序号rial number/order number
代号 code
beetles名称 part name
数量 quantity
单件one-piece 总计total 重量 weight 备注remark
structs1、凸面法兰盖convex flange cover
2、主管道包箍the main pipe hooping 配平弹垫螺母matching flat washer、spring washer and nut
3、支撑件一the support member 角钢 angle steel
4、主管道 the main pipe
5、提升支管抱箍ascending branch pipe hoop标志验证
7、气源三联件pneumatic triplet(filtering, depressurizing and oil mist)
8、储气罐支撑 air tank support
9、储气罐 air tank 外购件purchad parts
gadget10、储气罐抱箍 air tank hoop 圆钢round steel
11、提升支管ascending branch pipe
12、三通 tee
13、直通外螺 straight external thread
14、气缸组件 the cylinder asmbly 组件asmbly
15、气缸支座 the cylinder bearing
17、阀板 valve plate
mountain18、脉冲阀 pul valve 直角式脉冲阀 right-angle pul valve
19、脉冲阀出气管pul valve outlet pipe
20、夹布胶管 fabric rubber ho
21、卡箍 clamp
22、喷吹弯管blowing pipe
23、压力表pressure gauge
24、安全阀safety valve
25、排污球阀 discharge ball valve
28、活接头 union
29、螺纹短接 thread short joint
30、减压阀 pressure reducing valve
solb31、空气过滤器 air filter
32、球阀 ball valvesho
33、进气管 Inlet pipe
1、垫板 backing plate
2、支柱 pillar H型钢H-beam
3、筋板 reinforcing plate
4、底板 ba-plate
1、灰斗框架 hopper frame
2、侧板一 side plate a
3、保温壳体Insulation shell
4、侧板二 side plate b
5、加热器座 heater ba
6、电加热器 electric heater
7、加热器法兰flange of the heater
8、振打电机底座 vibrating motor ba
9、振打电机vibrating motor
10、检修门 access door
11、卸灰口法兰 discharge outlet flange
12、管撑一 pipe support a
13、管撑二 pipe support b
14、轴向型双金属片温度计 axial bimetallic thermometer
15、防积灰板 preventing dust plate
16、补板 patch plate
17、热电偶安装座thermocouple installation at 圆周均布Circular uniform
18、检修门孔现场切割The access door hole cutting on site
技术要求 technical requirements
1、The upper part of the hopper is produced by fragmentation,On-site installation;the lower
insulation part should be asmbly welding well at home and then delivery;the upper and lower parts are scene welded and ensure the system tightness。
2、The transver reinforcing rib continuously welded with channel
steel scrap。
3、The interference of hoppers and beams need to cut at the hopper,and then continuous
welding to ensure the system tightness。
1、侧板一组件side plate asmbly a
2、进出口法兰Import and Export flange
3、风道壁报air duct siding
4、侧板二组件 side plate asmbly b
5、侧板三组件 side plate asmbly c
6、风道管撑pipe support of the air duct
7、分室板Compartment plate
8、风道隔板partition for air duct
9、防爆门Explosion proof door
10、上侧板upper side plate
11、下侧板lower side plate
12、补板patch plate
13、钢板steel plate
14、箱体管撑casing pipe supports
15、连续焊,保证气密性continuous welding,ensure tightness
16、旋转视图rotating view
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