泌尿外科医学名词(Medical Word in Urology)
中文名 英文名
泌尿外科学 urology
孤立肾 Solitary kidney
重复肾 Renal duplication, duplex kidney
游走肾 Movable kidney
肾静脉栓塞 Thrombosis of renal vein
肾动脉狭窄 Stenosis of renal artery
单纯肾囊肿 Simple cyst of kidney
先天性肾囊性疾病 Congenital renal cystic dia
肾盂旁囊肿 Parapelvic cyst
肾损伤 Injury of kidney
肾裂伤 Laceration of kidney
肾蒂断裂 Rupture of renal pedicle
肾积水 science muum Hydronephrosis
肾脓肿 Renal abscess
临床肾结核 Clinical renal tuberculosis
腔内泌尿外科学 Endourology
知客肾畸形 Deformity of kidney
马蹄形肾 Horshoe kidney
肾下垂 Nephroptosis
肾外型肾盂 Extrarenal pelvis
肾旋转异常 Renal malrotation
肾动静脉瘘 Renal arteriovenous fistula
肾动脉栓塞 Thrombosis of renal artery
肾囊肿 Cyst of kidney
多囊肾 Polycystic kidney
肾挫伤 Contusion of kidney
肾破裂 Rupture of kidney
肾穿透伤 Penetrating injury of kidney
肾梗塞 Renal infarction
巨大肾积水 Giant hydronephrosis
肾积脓 pyonephrosis
病理性肾结核 Pathological renal tuberculosis
肾结核对侧肾积水 Renal tuberculosis with Controlateral hydronephrosis
海绵肾 Medullary sponge kidney
肾肿瘤 Tumor of kidney
肾皮质腺瘤 Renal cortical adenoma
肾盂乳头状瘤 Papilloma of renal pelvis
肾实质癌 Carcinoma of renal parenchyma
肾透明细胞癌 Clear cell carcinoma of kidney
肾腺癌 Adenocarcinoma of kidney
肾鳞状细胞癌 Squamous cell carcinoma of renal pelvis
肾切开术 Nephrotomy
肾盂切开术 血浓于水英文 Pyelotomy
肾切除术 Nephrectomy
经皮肾造瘘术 Percutanous nephrostomy
肾造瘘术 Nephrostomy
根治性肾切除术 Radical nephrectomy
肾盂输尿管松解术 Pelvioureterolysis
腹膜后淋巴结切除术 Retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy
肾动脉栓塞术 Embolization of renal artery
肾鹿角状结石 Staghorn stone of kidney
肾萎缩 Renal atrophy
输尿管扩张 Dilatation of ureter
巨输尿管 Megaloureter
输尿管畸形 Deformity of ureter
重复肾盂 Duplication of pelvis英语考试总结
输尿管开口异位 Ectopia of ureteral orifice
腔静脉后输尿管 Retrocaval ureter
输尿管脱垂 Ureterocele
正常位输尿管膨出 Orthotopic ureterocele
肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤 Hamartoma of kidney,Angiomyolipoma
肾良性肿瘤 Binign renal tumorhiccup
肾脂肪瘤 Lipoma of kidney
肾纤维瘤 Renal fibroma
肾腺瘤 Adenoma of kidney
肾盂移行细胞癌 transitional cell carcinoma of renal pelvis
肾盂肿瘤 ryan dunn tumor of renal pelvis
肾癌 renal carcinoma
肾细胞癌 renal cell carcinoma
小语种哪个好学肾颗粒细胞癌 granular cell carcinoma of kidney
肾母细胞瘤 wilms tumor,nephroblastoma
肾肉瘤 sarcoma of kidney
肾盂癌 carcinoma of renal pelvis
肾盂乳头状癌 papillary carcinoma of renal pelvis
肾切开取石术 nephrolithotomy
肾盂切开取石术 pyelolithotomy
肾-肾盂造瘘术 nephropyelostomy
肾部分切除术 partial nephrectomy
肾盂造瘘术 pyelostomy
肾自截 autonephrectomy
包膜下肾切除术 subcapsular nephrectomy
肾输尿管切除术 nephro-ureterectomy
肾固定术 nephropexy
剖腰探查术 exploratory lumbotomy
重复输尿管 duplication of ureter
输尿管积水 hydroureter
输尿管损伤 injury of ureter
输尿管瘘 ureteral fistula
输尿管结核 tubculosis of ureter
输尿管乳头状瘤 papilloma of ureter
输尿管移行细胞癌 transitional cell carcinoma of ureter
输尿管切开术 ureterotomy
输尿管松解术 ureterolysis
输尿管造瘘术 ureterostomy
输尿管-肠-皮肤尿流改道术 uretero-enterocutaneous diversion
离断性肾盂输尿管成形术 dismembered ureteropelvioplasty
输尿管肾盂吻合术 ureteroneopyelostomy
输尿管切除术 ureterectomy
输尿管输尿管吻合术 ureteroureterostomy
阑尾输尿管成形术 appendix ureteroplasty
输尿管移植术 mothertongue transplantation of ureter
输尿管梗阻 ureteral obstruction
肾盂输尿管交界处狭窄 stricture of uretero-pelvic junction
输尿管痛 ureteral colic
膀胱憩室 diverticulum of bladder
膀胱挫伤 contusion of bladder