DOC NO. : QP-4.3-5terrorists
REV : 02
History Originator Effective Date Rev Revision
8-Nov2003 00 Initial Relea
8-Mar-2010 01 Updated the responsibilities of each department in ction 6.
Updated flow charts in Appendix A and B.
30-Aug-2010 02 - Updated Objective in ction 1.
- Added 3.3 and 3.4 in Definition.
- Added QP-4.4-2 “New Product Introduction” in ction
- Added OPI-002 “PN Assignment, Item and BOM
Creation and Maintenance Procedure” in ction 4.8.
- Added “Responsibility Matrix for Product
Discontinuation” in ction 5.3 – Appendix A
- Added “Equipment Disposal Request eForm” in ction
- Updated the responsibilities of each department in
ction 6.
- Updated the flow charts in ction 7 – Appendix B and
To establish the procedure for planning and managing discontinuance of manufacturing and/or support of products; to prevent interruption to customers’ operations, as well as reducing risks associated with
obsolescent materials and/or exposure of materials and products.
This procedure applies to end of life of products that are manufactured by XXX Communication Devices (DG) Ltd.
3.1 PMC: Production Material Control department
3.2 QS: Quality Systems department
什么是led3.3 QA: Quality Assurance department
3.4 Migration product: Product that replaces the one offered for discontinuation
4.1 QM-001 Quality
4.2 QP-4.3-1 Contract语言翻译器
4.3 QP-4.4-1 Design
4.4 QP-4.16-1 Quality Records Control Procedure
4.5 QP-4.3-2 Order
4.6 QP-4.
5.2 Engineering
4.7 QP-4.4-2 New
4.8 OPI-002 Part Number Assignment, Item and BOM Creation, Maintenance Procedure
- Responsibility
Matrix for Product Discontinuation
5.1 Appendix
- Product
Discontinuation Process (OEM/ODM Products)
5.2 Appendix
5.3 Appendix C - Product Discontinuation Process (CM Products)
This form is ud in the procedure and it is available in XXX Intranet Portal.
drillerLocation: dgap/eForms/default.aspx
5.4 Equipment Disposal Request eForm
6.1 Product Marketing Personnel
Product Marketing personnel is responsible to:
6.1.1 Determine the product/s to be discontinue and to prepare bulletin to inform relevant Sales
Personnel. Additionally, to inform the various departmental heads listed below:
- Sales
- R&D
- Finance
- QS
- Engineering
6.1.2 Identify the migration product/s to be offered to existing customers.
6.1.3 Together with the Purchasing and PMC Personnel, determine the last order date and the
last shipment date bad on existing and new order requirements before the migration
product is pha-in and the availability of materials. Additionally, determine the
disposition of tooling/s ud for producing the affected product/s’ parts.
6.2 Sales
Sales Personnel is responsible to:
6.2.1 Notify customer when informed of product discontinuation. Determine customers’ order
requirements before phasing in the migration product. Where appropriate, make request to
customers for order confirmation and/or to forecast order quantities.
6.2.2 Liai with customer for disposition of consigned materials and customized materials
exposure, if applicable.
6.2.3 Work with Engineering and QA to identify the list of consigned equipment. Liai with
customer for disposition of consigned equipment/tool/fixture, if applicable.
6.2.4 Liai with customer that has exclusive tooling/s affected by the discontinuation. Together
with the customer, determine the disposition of the tooling/s.
6.2.5 Determine the type and level of rvice support to customers when the product is
discontinued. Ensure resources for rvice is provided.
6.3 Customer
When notified by customer to discontinue manufacturing product/s, Customer Account Personnel
is responsible to:
6.3.1 Determine the customer’s order requirements and last shipment date. Make request for
order confirmation.
6.3.2 Notify the following departments’ heads:
- Finance
- QS
- Engineering
6.3.3 Liai with customer for disposition of consigned materials and customized materials
exposure, if applicable. Work with Engineering and QA to identify the list of consigned
equipment. Liai with customer for disposition of consigned equipment/tool/fixture, if
6.3.4 Liai with customer that has exclusive tooling/s affected by the discontinuation. Together
with the customer, determine the disposition of tooling/s. Resolve other commercial issue
with customer, if available.
6.3.5 Determine the type and level of rvice support to customers when the product is
discontinued. Ensure resources for rvice is provided, if required.
6.4 PMC Personnel (MC functions)
When notified about product discontinuation, PMC Personnel is responsible to:
6.4.1 Determine the amount of material exposure affected by the discontinuation.
6.4.2 Work cloly with the Purchasing team to manage the supply of materials needed to
support production till discontinuation of the product/s.
6.4.3 Work with the relevant departments (RMA, Sales and Engineering) to determine the types
of material needed to support rvice of product/s after product discontinuation, if
6.4.4 Work with Sales or Customer Account and Purchasing departments to determine the
disposition method for customized/unique components (e.g.: PCB, main chipt, plastics
parts and packaging items) and customer consigned materials if there are exposures. When
determine to scrap, liai with Store to put up the Scrap Authorization Form for approval
and materials disposition.
6.4.5 Similar to 6.4.4, consolidate affected sub-asmblies and/or finished goods inventories in
Store and HK warehou. When disposition method is determined as scrap, put up Scrap
Authorization Form for approval and materials disposition.
6.4.6 Together with Product Marketing/Customer Account, determine the disposition of
tooling/s ud for producing the affected product/s’ parts. Notify Purchasing to liai with
supplier the disposition of tooling/s.
When notified by QS Department to perform EOL data maintenance in Oracle, PMC Personnel is responsible to:
6.4.7 Determine if there is any residual inventory of components, sub-asmblies and finished
goods that were not dispod earlier (e 6.4.4 and 6.4.5).
6.4.8 Liai with Production Personnel to consolidate and return residual materials to Store, if
6.4.9 Work with Sales Personnel to dispo the residual inventory. When determine to scrap
them, liai with Store Personnel to put up Scrap Form for approval and inventory
6.4.10 Verify if there is any RMA stock affected by the product/s discontinuation. If there is
residual inventory of RMA stock (not belonging to customer), consolidate the quantities
from Store and HK Warehou and inform Store Personnel to put up Scrap Form for
approval and disposition.
6.4.11 Liai with the responsible ctions within Materials department to clo out Oracle
transactions related to Purcha Order, Discrete Job and Sales Order.
6.5 Purchasing
6.5.1 Purchasing Team is responsible to review existing PO and quantity-on-hand for affected
materials and to control purcha in order not to over-buy customized/unique components,
that could result in obsolescence.
6.5.2 Liai with appropriate component buyers to ll materials exposure, if necessary. When
the appropriate buyer/s have been determined, consolidate a list of affected part numbers
syntax error
and submit it to the following approvals:
• HOD Materials (check and verify)
• VP, Plant Operations (approval)
• HOD, Finance (approval)
• President/CEO (approval)
6.6 Quality Systems Personnel
Quality Systems Personnel is responsible to:
6.6.1 Ensure Product Marketing / Customer Account Personnel provides the finished goods
stock codes and last ship date of the discontinue product/s when notified by Product
Marketing or Customer Account.
6.6.2 Log the discontinue product/s into the “EOL products tracking list”.
6.6.3 2 years after the last shipment date of discontinued product/s compile the list of sub-
asmblies and finished goods part numbers and notify the affected departments (e 6.1
or 6.3) to perform EOL data maintenance in Oracle.
(Note: For the ca whereby a CM customer notify to discontinue manufacturing of all the
products, compile the complete list of materials, sub-asmblies and finished goods part
6.6.4 Carry out monthly monitoring to track activities associated with the transactions in Oracle
(e 6.4.9 and 6.7.1) in order to maintain an accurate item master databa. Items affected
by the product/s discontinuation will have their part number inactivated (item status is