
更新时间:2023-05-20 17:15:40 阅读: 评论:0

a- not, without, lack of, abnce ab- away from
abdomin/o abdomen -ac pertaining to
acous, acus sound, hearing acro- extremity, end
ad- toward, near aden/o gland
adip/o fat adren/o adrenal gland, epinephrine adrenal/o adrenal gland adrenocortic/o adrenal cortex
aer/o air, gas -algesia pain
-al pertaining to alg/o, algi/o, algesi/o pain
-algia pain ambly- dim
amnio amnion amyl/o starch
an- not, without, lack of andr/o male
分析英语angi/o vesl an/o anus
ante- before anti- against ,
aort/o aorta -ar pertaining to
arter/o, arteri/o artery arteriol/o arteriole
ocrallarthr/o joint -ary pertaining to
-a enzyme atel/o incomplete
atri/o atrium audi/o hearing
auto- lf azot/o nitrogen compounds
bacill/i, bacill/o bacillus bacteri/o bacterium
bar/o pressure bi- two, twice
bili bile blast/o, -blast immature cell, productive cell, embryonic cell blephar/o eyelid brachi/o arm
brady- slow bucc/o cheek
bronch/i, bronch/o bronchus bronchiol bronchiole
burs/o bursa calc/i calcium
cali, calic calyx cardi/o heart
-capnia carbon dioxide (level of) carcin/o cancer, carcinoma
cec/o cecum -cele hernia, localized dilation
celi/o abdomen centesis puncture, tap
cephal/o head cerebell/o cerebellum
cerebr/o cerebrum cervic/o neck, cervix ,
chem/o chemical cholangi/o bile duct
chol/e, chol/o bile, gall cholecyst/o gallbladder
choledoch/o common bile duct chondr/o cartilage
chori/o, choroid/o choroid chrom/o, chromat/o color, stain
chron/o time circum- around
clasis, -clasia breaking clitor/o, clitorid/o clitoris
coccy, coccyg/o coccyx cochle/o cochlea (of inner ear)
col/o, colon/o colon colp/o vagina
contra- against, opposite corne/o cornea
cortic/o outer portion, cerebral cortex cost/o rib
counter opposite, against crani/o skull, cranium
cry/o cold crypt/o hidden
cus sound, hearing cyan/o- blue
cycl/o ciliary body, ciliary muscle (of eye) cyst/o, cyst/i filled sac or pouch, cyst, bladder, urinary bladder ,
-cyte, cyt/o cell dacry/o tear, lacrimal apparatus dacryocyst/o lacrimal sac dactyl/o finger, toe
de- down, without, removal, loss dent/o, dent/i tooth, teeth
derm/o, dermat/o skin -desis binding, fusion
dextr/o- right di- two, twice
dia- through dilation, dilatation expansion, widening
dipl/o- double dis- abnce, removal, paration
duoden/o duodenum dys- abnormal, painful, difficult
ec- out, outside ectasia, ectasis dilation, dilatation
ecto- out, outside -ectomy excision, surgical removal
edema accumulation of fluid, swelling electr/o electricity
embryo/o embryo emesis vomiting
-emia condition of blood encephal/o brain
end/o- in, within endocrin/o endocrine
enter/o intestine epi- on, over
epididym/o epididymis episi/o vulva
equi- equal, same erg/o work 暴力英语
erythr/o- red, red blood cell , erythrocyt/o red blood cell
esophag/o esophagus -esthesia, -esthesi/o nsation ,
eu- true, good, easy, normal ex/o away from, outside
extra- outside fasci/o fascia
ferr/i, ferr/o iron fet/o fetus
fibr/o fiber -form like, rembling
galact/o milk gangli/o, ganglion/o ganglion
gastr/o stomach gen, genesis origin, formation
ger/e, ger/o old age -geusia n of taste
gingiv/o gum gli/o neuroglia
glomerul/o glomerulus gloss/o tongue
gluc/o gluco glyc/o sugar, gluco
gnath/o jaw -gram record of data
-graph instrument for recording data -graphy act of recording data 挑动
gravida pregnant woman gyn/o, gynec/o woman
hem/o, hemat/o blood hemi- half, one side
-hemia condition of blood hepat/o liver
hetero- other, different, unequal hidr/o sweat, perspiration
hist/o, histi/o tissue homo-, homeo- same, unchanging
hydr/o water, fluid hyper- over, excess, incread, abnormally high hypn/o sleep hypo- under, below, decread, abnormally low hypophys pituitary, hypophysis hyster/o uterus
-ia condition of -ian specialist
-ia/sis condition of -iatrics medical specialty
iatr/o physician -iatry medical specialty
-ic pertaining to -ical pertaining to
-ics medical specialty idr/o sweat, perspiration
-ile pertaining to ile/o ileum
ili/o ilium im- not
immun/o immunity, immune system in- not
infra- below in/o fiber, muscle fiber insul/o pancreatic islets inter- between
intra- in, within ir-, irit/o, irid/o iris
中国高校外语慕课平台-ism condition of iso- equal, same

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