Function | Description |
Image Display and Exploration | |
ice | Interactive Color Editor. |
rgbcube 金山词霸在线查词 | Displays an RGB cube on the MATLAB desktop. |
Image file I/O | 战略的构成要素有哪些|
movie2tifs | Creates a multiframe TIFF file from a MATLAB movie. |
q2tifs (DIPUM) | Creates a multi-frame TIFF file from a MATLAB quence. |
tifs2movie | Create a MATLAB movie from a multiframe TIFF file. |
tifs2q | Create a MATLAB quence from a multi-frame TIFF file. |
Geometric Transformations | |
imtransform2 | 2-D image transformation with fixed output location. |
pixeldup | Duplicates pixels of an image in both directions. |
pointgrid | Points arranged on a grid. |
reprotate | Rotate image repeatedly. |
vistform | Visualization transformation effect on t of points. |
Image Registration | |
visreg | Visualize registered images. |
Pixel Values and Statistics | |
localmean | Computes an array of local means. |
statmoments | Computes statistical central moments of image histogram. |
Image Analysis | |
bayesgauss | Bayes classifier for Gaussian patterns. |
bound2eight | Convert 4-connected boundary to 8-connected boundary. |
bound2four | Convert 8-connected boundary to 4-connected boundary. |
bound2im | Converts a boundary to an image. |
bsubsamp | Subsample a boundary. |
bwboundaries | Trace region boundaries in binary image. |
colorgrad | Computes the vector gradient of an RGB image. |
colorg | 曙色Performs gmentation of a color image. |
connectpoly | Connects vertices of a polygon. |
cornerprocess | Process the output of function cornermetric. |
diameter | Measure diameter and related properties of image regions. |
fchcode | Computes the Freeman chain code of a boundary. |
frdescp | Computes Fourier descriptors. |
ifrdescp | Computes inver Fourier descriptors. |
im2minperpoly | Minimum perimeter polygon. |
imstack2vectorspopular的用法 | Extracts vectors from an image stack. |
invmoments | Compute invariant moments of image. |
localthresh | Local thresholding. |
mahalanobis | Computes the Mahalanobis distance. |
movingthresh | Image gmentation using a moving average threshold. |
otsuthresh 英语在线翻译有道 | Otsu's optimum threshold given a histogram. |
polyangles | Computes internal polygon angles. |
principalcomps | Principal-component vectors and related quantities. |
randvertex | Adds random noi to the vertices of a polygon. |
regiongrow | tosPerform gmentation by region growing. |
signature | Computes the signature of a boundary. |
specxture | Computes spectral texture of an image. |
splitmerge | Segment an image using a split-and-merge algorithm. |
statxture | Computes statistical measures of texture in an image. |
strsimilarity | Computes a similarity measure between two strings. |
x2majoraxis | Aligns coordinate x with the major axis of a region. |
Image Compression | |
compare | Computes and displays the error between two matrices. |
cv2tifs | Decodes a TIFS2CV compresd image quence. |
huff2mat | Decodes a Huffman encoded matrix. |
huffman | Builds a variable-length Huffman code for a symbol source. |
im2jpeg | Compress an image using a JPEG approximation. |
im2jpeg2k | Compress an image using a JPEG 2000 approximation. |
imratio | Computes the ratio of the bytes in two images/variables. |
jpeg2im | Decodes an IM2JPEG compresd image. |
jpeg2k2im | Decodes an IM2JPEG2K compresd image. |
lpc2mat | Decompress a 1-D lossless predictive encoded matrix. |
mat2huff | Huffman encodes a matrix. |
mat2lpc | Compress a matrix using 1-D lossles predictive coding. |
ntrop | Computes a first-order estimate of the entropy of a matrix. |
quantize | Quantizes the elements of a UINT8 matrix. |
showmo | Displays the motion vectors of a compresd image quence. |
tifs2cv | Compress a multi-frame TIFF image quence. |
unravel | Decodes a variable-length bit stream. |
Image Enhancement | |
adpmedian | Perform adaptive median filtering. |
gscale | Scales the intensity of the input image. |
intrans | Performs intensity (gray-level) transformations. |
Image Noi | |
imnoi2 | Generates an array of random numbers with a specified PDF. |
imnoi3 | Generates periodic noi. |
Linear Filtering | |
dftfilt | Performs frequency domain filtering. |
spfilt | Performs linear and nonlinear spatial filtering. |
Linear 2-D Filter Design | |
bandfilter | Computes frequency domain band filters. |
cnotch | 排除英语Generates circularly symmetric notch filters. |
hpfilter | Computes frequency domain highpass filters |
lpfilter | Computes frequency domain lowpass filters. |
recnotch | Generates rectangular notch (axes) filters. |
Fuzzy Logic | |
aggfcn | Aggregation function for a fuzzy system. |
approxfcn | Approximation function. |
bellmf | Bell-shaped membership function. |
defuzzify | Output of fuzzy system. |
fuzzyfilt | Fuzzy edge detector. |
彩虹像什么 fuzzysysfcn | Fuzzy system function. |
implfcns | Implication functions for a fuzzy system. |
lambdafcns | Lambda functions for a t of fuzzy rules. |
makefuzzyedgesys | Script to make MAT-file ud by FUZZYFILT. |
onemf | Constant membership function (one). |
sigmamf | Sigma membership function. |
smf | S-shaped membership function. |
trapezmf | Trapezoidal membership function. |
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