ampoule 筒
backing 缓冲衬板
bale 捆,包
buffer unparallel缓冲材料
bulk cargo 散装
carton 纸板盒
cellophane 玻璃纸
coated paper 涂层纸
coil 卷
compresd gas 压缩气体
cord 绳索
corrosives match是什么意思腐蚀品
corrugated box biomed瓦通纸盒
cutting straps first and remove top 先开顶部
do not crush (drop) 切勿压挤(坠落) 经典爱情小说
do not stack on top 勿放顶上
do not stow in damp place 勿放湿处
cretarydo not turn upside down 切勿倾倒
foil 箔纸assistant是什么意思
fragile 易碎
gross 萝
guard against damp 防潮
hazardous goods 危险品
heat al 热封口新航道学校
in bulk 散装
in bundle 捆装
inflammable 易燃品
interior packaging 内部包装
keep away from feed or food 切勿接近饲料和食品
keep cool 保持冷藏
keep flat 必须平放
keep in dry place 干处保管
keep in dark place 怕光
keep on deck 甲板装运
keep upright 勿倒置
kraft paper 牛皮纸
lot 堆
never stow below 不可装在下面
no dumping (shoot) 切勿投掷
not to be laid flat 切勿平放
not t be stowed under heavy cargo 怕压
fancy freeoxidizer;oxidizing agent 氧化剂
pallet 卡板
palletizer 堆卡板机
paperboard 纸板
partition 隔板
perishable 易腐品东莞培训
point of strength 着力点
poison 毒品
pouch 小袋
prepackaging 预包装
prervative 防腐剂
protect against cold (heat) 怕冷(热)
radioactive substance 放射性物品
ream 捻
remove leaking packages 移开破漏包件
al 封口
sling here 此处吊起
staple U型钉
stencil 印上油墨refu的名词
stow away from boiler 勿近锅炉
stow in cool place 防于冷处
stow on end 竖放
vial 玻璃小瓶