
eg: I’ve been in London since 2015.
I have been working here for veral years.
How long have you been waiting?
It’s been years since I went to the cinema.
7. from
strong /frɒm/(句末) weak /frəm/ (句中弱读)
eg: I borrowed it from my brother.
I read the book from cover to cover.
The nearest post office is not far from here.
Come over any time from ven o'clock.
二、语音同化 Assimilation
1. /t/ + /p/ → almost(mouth shape)/p/ + /p/
white piece of paper
eg: There are lots of great parks in London.
I love split pea soup.
I hate potatoes/
My ma萌菌物语下载te picked us up from the airport.
2. /t/ +/k/ (元音+/t/)+/k/开头的词时,/t/发音为/k/(mouth shape)
credit card
eg: Don’t let it get cold!
You have to do it quickly.
There’s no short cut learning a language.
I didn’t like that cake.
3. /t/ + /j/ → /tʃ/
meet you /mi:t/ /ju:/ → /miːtʃu:/
eg: That shirt won’t suit you.
Don’t you want to come to the party?
I bet your boss doesn’t know.
Can I get you anything?
4. /d/ +/j/ → /dʒ/
would you /wʊd/ /ju:/ → /wʊdʒu:/ 甚至有时/u:/会弱读schwa音:/wʊdʒə/
eg: I’m sad you decided to quit.
Could you get here by midnight?
Should you e him, can you give him a message?
I don’t think the gold you brought was real.
5. -d- to -ɡ- 当/d/+/ɡ/或/k/, /d/发音为/ɡ/ (mouth shape)
bad girl /bæd/ /ɡɜːl/ →/bæ ɡɜːl/
eg: He’s a really good cook.
Last night we had guests for dinner.
Can you print out a hard copy?
I点点英语’d love to walk down the red carpet one day.
6. /d/ + /b/ (元音+/d/)+/b/开头的词时,/d/发音为/b/(mouth shape)
speed boat
eg: My son is a really good boy.
I’m sorry if I was rude before.
My car had to be towed back to the garage.
You should buy him a prent.
7. /s/ +/j/或/ʃ/时,/s/发音为/ʃ/(mouth shape)
Bless you /bles/ /ju:/ → /bleʃu:/
this术语英文韩语我喜欢你怎么说 shirt /ðɪs/ /ʃɜːt/ →/ðɪ ʃɜːt/
eg: Can you just shut the door, plea? /t/在辅音间不发音,/s/ +/ʃ/→/ʃ/
This yachat is beautiful.
Don’t worry, that’s usual.
He always makes you feel good.
8. 以/n/结尾的词+以/b/ /p/ /m/ /w/开头的词时,/n/音会变为/m/的口型,因为嘴巴在为下一个音做准备
Green Park /ɡriːn/ /pɑːk/ →/ɡriːm 英语竞赛试题pɑːk/
eg: I own ten pairs of socks.
He didn英语沙龙杂志’t do it on purpo.
I would love to live in Paris.
Can you come on Wednesday?
三、 省略音 Elision
1. Elision of -t-
I can’t do it. /t/音处于两个辅音之间时,通常不发音
eg: I can’t stand the rain.
It must be time to leave.
Am I the first person here?
I don’t want it.
2. Elision of -d-
boiled potatoes /d/处于两个辅音之间,通常不发音