Instructions of each code of VIN (Vehicle Identification Number):
1.1~3 (WMI):Manufacturer、brand and type
1st:Code of the manufacturing Country
1 America J Japan S England
2 Canada K Korea T Switzerland
3 Mexico L China V France
4 America R Taiwan W Germany
6 Australia Y Sweden
9 Brazil Z Italia
2nd:Code of the Manufacturer
1-Chevrolet B-BMW M-Hyundai
2-Pontiac B-Dodge M-Mitsubishi
3-Oldsmobile C-Chrysler M-Mercury
4-Buick D-Mercedes N-Infiniti
5-Pontiac Estarfire-Eagle N-Nissan
6-Cadillac F-Ford P-Plymouth
7-GM Canada G-General M S-Subaru
8-Saturn G Suzuki T-Lexus
cashback8-新笑傲江湖琴箫合奏Isuzu Hgossip girl 第二季-Acura T-Toyota
A-Alfa Romeo H-Honda V-Volkswagen
A-Audi J-Jeep V-Volvo
A-Jaguar L-Daewoo Y-Mazda
L-Lincoln Z Ford
appeal toG=All the brand belonging to GM:Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, Pontiac, Saturn
bbc中国春节3rd:Code of the vehicle type:
(Different Manufacturers hold different opinions)
Some u the first 3 codes to reprent some specific brands.
TRU/WAU Audi 1YV/JM1 Mazda
4US/WBA/WBS BMW WDB Mercedes Benz
2HM/KMH Hyundai VF3 Peugeot
SAJ Jaguar WP0 Porsche
SAL Land Rover YK1/YS3 Saab
YV1 Volvo
2.4~8(VDS)大桥外语:Features of the vehicle
For example, engine type, rials ,Curb weight,26个英文字母 braking system and so on.
3.9th:Checking digit. Calculated according to <<World Vehicle Identification Code Fact Book>>( P21~23)。
4.10th:Vehicle Year
B 1981 K 1989 V 1997 5 2005
C 1982 L 1990 W 1998 6 2006
D 1983 M 1991 X 1999 7 2007
E 1984 N 1992 Y 2000 8 2008
F 1985 P 1993 1 2001 9 2009
G 1986 R 1994 2 2002
H 1987 S 1995 3 2003
J 1988 T 1996 4 2004
5.11th: Asmbly plant
6.12~17:Sequence Number(SN)