原文翻译如下:国旗下讲话 教师节
I have been the chairperson for the revision of Annex1o f the EU and PIC/S GMPS for the manufacture of sterile me dicinal products for a couple of years now.As such I eng aged with stakeholders and other regulators to understand th eir wishes and concerns.One particular topic that has come up as a discussion point at a number of the more recent conferences that gives me great concern,and this is arou nd how to sterili direct and indirect product contact ite ms in an isolator.I therefore felt it was time to go in to print regarding the agency’s view.
我负责主持修订EU和PIC/S GMP附录1《无菌药品生产》多年。因此,我与利益相关方和其他机构商洽以理解他们的期望和关注点。在最近的一些会议上讨论了一个特别的话题,这个话题引起了我的极大关注,这涉及到如何对隔离器中直接和间接接触产品的物品进行消毒。因此,我觉得是时候将官方的观点公诸于众了。
A number of manufacturers are looking at isolator technology
in new or existing facilities,which is great to hear,b ut the fly in the ointment,is that the consideration of
how to sterili direct and indirect contact parts does not always form part of the design process.But before I go further I will clarify what I mean by indirect and direc t product contact parts:
Indirect product contact parts,as the name implies,are eq uipment parts that come into contact with items and compone nts,such as stoppers.So,although the equipment itlf do es not contact the product the items that are“procesd”
by the equipment do.
间接接触产品的部件,顾名思义,为接触物品和组件(如胶塞)的设备部件。因此,尽管设备本身并不接触产品,但该设备加工了产品部件。中孝介 童话
Direct contact parts are tho that the product pass thro ugh,such as filling needles or pumps.
water clot直接接触产品的部件为产品经过,如分装针头或泵。
The issue that is arising is that a number of manufacturer s are not including robust systems of sterilisation,such a s autoclaves,dry heat or offsite irradiation in their faci lity designs.This leaves a situation where the Agency is being asked,why Vapour Hydrogen Peroxide(VHP)cannot be u d for“sterilisation”of the direct and indirect produ ct contact parts.After all,pharmacopeias refer to VHP as
a sterilising agent.However,our concern is that although
under ideal conditions,VHP can achieve a reduction of bi ological Indicator spores of up to6logs,the process its elf is incredibly fragile.
infinitIf we cast our minds back a number of years,when VHP wa
s being ud to decontaminate the internal surfaces of isol ators(not the indirect or direct contact parts)there were
交大昂立教育a number of issues en with biological indicators failing
the process due to clumping of spores at a microscopic l evel.This led to a number of papers being written(such
as“Biological indicators don’t lie,but in sporicidal gas sing disinfection cycles do they sometimes confu the truth ”,European Journal of Parenteral&Pharmaceutical Sciences 2009;14(1):5-10©2009Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Sci ences Society)that justified biological indicator failure at one or two locations bad on statistical analysis.The p apers also recommended that a number of indicators(usually
3)be placed at each location to demonstrate a3log re duction(which is not a sterilisation process).This,along with other evidence,such as VHP failure due to very min or occlusion,even to the degree that fatty acids from a fingerprint may“protect”contaminating organisms from the VHP demonstrate the true fragility of the process as a ste rilant.冬季连衣裙
如果我们回想几年,当VHP被用于净化隔离器内表面(而不是间接或直接接触部件)时,出现了许多生物学指标因孢子结块而失败的问题在微观层面。这导致了许多论文的撰写(例如“生物指标不说谎,但在杀菌消毒循环中它们有时会混淆事实真相?”,European Journal of Parenteral&Pharmaceutical Sciences2009;14(1):
5-10©2009Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Sciences Society),根据统计分析,在一个或两个地点证明生物指标失效。文件还建议在每个地点放置若干指标(通常为3个)以显示3个对数减少量。这与其他证据一样,例如由于非常小的阻塞导致的VHP失败,甚至到来自指纹的脂肪酸可以“保护”微生物免受VHP,证明了该过程作为灭菌剂的真正脆弱性。
If we then consider the design of some of the indirect an d direct product contact parts,we find that a number of them are either difficult to achieve VHP penetration,or,d amage and wear and tear can leave surfaces that lead to d ifficulty to clean and therefore potential occlusion.
VHP,when well controlled and validated,is a uful method for the decontamination of the surrounding workspace, e.g.
an isolator environment.However,given the above concerns, our current stance is that VHP cannot be ud to sterili critical items.Even if some of the concerns can be re moved by well thought out process,this still leaves the sterilisation at risk of the vagaries of manual process d uring t up.For instance,how many of us e‘human er ror’as a high percentage of root cau errors during dev iation investigations?Therefore,it would be a high risk o ption and potentially leave the patient at risk from such
a fragile process.
So,what are we expecting?
watfordOur expectation is that the contact parts(direct and indir ect)are sterilid using a robust sterilisation method that meets the current requirements of annex 1.This means tha t:
the sterilising agent reaches all of the critical surfaces
in a consistent and repeatable manner,typically requiring p rocess such as moist or dry heat sterilisation.
the item is unloaded from the sterilisation process either wrapped in integral covering or container,or is transferred under grade A conditions,such as a transfer isolator int o the manufacturing isolator.
majorsWe also expect that the parts are not expod to the isol ator environment until the isolator has been clod and aft er completion of the work zone decontamination VHP cycle.