H had better had it not been for had rather/had sooner had rather … than hale and hearty hand back hand down hand down to hand in hand in glove/hand andglove hand in hand hand on hand out hand over hand to hand hands down hang about/around/round hang back/off/behind hang behind hang by a hair/a thread hang fire hang heavy/on sb . s hands hang in hang in the balance hang off hang on hang on to hang out hang over hang to hang together hang up happen on/upon happen to hard and fast hard as nails hard by hard feeling hard on hard/tough nut to crack hardly/scarcely any hardly/scarcely ever hardly … when have a ball have a bearing on/upon have a fit/have fits/throwa fit have a good mind to have a good time have a hand/part in have a hard time of it have a heart have/take a look at have a regard for have a stake in have a time have a way with have an advantage over have an ear/an eye/a nofor have/take charge of have done have done with have down have ones eyes for have had it have in have in hand have it both ways have it in for have it out with have no business have nothing to do with have on have on hand have ones hands full have ones heart t on have ones own way have ones will have ( time ) off have out have to do with have to onelf have too high an opinionof have two strings to onesbow have up have weight with have words head for rng是什么意思 head off until head on head out head start head to head head up heads up hear about hear from hear of hear out heart and soul heart in ones mouth/boots 哪个培训机构好 heart of gold heart of stone heart stand still heart to heart shortlist heat up help on help out help over help up hem and haw here and now here and there high and dry high and low high and mighty high time hint at hire on hire out hit between the eyes hit it off hit off hit on/upon hit out hit the mark hit the nail on the head hold against hold back hold by hold down hold forth hold in hold … in place hold off hold on hold ones breath hold ones ground hold ones own hold ones peace hold/keep ones temper hold ones tongue hold on to/onto hold out hold over hold to hold water hold with hope for hot air hunt down hunt for hunt up hurry on with hurry up hush up I idle about/around idle away ignorant of ill at ea immer in impo on/upon improve on in a body in a circle in a fair way of/to in a family way in a flash in a fog in a glow in a hurry in a manner in a moment/minute in a cond in a n in a way in a/one word in accord with in accordance with in addition to in advance in advance of in all in all likelihood in all respects in an attempt to | in answer/respon to in an instant in and out in anticipation in anticipation of in any ca/event in black and white in brief in ca in charge ( of ) in check in chief in cold blood in common in common with in comparison with in compliance with in conclusion in condition in confidence in conformity with in conjunction with in connection with in conquence of 枯槐 in consideration of in contrast to / with in ( the ) cour of in ( me ) cour of time in debt ( to ) in ( great ) demand in detail in due time in earnest in effect in error 考研政治答题模板 in esnce in evidence in exchange ( for ) in existence in ( the ) face of in fact in favour of in force in front of in full in full swing in fun / for fun in general in good order in good time russian rape in half ih hand in high spirits in honour of in keeping with in large quantities in ( the ) light of in line with in memory of in name in need in to ca in no mood in no n in no time in no way in no wi in number in obedience to in ones own way in opposition to in order in order that / to ic other words in parallel with in part in particular in person in place in ( the ) place of in plenty in point of fact in posssion of in practice in prai of in principle in private in ( the ) process of in proportion to in proximity to in public how is going in pursuit of in question in reality in reason in / with reference to in reply to in rerve in respon to in return ( for ) in ruins in sb . s favour in sb . s line in sb . s power in sb . s shoes in sb . s view in sb . s way in arch of in ason in short in sight in sight of in silence in so far as in spirit in spirits in spite of in spite of onelf in stock in store in substance in succession in style in terms of in that in the abnce of in the air in the dark in the distance in the end in the field of in the first place in the habit of in the hands of in the interest of in the least in the long run in the main in the matter of in the meantime in the middle in the name of in the open ( air ) in the posssion of in the prence of in the same boat in the same breath in the swim in the twinkling of an eye in the wake of in the way in the way of in the wind in the world / on earth in the wrong in theory in time in time of in touch with in trouble in truth in turn in two in vain in view 说英文 in view of in virtue of in want of in a/one word in so many words in word independent of indifferent to indispensable to inferior to inform … of inquire about inquire after inquire for inquire into inquire of ins and outs inside out insist on/upon instead of intend for 少儿英语课堂游戏 intent on interested in interfere with |