The Evolution of Japane Marketing in global

更新时间:2023-05-19 03:38:13 阅读: 评论:0

The Evolution of Japane Marketing
in the Age of Globalization
Version 2010
H. Hayashi
Professor of Global Marketing
Graduate School of Business
Doshisha University
Kyoto, Japan
Bad on the paper prented
at INFORMS’ Marketing Science Conference in 1998 at INSEAD, France ©本書の一部または全部について、著者に無断で複写・複製することを禁じます。
零基础学英语音标The purpo of this paper is to share with you the recent achievements of our analys on how Japane marketing techniques have evolved over the past 50 years, and reaching the current level of globalization through the continued efforts of Japane and non-Japane corporations in various industries.
Japane marketing techniques have developed and evolved, since the end of WWII, through the transfer of the then advanced marketing techniques in each respective age primarily from the USA. We are going to prent, firstly, a transfer model between Japan and the USA (and European countries to some extent) so that the evolution of Japane marketing techniques will be categorically and chronologically analyzed. Secondly, transfer hypothes will be put forward followed by a ries of ca examples supporting the hypothes.
The transfer model is constructed with five different conceptual frameworks as below.
①AI Transfer and SAL Transfer翻译的意思
This explains three development steps of marketing techniques for each
channel of transfer. AI Transfer at the receiver’s initiative includes ①
“Adoption and Imitation”, ②“Adaptation and Innovation”, and③
“Adeption and Invention (Creation)”. SAL Transfer at the originator’s
initiative covers, ①“Standardization”,
②“Local Adaptation”, and ③“Localization”.
②Micro Transfer and Macro Transfer
Transfer has been made in two layers. Micro Transfer entails specific
marketing decision-making areas in the company, while Macro Transfer
includes general marketing knowledge, experience and education.
③Internal Globalization and External Globalization
Globalization is like two sides of a coin. One side without the other can
never exist. Internal Globalization is related to how the Japane market
is comparative with others at the global level of evolution and openness
to anyone from all over the world. External Globalization explains how
Japane marketing is globally disminated by Japane companies,
and non-Japane companies that AI-transferred Japane marketing
④The Four(4) P’s of the Marketing Transfer Mix
The four P’s include Product, Process, Program and People.
⑤ Marketing Infrastructure
The level of similarities and the acceptance of various facets of culture
such as socio-spiritual culture (SSC), economic-materialistic culture
(EMC), marketing culture (MC), and brand marketing culture (BMC,
the development of brand marketing) will affect the speed and the ea
of the marketing transfer between different countries. The four tiers of
culture compri Marketing Infrastructure.
The transfer model should help explain comprehensively why the current globalization level of Japane marketing techniques shows us five distinctive features as briefly explained below.
(Foods), KAO (Toiletries), SHISEIDO (Cosmetics), etc. as companies of marketing excellence, each reprenting a success of the Japane business.
They have reached the highest level of internal globalization through the development and evolution process of AI Transfer of marketing techniques.
They also pioneered and played roles in the development of marketing
techniques in their respective industries.
2. Multinationals of non-durables categories such as COCA-COLA, P&G,
UNILEVER, NESTLÈ, etc. have achieved marketing success in Japan
through SAL Transfer of their marketing techniques while helping and
encouraging their respective Japane competitors to further speed up the AI development process. This is also defined as Internal Globalization by
3. The extent and the depth of External Globalization by the Japane
asian cupcorporations demonstrate quite clearly obrvable differences from industry to industry. The corporations manufacturing consumer durables such as
pasnger cars and home electronics devices, offering functional and
performance (FP) benefits, are both internally and externally globalized
through both AI Transfer and SAL Transfer far and wide in every corner of the globe as well as Japan. Being “made-in-Japan” or “originated-in-Japan”
automatically means “first and best” with tho products. On the other hand, quite a few consumer non-durables categories including procesd foods, cosmetics, toiletries, houhold products, etc., while having extensively and successfully globalized in the developing countries of NIES and ASEAN, have achieved only a limited level of success in developed countries such as the USA and EU.
4. An increasing number of corporations originating in the USA and Europe
have recently AI-transferred Japane marketing techniques. This is another avenue of External Globalization of Japane marketing by non-Japane corporations. A ca in point is that the BIG THREE of the US have
successfully AI-transferred the compact car concept from Japane
corporations together with the introduction of the lean production systems in the US and Europe. Another ca is that P&G and COCA-COLA
AI-transferred some product categories (paper products, Japane tea drinks, etc.) from their respective local competitors in the Japane marketplace.
They are now SAL-transferring the successful products elwhere from Japan.
5. Japan’s economic relationship with East Asian countries in particular (in
terms of transaction value of products and rvices) has come to have a
greater weight than that with the USA or Europe. Of particular significance in tho countries is the increasing prence of marketing activities by
Japane corporations through SAL Transfer. Tho local corporations in ROK, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, etc. also vigorously and preemptively AI-transferred Japane marketing techniques into their respective countries and established their own marketing leadership over their local competitors.
coderThe above two channels are also defined as External Globalization of
Japane marketing techniques.
Our transfer model attempts to clarify reasons underlining the five features, integrate them and shed light on a total picture of the development and evolution process of Japane marketing techniques.
1. AI Transfer of Marketing Techniques
The Japane side (the receiver’s side) took the initiative to transfer
marketing techniques from the USA (corporations, schools, and people). The transfer compris the three steps : Adoption & Imitation, Adaptation &
Innovation, Adeption & Invention (Creation).
The concept of AI Transfer has its origin in what we learned in the history of Japan, especially in her “historically repetitive” practices of having imported civilization and culture from outside and eventually Japanized them into one of the most sophisticated in the world at any moment in her entire history.
Japan has historically accumulated excellent skills of AI Transfer of
civilization and culture in the four major phas as below.
* Until the 15th century from China and Korea
* Until the 19th century from Korea, Portugal and Holland
* Until the end of WWII from the UK, France, Germany and the USA
* After 1945 from the USA and Europe
AI Transfer is, therefore, a historical pattern of Japan’s culture borrowing from the then most advanced nations. Cateora pointed out in his book (1993) as follows. “Culture borrowing is common to all cultures. Culture borrowing is a responsible effort to borrow tho cultural ways en as helpful in the quest for better solutions to a society’s particular problem. If what it does adopt is adapted to local needs, once the adaptation becomes commonplace, it is pasd on as culture heritage.” Japan is a typical example of excellent culture borrower. The marketing techniques of Japan have been developed and culminated into cultural asts over the period of 50 years since 1945. 2. SAL Transfer of Marketing Techniques
The American (European) side (the originator’s side) took the initiative,
bringing into Japan its marketing techniques to achieve business objectives.
Multinationals implemented their marketing activities in the three steps :
Standardization, Local Adaptation and Localization. Localization was de facto AI Transfer.
The naming of SAL Transfer was taken from the external globalization of marketing operations by multinationals, which is international marketing.
SAL Transfer of multinationals from the USA and Europe disminated
marketing techniques in Japan by training and educating Japane people,
and by prenting roles for new business developments thus inviting new Japane competitors to their respective categories. SAL Transfer, therefore, offered another avenue of culture transfer, contributing to the development of Japane marketing techniques.
3. Transfer Model (1)
This part of the transfer model is illustrative of the internal globalization side of marketing development.
Internal Globalization <Exhibit 1-1>
From the USA (Europe) to Japan
Japane Initiative
<AI Transfer>
1. Step of Adoption and Imitation
2. Step of Adaptation and Innovation
3. Step of Adeption and Invention (Creation)
American Initiative
<SAL Transfer>
1. Step of Standardization澳洲大学
2. Step of Local Adaptation
3. Step of Localization
《AI Transfer》
AI Transfer will be further explained with the two reprentative examples as below.
* Home Electric / Electronics Devices (HED’s)
* Pasnger Vehicles (PV’s)
(1) Adoption and Imitation
The above two industries were adopted and imitated in the 1950’s and 1960’s.
The marketing concept of mass production and mass sales with mass advertising support was also taken from the USA’s respective industries.
MATSUSHITA was the leader and SONY the nicher in the area of HED’s.
While in the PV’s industry, TOYOTA was the leader and HONDA the
(2) Adaptation and Innovation
“Downsizing”, “Higher Quality and Performance”, “More Economy” are the three major features of adaptation and innovation the Japane achieved. This was applicable to not only HED’s and PV’s, but watches, cameras, mi

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